In time we hope to gather many of the
histories of the churches pictured below. But this all takes time. If you have
a history on any of the
LaPorte County Old Houses of Worship and would like
to share it with us and/or contribute photos of the same,
contact us at
See the History of LaPorte County where many are mentioned.
![]() Christian Church Rolling Prairie |
![]() Church of Christ at Mill Creek |
![]() Galena Baptist Church |
![]() Lambs Chapel Methodist Church Kankakee twp |
![]() Lambs Chapel side view |
![]() St. John Canty Catholic Church near Rolling Prairie Galena Twp |
![]() Methodist Church at Rolling Prairie |
![]() Mill Creek Baptist Mill Creek |
![]() Oak Grove Church Wills Twp |
![]() Posey Chapel Galena Twp |
Posey Chapel and its History | ![]() Springville Free Methodist Springfield Twp |
![]() St. Joseph Novitiate, near Rolling Prairie. Was a training school for priests conducted by the Holy Cross Order operating University of Notre Dame. Later Lemans Academy, a boarding school for boys. |
![]() Sauktown Church Wills Township |
![]() Baptist Church Wills Township |
Rolling Prairie - Christian Church Circa 1910 |
Rolling Prairie - Meth. Episc. Circa 1910 |
~~~~~~~ |
Church Histories - As researched by: Donna Nelson
Churches of Galena Township
Methodist Episcopal
6006 N. Fail Road
Lamb’s Chapel was the third Methodist church to be built in the township, the other two being Posey Chapel and Mount Pleasant. The church was built in 1854, on land given by Oren Lamb. In 1876 the building was moved across the road and used as a school house during the week and as a church on Sunday. This arrangement proved to be unsatisfactory and, in 1897, the building was returned to its original site. At the time, the site was owned by Nelson Morton, who deeded the ground to the congregation. Little is known about the beginnings of the church, but the few early records available show the following men and their families were influential in carrying on its work in the community: Harrison Bishop, Al Pease, Oran Lamb, Calida Preston, Enoch Preston, Joe Stanton, Charles Carpenter, Isaac Dodd, Theodore Fail and James Wilson.
The Sunday school was organized in 1867 by “Uncle” John R. Replogle. The following have served as Sunday School Superintendents: Joe Stanton, Mr. Pease, William Heald, Lloyd Boles, Elwood Buell, Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. William Wehrley, Mr. Dahl, Mr. Janicki and Mrs. Ralph Wilhelm.
Pastors: Rev. G. F. Cramer (1897); Rev. William Davis (1897); Walter Trueschel, P.T. Shields, Oscar Weber, W. Blessing, and Roy Hoy (1920’s); Rev. C.V. McMillen (1930); Rev. J. J. Moor (1935); Evan Farmer (1950’s?); Rev. Clyde Bachman (1957); Rev. Herbert Wingard (1958-1964); Rev. John Hopkins (1975); Rev. Michael Snyder (1976); Rev. Terry Rhine (1981); Rev. Chuck Krieg (1991);
Sources: History of La Porte County, Indiana by Jasper Packard (1876)
Historical Notes of Mrs. Ralph Wilhelm (1974)
News articles: Sep 15, 1897; Oct 5, 1897; Oct 19, 1954; Oct 14, 1975;
Oct 14, 1981; Aug 3, 1991
St. John Kanty Catholic Church
6988 N 600 East
Rolling Prairie, IN
Source: “In the Presence of Angels, A History of The Diocese of Gary”
by Dominic V. Bertino, 2006
Father Walter Zborowski, a priest at Terre Coupee, established St. John Kanty as his mission in 1888. Prior to that time, Polish immigrants in the area around Saugnay Lake attended mass at La Porte or Terre Coupee. Father Zborowski celebrated mass in the homes of parishioners until a frame church was built in 1890. The congregation outgrew this first church by 1907, when a larger building was erected. Father John Hosinski was appointed the first resident pastor. The church was destroyed by fire in 1922 and a new building was completed in 1924. Father Aloysius Jarka was pastor from 1925-26, followed by Father Joseph Zielinski until 1937. Father Wencel Karp served from 1937-47. Father Theodore Janicki served from 1947–60.
