![]() | 1926
FacultyMiss Georgie Mitchusson - - - - - EnglishMiss Clara Friedley - - - - - History Mr. McFadden - - - - - History Miss Stockberger - - - - - History Mr. Held - - - - - History Miss Green - - - - - English Miss Newsom - - - - - English Miss Chase - - - - - English Miss Gunn - - - - - English Mr. Pflasterer - - - - - English Miss Emery - - - - - English Mr. Turmail - - - - - Mathematics Miss Owens - - - - - Mathematics Miss Frances Durrenberger - - - - - Botany Mr. Banta - - - - - Science Miss Alford - - - - - Latin Miss Painter - - - - - Latin Miss Roberts - - - - - Latin Miss Brooks - - - - - French, Mathematics Miss Dodt - - - - - Commercial Miss McCullough - - - - - Commercial Miss Tear - - - - - Sewing Miss McGinnis - - - - - Cooking Miss Gainey - - - - - Art Miss Martin - - - - - Music |
Miss Carlton - - - - - Physical Training Mr. Ivey - - - - - Physical Training Mr. Stuckey - - - - - Manual Training Mr. Cezar - - - - - Industrial Stone Course Mr. Logan - - - - Agriculture Mr. Record - - - - - Agriculture Miss Shafer - - - - - Nurse Miss Child - - - - - Secretary Mr. Laughlin - - - - - Vice President, Treas. of School Board Mr. Martin - - - - - President of School Board Mr. Pentzer - - - - - Secretary of School Board "The Pioneer"
Seniors | |
Adams, Clement
Allen, Charlotte Anderson, Margaret Fay Armstrong, Joyce Bahr, Harold Baker, George Baker, Pansey L. Beddoe, John T. Book, Gertrude Boruff, William Bowden, Oscar Bowers, Kenneth Brennon, Josephine Brinegar, Ethel Irene Bromn, Helen Frances Brown, James H. Burke, Katherine Margaret Butterfield, W. Dale Campbell, Mary Frances Cannedy, Raymond Capshaw, Vestal Cassidy, Ona Cezar, Fannie E. Child, Lottie Cook, Betty Anne Corbin, Anah Coyle, Paul Solon Craig, Ayna Craig, Esther Cuddy, Lois Catherine Cummings, Alfred Cummings, Mary Cuthill, Janet Denham, Bessie Ruth Divine, Ruth Donaldson, Euphemia Donovan, Clarence Downey, Esther Edler, Frank Ellison, William Edward Emery, Mabel Endris, Leonard Erwin, Christina Fagan, John H. Fagan, Lucille Fender, Leonard E. Fish, Helen Gorman, Ruth E. Greene, Thelma Guthrie, Charles E. Gyger, Muriel Elaine Hall, Venoa Mae Hamilton, John Hanner, Loren Hartman, Jacob Hartman, Lelia Malinda Heironimus, Clarence Heitger, Louis Hill, Dorothy E. Hole, Winston L. Hoopingarner, Dorothy Hudson, Marie Huff, Louis |
Huff, Mary E.
Jones, Elmer T. Judah, Evelyn Keck, Garnet Kern, Denzil Kimbrel, Gladys Klein, Lillian Knight, Kathryn Koetter, Muriel Lake, Goldie Marie Lappin, Lois Helen Lavendar, Enos Lee, Doris Linaker, Alyce Long, Alice Louch, Helen Frances Maddox, Robert McNutt, Jane McVey, Hazel Menaugh, Virginia Meno, Rose Mitchell, Albert K. Mitchell, Mable Mitchell, Margaret Mitchell, Verna Moore, Edward L. Moore, Francis Moore, George A. Owen, Frances J Pace, Catherine Glen Pace, Edward E. Pace, Ralph Parham, Mildred Ruth Patton, Harry Porter, Paul Potts, Ralph Quackenbush, Carl Lorn Quinn, Kathryn Rainey, Mary Reath, James Reath, John Schaefer, Edythe Scherschel, Paul W. Schultz, Caroline Sears, Ilene Sharer, Mildred Sieg, Mildred Smith, Lois Marie Smith, Richard K. Smith, Robert Hall Starr, Harold Wayne Steele, Ruel Stieglitz, Margaret Tabor, Paul Tyndall, Paul Wallheiser, Thomas E. Walls, Vince Walner, Marshall Walters, Dorothy Woody, Gerald Wray, Helen Younger, Mary Catherine |
History of Class of '26
The value of many things increases with the passing of time and the class of 1926 has reached the age deserving an account of its sojourn in Bedford High School.
Four years ago B. H. S. took unto itself a herd of mere striplings with the fabled amount of verdantness. The first year passed calmly with no noted outbursts of talent.
Not for long can genius be suppressed and in the second year Koetter, Donovan, Patton, and Heironimous came to the front in athletics. The same year Clarence Donovan, Janet Cuthill, and Billy Boruff began to strut dramatic talent. Billy and Janet continued to strut, but Onie turned towards basketball and editorships. Betty Cook and Joyce Armstrong excelled in debating.
Our Junior year brought more developments among our talented ones. Mary Cummings was discovered to have dramatic talents as well as those musical. John Hamilton also showed his ability in these lines. Not only behind the footlights, but on the athletic field and in its executives did the class of '26 show its ability. As Juniors we chose Muriel Koetter, president of our class; Clarence Donovan, vice-president; Helen Louch, secretary, and Paul Scherschel, Treasurer. Miss Chase made a most capable sponsor. Through her untiring efforts the Juniors very ably carried out their duty of entertaining the Seniors.
The Senior year. This will be the largest class to be graduated from Bedford High School. In basketball, with three years of varsity experience, Donovan, Koetter, and Coyle, all in their Senior year won state recognition. Heironimous was chosen track captain and Steele and Donovan were dependable relay men.
Our debaters and actors continued to perform, adding Louie Huff to their number. Winston Hole, Ayna Craig, and Ethel Brinegar showed brilliant intellects, Winston winning three district and one state Latin contest, while Ayna won two districts with Ethel as her second.
The officers chosen by the Senior class were Loren Hanner, president; Louie Heitger, vice-president; Virginia Menaugh, secretary, and Paul Scherschel, treasurer. Miss Mitchusson was chosen sponsor and has proven very capable. Under her guidance, the Seniors have carried through a very successful year.