Grand Forks (ND) Evening Times
August 24, 1906
page 1


[Associated Press to the Evening Times]

Evansville, Ind., August 24 – Ernest Tankesly of Bedford, Indiana, and Miss Nellie Rainey, a school girl of Heltonville, Indiana, a small town near Bedford, were taken to Bedford today by the Bedford officers who came after them. Though the present charge against Tankesly is the abduction of Miss Rainey, the police will week to learn if he has any knowledge as to who murdered Miss Sarah Schaefer, a young school teacher who was killed more than two years ago and whose slayer is still unknown to the police. When charged by the police with a guilty knowledge of Miss Schaefer's murder, Tankesly stoutly proclaimed his innocence. Miss Rainey says she will commit suicide rather than testify against Tankesly.

Typed and donated by Randi Richardson.