![]() | 1928
FacultyMiss Georgie Mitchusson - - - - - EnglishMiss Clara Friedley - - - - - History Mr. I. Maurice McFadden - - - - - History Miss Marguerite Stockberger - - - - - History Mr. J. Emil Held - - - - - History Miss Ines Painter - - - - - Latin Miss Gladys Roberts - - - - - Latin Miss Ilene Malott - - - - - Latin Miss Rose Mary Dodt - - - - - Commerce Miss Aileen McGinnis - - - - - Cooking Mr. Walter Stuckey - - - - - Manual Training Mr. Joseph Cezar - - - - - Stone Work Miss Geraldine Stockberger - - - - - Commerce Miss Ellen Teare - - - - - Sewing Miss Helen Gunn - - - - - English Miss Helen Woolery - - - - - English Miss Imogene Chase - - - - - English Mr. Paul Pflasterer - - - - - English Miss Belva Newsom - - - - - English Miss Mable Brooks - - - - - Mathematics |
Mr. A. W. Turmail - - - - - Mathematics Miss Marjorie Priest - - - - - Mathematics Miss Lois Marshall - - - - - Art Mr. Charles Ivey - - - - - Physical Education Miss Frances Durrenberger - - - - - Botany Mr. George Banta - - - - - Chemistry, Physics Miss Helen Carlton - - - - - Physical Education Miss Gladys Kellams - - - - -Music Miss Chlotiel Bixler - - - - - Music Miss Lora Held - - - - - Science "The Pioneer"
Seniors | |
Akles, Leon
Alberts, Ellen Allen, Ruby Ambler, Benjamin Anderson, Arthur Apple, Alfred C. Askew, James Bailey, John Banks, Paul Becker, William C Bell, Alma Bevers, Alvin Bianco, Tina Del Bivins, Lorene Blackwell, Freeda G. Bodenhamer, Ruby Book, Ruby Elizabeth Boruff, Frances Branaman, Rholand Brown, Margie Bullock, James Buretta, Bruno Butterfield, Anna Bye, Helen Louise Byers, Bracel Capshaw, Beulah Carter, Curtis R Clark, Charles Clark, Cletus Clark, William Clarke, Cora A Cogswell, Cleon R Collins, Clyde Conklin, L. Stone Cooper, Geraldine Coyle, Delilah Craig, Glen E. Craig, Orgel M Criswell, Marjorie Criswell, Wayne Denham, Alice M Dodd, Catherine Dodd, Gwladys Lucille Duncan, Marian Duncan, Nancy Ann Eastridge, Ralph Edler, Helen Fender, Wayne Fish, Dick Fitzgibbons, Blanche Fletcher, Fred L. Ford, Dorothy Furman, Bryan Gardner, Rose Gennett, Grace Giles, Ralph Mason Godsey, Edwin Grafton, Oran Graham, Helen F Greene, Mary Jo Griggs, Harley Guthrie, Lucille Hall, Robert E. Hartman, Charles Hawkins, Gordon Hawkins, Mary Heitger, Helen M Hirscher, Evelyn Holt, Russell Lowell Hoopingarner, Virginia Hoover, Howard N Hornback, Eva Jackson, Helen Jacobs, Jessie Frances Jeffs, Louise Johnson, Clifford H Johnson, Pauline J Kimbrell, Mary |
Klein, Arthur
Koontz, Emma H Kruchten, Helen E. Kruchten, Isabelle Kursner, Emily R Lenz, Charles Lessig, Mary Lewis, Fleny Lively, Helen Lively, Joy Lovell, Albert Mahan, Glen Mann, Frances R Martin, Athan Mattingly, Alice Ben McAfee, Virginia McCormick, Billy McCracken, Alice McCracken, Stanley McFadden, James McHolland, John McMann, Agnes McPike, Olin McWilliams, Paul Meadows, Eithel Meadows, Hazel Earvin Meizler, Theodore Menaugh, Louise Mitchell, Georgia Mitchell, Irene Mitchell, Sylvester Moon, Ralph E. Myers, Earl Nordberg, Bernard O'Brien, Mae Owens, Dale Owens, Daniel Pace, Irene Frances Pattison, Ethel Pauch, Charles Pentzer, Theodore Pettit, Charlotte Pitman, Ruth Pless, Mary Edith Plummer, John Potter, Nadine Rainbolt, Carl Raum, Geneva Richardson, William Roach, Chester Rodler, Julia Rutherford, Jeanette Scherschel, Catherine Schooley, Fred Scott, Kenneth Sears, Kent Sears, Robert Sims, Ople Skinner, Genevieve C Smith, Alah Smith, Francis Smith, Kenneth Smith, Robert Stephens, Lucille Tatom, Dorothy Tatom, James Thralls, Edith Tincher, Lorena Todd, Gertrude Todd, Warren Tofaute, Mary Kathryn Tovey, Carl R Turner, Morrell Williams, Maye N Wilson, James Wilson, Raymond Wright, Evelyn Lucille |
Senior Class History 1928
Four long, and yet four short years ago, the majority of us, the Class of '28, entered the portals of B. H. S. as Freshmen. Perhaps, we were best recognized then, by our unlimited ability to ask questions.