Posey Chapel
Previous to 1841, religious services had been held at the school houses, and private houses. Shubal Smith had acted as an exhorter or local preacher of the Methodist denomination, while occasionally a regular clergyman, Rev. Mr. Armstrong, paid the township a visit. Previous to the time above named, a minister named Posey had been assigned by the conference to administer to the spiritual wants of that denomination in Galena. He directed his influence among his brethren to induce them to build a chapel for a place of religious worship, and a day was assigned for all to turn out from far and near, to accomplish this object. At the appointed time they came from distances as great as eight or ten miles, and worked steadily for a week, when a very comfortable and commodious log chapel was completed. It was built upon an acre of ground given by Whitman Goit for the purpose, and named Posey chapel in honor of the founder. It has since been torn down and rebuilt, a frame structure occupying the place of the old one. (Source: History of La Porte County, Indiana by Jasper Packard, 1876)
Galena Baptist
1748 E. Co. Rd. 1000 North
Note: Additional history of this structure, its denominations and ministers are sought and would be appreciated.
The current location of the Galena Baptist Church has been host to various denominations since the first structure was erected. In January 1866 subscribers organized to erect a Christian meeting house “on the northwest corner of the northwest field of Matthew Mayes”. This is located in the northeast corner of Section 17 in Galena township. Commonly referred to as the Hesston church, old news articles frequently refer to the “White Church” at Hesston, and at least once it is referred to as the Dunkard Church. This might also be the location of the New Light Church, referred to in 1887 news articles. A news clip in May, 1938 again referred to it as the Christian Church. By the 1950’s it had become the Galena Baptist Church.
Mount Pleasant Chapel
Methodist Episcopal
The Mount Pleasant M.E. church was built in 1844 and fell within the Rolling Prairie circuit. Note: Additional information is sought for this church
Galena Township Galena Township - Subscribers for Church
Building at Hesston, Galena Township, LaPorte County, IN, January 27,
The following is a copy of the deed and contract for the church at
"We the undersigned hereby agree to pay the amount assessed to our
names in the hands of the committee for the purpose of building a Christian
meeting house on the N.W. coner of the N. W. field of Matthew Mayes, opposite
the Waters' lot.
Said house to be 30 by 38 feet., 16 ft., post, baloon frame with a suitable belfry ad set on solid stoned wal laid in mortar as stated in our article.
Subscribers' Names
Caleb B. Davis | $300.00 | B. Quantrill | $5.00 |
Martin Foster | 200.00 | Wm. Billings | 5.00 |
W. H. Godfry | 100.00 | H. Horner | 5.00 |
T. S. Webester | 25.00 | D. Hudson | 25.00 |
T. H. Barnes | 50.00 | A. Stillson | 10.00 |
Charles Barnes | 25.00 | Charles Francis | 25.00 |
Wm. Mayes | 25.00 | ? & F Bliss | 22.50 |
N. Marshall | 25.00 | A. Barnes | 10.00 |
Benjamin Beal | 25.00 | Matthew Mayes | 100.00 |
J. Mayes | 15.00 | George Foster | 5.00 |
B. S. Maudlin | 5.00 | Wm. Maudlin | 5.00 |
B. Davis | 9.00 | Mr. Packasat | 20.00 |
A. Shipee | 5.00 | Thomas Maudlin | 5.00 |
Lorenzo Martin | 25.00 | Perry Mann | 5.00 |
Wm W Francis | 25.00 | L. Collins | 3.00 |
E. W. Davis | 25.00 | Christoph Wendt | 25.00 |
Luke Francis | 25.00 | A. Austin | 1.37 1/2 |
Lamb’s Chapel – The church was first a school house located across the road from the cemetery on land given by Oren Lamb. It was moved from that location to across from the church and about 1876 it was moved to its present location on land purchased from Samuel and Elizabeth Downing in 1854. Early members were: Al Curtis Pease, the Prestons, Lambs, and Fails.
Galena Township – Additional Information
Visiting ministers frequently conducted services at Barnes School.
February, 1882 – Protracted meetings are being held in different parts of the township (Galena). The Free Methodists held one at Bunker Hill school house during the first part of the winter; the Disciple’s Church enjoyed quite a successful and pleasant one, a short time ago, at Hatch’s Mills, and the Dunkards have just closed their second one with some success, and now the New Lights, at Hesston, are seeking souls for Christ’s kingdom.
