![]() | 1923
FacultyMiss Georgie Mitchusson - - - - - EnglishMiss Clara Friedley - - - - - History Miss Roth - - - - - French Miss Allen - - - - - Mathematics Mr. Morse - - - - - Science Miss Alford - - - - - Latin Miss Frances Durrenberger - - - - - English, Botany Miss Ethel Ellis - - - - - Art Mr. Harrison - - - - - History, Mathematics Miss Green - - - - - English Miss Dodt - - - - - Commercial Mr. Stevasson - - - - - Mathematics Mr. Brinklow - - - - - Music Miss Alexander - - - - - Latin Miss Kruse - - - - - Sewing Miss Ilene Mitchell - - - - - Physical Training Mr. Stuckey - - - - - Manual Training Miss Bruce - - - - - Cooking Miss Emery - - - - - English Miss Chase - - - - - English Mr. Toole - - - - - Public Speaking Miss Painter - - - - - Latin, English Mr. McKinley - - - - - Stone Work Miss Slipher - - - - - English, Art |
"The Pioneer"
Seniors | |
Bartlett, Kemma
Bartlett, Lottie Bass, Ruth Batman, Florence Bell, Earl Bell, Estell Benzel, Charles Blackwell, Esta Blessing, Alberta Bozarth, Winnie Bright, Lois Brooking, John Buckner, Kathryn Butler, Catherine Campbell, John Carlton, Esther Clampitt, Dale Clark, Avanelle Collins, Arthur Deifendorf, Anna Mary Dowling, Rosella Dunlap, Bernice Dunlap, William Dussard, Helen Edwards, Mildred Ellison, Lucille Fish, Ruth Foster, Elsie Greene, Emery Hackleman, Marion Hanner, Dolores Harbison, Robert Hinshaw, John Howard, Albion Jackson, Hollace Jacobs, Bertha Jamison, Ruth Johnson, Erwin Johnson, Helen Johnson, Margaret Keith, Marie Keithley, Francis Kimbrell, Clyde |
Koeiter, Irving
Lavender, Emmett Lee, Clyde Losson, Howard Lynch, Kenneth MacMillan, Myrtle Maroney, Daniel Martin, May McCallum, Margaret McCart, Claude Michiz, Ellen Mitchell, Clyde Norton, Mary Louise O'Brien, Glenn O'Connell, Mary Margaret Perkins, Helen Pitman, Frank Pitman, Virginia Plummer, Mary Elizabeth Quinn, Joseph L. Ragsdale, Dee Ridge, Coleman Rowe, Warren Sears, Charles Sears, Elizabeth Sears, Mildred Sears, Nelson Sharr, Elnora Shirlaw, Marjorie Short, Bessie Shultz, Ruth Smith, Alice Smith, Novella Spaulding, Helen Spear, Rowena Steiglitz, Marie Stipp, Gladys Stone, Gertrude Taylor, Millard Todd, Corrine Torphy, Robert Turpin, Mary Wallner, Mary Margaret |
History of the Class of 1923
"School Days, School Days,
Dear Old Golden Rule Days."
Oh, the memories this brings back of the day when we first crossed the threshold of that fascinating region called "High School." 'Member how insignificant we felt as we first wandered through the labyrinth of corridors and the countless rooms? 'Member those jangling bells? Soon, however, we were intiated into that spirit of loyalty and good fellowship which characterizes B. H. S. Despite the amusement we furnished the Upper Classmen we plodded along, determined to do or die. Our first year raced past and we perched ourselves upon the second rung of the ladder as brilliant sophomores. Every day in every way we really became better and better.
How proud and thrilled we were when we became the all important Juniors! The Red Letter Day of our Junior year came March 28, 1922 when our class of ninety-two members organized. We elected Marion Hackleman, President; Ellen Michie, Vice-President; Mary Elizabeth Plummer, Secretary; Charles Benzel, Treasurer; and Miss Ellis, Sponsor. We selected the daisy as class flower. Our Junior days were printed in letters of gold. There was a never-to-be-forgotten party in the gym - and oh, the fun when "We good fellows got together." With pep and enthusiam we entered into our first money-making enterprise a jolly Easter Bazaar. Topping all was the farewell banquet to the Class of '22.
Our Junior year was saddened when the Angel of Death called Gordon Keach from our number. The influence of his life left upon us an undying impression.
Finally, ascending the last rungs of the ladder, we found ourselves on an awe-inspiring pinnacle of success-- we were Seniors!!! We were eighty-four strong. As officers we chose Joe Quinnn, President; Irving Koetter, Vice-President; Catherine Butler, Secretary; Mary E. Plummer, Treasurer; and Miss Friedly, Sponsor. Our colors were turquoise blue and silver; our flower, the pink rose. We determined to make our last year the best of all and tried to set an example, worthy of our school, for the under classmen. During the County Fair we conducted an eats-stand on the public square- oh! the sizzle of those hot hamburgers!!!
We entered with zeal into all the school activities. Many of our members found an outlet for their musical ability in the Glee Clubs.
The Art director predicts that Nelson Sears, Earl Bell and May Martin will be among the great artists of the future.
Those butterscotch pies of Gertrude Stone and Alberta Blessing will sure some day win their place in the Hall of Fame. No money ever goes astray wuth Ruth Jameson at the register of the cafeteria.
Ruth Schultz, Helen Spaudling and Mary Turpin of the Sewing department are learning to plait and to ruffle in order to be able to lengthen the dresses of 1923.
Frank Pitman is a perfect wizard when he plays on those typewriter keys. Others of our number are also excelling in typewriting are Clyde Kimbrell, Albion Howard, Novella Smith, and Anna M. Diefendorf. Kemma Bartlett and Bertha Jacobs are full fledged graduates of the Commercial department.
We are proud of the achievements of Robert Harbinson, Clyde Lee, and Estell Bell in Stone Drafting.
Last year Mary E. Plummer and Elizabeth Sears entered the race in Public Discussion. Never discouraged they are again entering with Daniel Moroney and Erwin Johnson as competitors. John Brooking is putting forth his best efforts in Oratory.
With her scotch grit pitched high Ellen Mitchie entered the South Central and carried off second place. This year Ruth Bass, Virginia Pitman, and Ruth Jameson have joined in the contest for highest honors.
Our class has always been strong for Debating. But '23 is destined to be our big year - Seniors composing the Varsity Teams are John Brooking, Erwin Johnson, Daniel Moroney, Elizabeth Sears and Mary Elizabeth Plummer.
Howard Losson, Frank Pitman and Marion Hackleman because of their wonderful talent achieved high honors in the musical line.
In the scholarship our class possesses a remarkable record.
The work of Mary Elizabeth Plummer as Editor of the "Student" deserves special commendation. We expect great things of our poet-editor in the future. Charles Benzel, as Editor of the Pioneer, has certainly put forth his untiring efforts.
We have never ignored the call to the "cinder track". On the Track Team Irving Koetter, Joe Quinn, Charles Benzel and Charles Sears have starred.
On the Hardwood you have to admit that Charles Benzel is a shining light. Too much praise cannot be given to the Captain "Chaz". He possesses the resolution, the self-control, and the grim determination that it takes to make the goals. Under his splendid leadership we are sure to go to the state.
And we won't forget our "Pep Coaxer" Warren Rowe - The best yell leader in the state.
Although some have found their niches in special line, it takes all eighty-four to make a real class.
Now we come to the end of a perfect year- our race is won, we have fought the good fight. As we leave the portals of B. H. S. we cherish deep in our hearts her wonderful lessons of Service and Loyalty.
Alice Smith
Elizabeth Sears
Ellen Mitchie