Even so, our orators launched forth in their oratorical careers; John Plummer as Public Discussion representative and both he and Geneva Raum as subs in Varsity Debating.
All too soon, the year ended, and we in turn called the new entrants Freshies. That year preparations to fathom the depths of Latin contests, Athletics, Dramatics and Oratory began.
Carl Tovey came to the assistance of John and Geneva in Debating, while John distinguished himself as both South Central and Public Discussion representative.
Carl Rainbolt began his work on the "mat", and Irene Mitchell probed deeper into the "dead language" and made a name for herself in the contests.
But alas, that year, too, passed.
Vacation time whirled by and we entered that year of Work, Work, Work. We were Juniors! I and all that the name implies. Most important was that day, that never-to-be-forgotten day when we organized and selected Miss Florence Emery to guide us in our good times. A few days later Cleon Cogswell was elected to the office of President; Dick Fish, Vice President; Ruth Pitman, Secretary and John McGannon, who has foresaken us, Treasurer. Our class flowers were sweet peas and our colors, orchid and silver.
The main events of the year were our Junior Party at Tarry Park, where the girls showed the boys how to play baseball and the Junior-Senior Banquet at the Greystone.
That year we boasted Carl Rainbolt in Wrestling, Bryan Furman as the Public Discussion representative, Kathryn Tofaute and John Plummer South Central Contestants, Geneva Raum on the Girl's Debate team and Artie Klein apd Robert Sears on the Basketball team.
Wayne Criswell specialized in Track, and to the Varsity Debate team were added James McFadden and Cleon Cogswell.
Another year rolled by and last September we entered Bedford High School as illustrious, intelligent, dignified and all-important Seniors.
Class organization occurred during the early part of the school year, at which time we chose Miss Georgia Mitchusson for Sponsor. Our class leaders are John Plummer, President; Howard Hoover, Vice President; Ruth Pitman, Secretary and Dick Fish, Treasurer.
The next thing to occupy our minds was jewelry; then pictures. The first attempt in the field of money-making was a stand at the Lawrence County Fair, where all kinds of "eats" were sold.
Other than that, the Seniors took care of a stand at the Industrial League games and one at the Sectional Tournament.
The participation in the various activities this year is worthy of the highest kind of praise.
Our Wrestling team boasts Carl Rainbolt, Olin McPike and William Clark. Helen Kruchten and Geneva Raum partially compose the Girls' Debate team, while Carl Tovey, James Mc Fadden, John Plummer, Bryan Furman and Geneva Raum are on the Varsity team. Frances Mann is Editor of this book; Ruth Pitman, Editor of the "Student"; and Kathryn Tofaute, Editor of the Handbook published this year.
In dramatics the Class of '28 has predominated. We are especially proud of Helen Graham, James Bullock, Kathryn Tofaute, John Plummer, Nancy Duncan, Billy McCormick and James Mcfadden. James Bullock is an adorable lover and Jimmie Mcfadden and John Plummer will in all probability be careful of widows.
James McFadden and Helen Graham were County and District representatives in the Lincoln Oratorical Contest, and Kathryn Tofaute went to the State in the "Way to Peace" Contest. John Plummer served again as Discussion contestant for B.H.S.
Last but not least are our athletes. In this field praise must be extended to Theodore Pentzer, Robert Sears and Arthur Klein. Wayne Criswell is Captain of this year's Track team.
Now, diplomas in hand we are ready to start on that long, long journey of Life. Some of us will in all probability go to college while others of us will take up directly our chosen life work.
With all sorts of pleasant memories we look back over our high school days, but more important to us now is that which the mysterious Future holds in store for us.
Senior Statistics
Most Modest - Catherine Schershel
Most Popular - Richard Fish
Best Sport - Arthur Klein
Flapper - Erma Koontz
Worst Heart Breaker - Bryan Furman
Biggest Wind Jammer - Alice McCracken
Wittiest - Harley Grig
Most Stubborn - Mary Lessig
Most Indifferent - Cleon Cogswell
Friendliest - Howard Hoover
Prettiest Girl - Geraldine Cooper
Handsomest Boy - James Bullock
Best Student - Ruth Pitman
Giggler - Alma Bell
Man Hater - Helen Heitger
Busiest - Kenneth Smith
Most Brunette - Helen Jackson
Most Blonde - Kent Sears
Paderewski - Jeanette Rutherford
Long Haired - Ruby Allen, Grace Gennett, Pauline Johnson, Lucille Stephens
Curly Haired - Curtis Carter, Edith Pless
History Sharks - Kathryn Tofaute, Clifford Johnson, Agnes McCann
Peppiest - Eva Hornback
Most Sentimental - Nancy Duncan
The Midgets - Mary Jo Greene, Cora Clark, Harley Griggs
The Artists - Bernard Norberg, Marjorie Criswell
The Tallest - Ted Pentzer
Most Dignified - Morell Turner
Happiest - Ethel Pattison
Best Cooks - Anna Butterfield, Catherine Dodd
Woman Hater - Lowell Holt
Latin Sharks - Irene Mitchell, Carl Tovey
The Nicest - Frances Mann
Music Master - Daniel Owens
The Bossiest - Virginia Hoopingarner
The Orator - John Plummer
Most Likable - Nadine Potter
Cartoonist - Leon Akles
Most Versatile - Joy Lively