Bedford Weekly Mail
December 23, 1898
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The Harrodsburg Hustler says: "Just before going to press Friday, news came of another terrific explosion north of town on Paul Barnett's contract on the new railroad. A gang of men were working in a rock cut and had drilled a hole and put in a light charge of powder and dynamite to 'spring the hole,' as drillers call it, so a charge large enough could be put in afterwards to do what was needed. The light charge went off alright, seemingly, and the men returned to complete the work when a terrific explosion occurred severely wounding Thomas McGlothlin and Bert Treadway, and another man whose name we did not learn. McGlothlin's face was badly cut by flying stone, and he was injured internally, while Bert Treadway's right arm was badly lacerated, while the unknown man escaped serious injuries. None of the wounds are necessarily fatal."
Constable James Chesnut and a posse of several men went out to the Kramer place southeast of town Tuesday and arrested Sam Earl who has been insane for several days. Earl told his folks a few days ago that he was going crazy and asked them to have him sent away, but they did not pay proper attention to the matter. Last Sunday, Earl became violent and chased the whole family, including his wife, several brothers and sisters and his father, from the place. Since then, he has bossed the ranch with a hatchet and expressed his intention of cleaning up the place right Tuesday night. Chesnut and the posse coaxed him into coming to town without resistance, though he at first declared he would come until killed. [See article in next week's issue.]
A very nice and quiet wedding took place at five o'clock Sunday evening, December 18th, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Keithley, near Heltonville, when Mr. James Huff of Bedford and Miss Sallie Kiethley [sic] were united in marriage, Sentney Adamson officiating. Just after the ceremony, the relatives and friends partook of a bountiful supper that had been carefully prepared for the occasion. May they have a long, happy and prosperous life is our wish.
Over Salt Creek at Seven O'clock Tuesday Morning
The recent rains have raised the creeks in this part of the county, and Salt Creek especially is on a big "high." Piling was driven under the middle of Salt Creek Bridge on the Monon, six miles north of town, some time ago to make it bear the strain of the new 88-ton engines with safety while a new bridge was put in. Monday night driftwood and floating trash lodged against the piling in such quantities that it formed a sort of dam and brought a great pressure to bear upon the structure when the ice broke up. About three o'clock Tuesday morning four carloads of scabbled [sic] stone that were in the Bedford yards, billed for New York City, were hastily run up and place on the bridge to hold it down, if possible. At seven o'clock Tuesday morning, the bridge was torn out by the pressure of the ice and water and went down together with the four cars loaded with stone.
The five o'clock train from Chicago got over the bridge all right that morning, but the accommodation was caught on the other side and did not make its run.
Henry W. Perrin was acquitted on the charge of embezzlement by a jury after a two day's strong fight. It was charged in the indictment that the defendant had embezzled funds belonging to the Wabash Oil Co. that he had collected while traveling as a salesman for them. The jury was not long in reaching a verdict that Mr. Perrin was not guilty. Mr. Perrin now lives at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, but is an old Greene County boy raised in Owensburg. He proved his good character by many of our very best citizens. – Bloomfield Hoosier Hustler
J. E. Whittaker, the photographer, has moved his gallery from this place.
By the present law, a divorce may be granted on most any charge. The ministers of Indiana propose to limit that to the one cause, adultery. Legal separation may be allowed, but neither party will be permitted to marry again. One good old man has been often heard to remark that "up north a man can get a divorce if his wife burns the bread." The Southern states adhere much more closely to the scriptures on the divorce subject than do the Northern states. – Odon Commercial
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The house in which Charles Conley lived burned last Thursday forenoon about seven o'clock. Most of the things were saved, however. Mr. Conley suffered a loss of about $10. A great many people over the country remember the house as being at the south side of town on the Dodson farm. The farm now belongs to D. W. Sherwood. It was a total loss to him as there was no insurance. Some of our citizens say the building was about 80 years old.
Typed and donated by Randi Richardson.