September, 1887 – Rev. Brooks, of Rolling Prairie, will hold a two-weeks meeting at the New Light church at Hesston, commencing September 27. Mr. Brooks is a disciple, and we hope he may do much good at that place.
August, 1897 - Rev. Edinger preached at Hesston; Rev. Lacey (of La Porte) preached at Barnes’ School.
Christian Church – The church was built in 1865, located in the southeast quarter of section 20. Caleb Davis was the minister.
Bunker Hill Free Methodist – In 1873 the Free Methodists built a church at Indian Point. This people have a neat church and parsonage with preacher in the village of Springfield, and another church at a point called Bunker Hill. The Free Methodist church is a split off from the Methodist Episcopal church, on the issues of amusements, secret societies, tobacco, etc. Note: Additional information about Bunker Hill Church is sought.
Disciple - The Disciples congregation at Galena was established about 1850, and reorganized in 1872 by Elder Joseph Wickard. It has had the labors of John Martindale, David Miller, L.R. Gaulp, William and Jesse Roe, J. Wickard and Wm. C. Cummins, and Davis, the present elder. The congregation numbers 50 (Source: An Illustrated Historical Atlas of La Porte Co., Indiana, Chicago, 1874)
Kankakee Township
First Christian
Church – The church members first worshipped in 1834 in a newly built bank
barn built by John Bowell and Judge Anderson and located on land that was later
occupied by LeMans Academy . In 1854 the members built the church where it now
stands on Michigan Street . Early elders of the church were: I. N. Whitehead,
Dr. B. C. Bowell, Sr., Miner Nesbitt, and James Drummond. Early deacons were
Alec Ireland, Absolom Bowell, Mr. Burhans, David Ryerson, and James Powell.
Methodist – Members met at Wrights, near Rolling Prairie in 1836. The first church was built in 1865-66 on Michigan Street in Rolling Prairie.
Presbyterian – The first religious service in the township was by the Presbyterians at the cabin of Alexander Blackburn in November, 1832. Rev. James Crawford of Wabash County performed the services. There were seven members and the following summer the membership had increased to twenty. The meetings were held in a log school house on Niles Road . Founding members were: Charles Mowlan, Myron Ives, Sarah Ives, Rebecca Ives, Sarah Aldrich, Alexander Blackburn, and James Hening.
Wills Township
Churches -
Oak Grove Church – The church property was given
by William and Hanna Hastings in 1881 with the building of the church in the
same year. It was a Methodist Protestant Church and became the Oak Grove Baptist Church on
July 20, 1917 with the merging of the Mill Creek Baptist Church and the
Methodist Church of Oak Grove.
Jacob Miller and Jacob Dawson met with Shadrack Roysden to discuss
building a church in Wills Township. That church was to be known as Oak
Grove Church.
July 20, 1917, a coucil was called by the Oak Grove
and Mill Creek Baptist Churches. The object being the recognition of
the church and the ordination of Lawrence C. Elliott. In 1956 the Board
of Trustees
of the Northwest Conference of the Methodis Church of
Indiana, successor in interest of the Oak Grove Methodis Protestant
Church of La Porte County, released the church building to the Oak Grove
Association . The church has served several denominations since
its inception in 1881. Today the church and cemetery grounds are
lovingly maintained by the Cemetery Corporation.
Sauktown – The Sauktown Church of Christ was formed on 21 February 1886 . The meetings were held in the School House with 17 men and women joining. Construction of the church began in 1892 and the first minister was Ray Snodgrass. He was paid $5.00 for a service. The Ladies Aid paid rent for a house in Mill Creek for a parsonage. In 1944 a ½ acre was purchased for a parsonage. Some of the early members were from the families of Hostetler, Dudley and Van Dusen.
Rolling Prairie Baptist – The church was organized in Rolling Prairie in June 1836 with Elder Sawin chosen as a moderator. The first pastor was Elder Alexander Hastings. The church building of logs was located on 300 North. Some of the early members were the families of Whitehead, Hunt, Salisbury , Hefner, Dawson and Betteys.
La Porte County Indiana Gen Web
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