Feel Free to print out this will and place it with your family papers. My Genealogy Will is being posted so you can designate who you would like to see
inherit your genealogical research.   Example: You can leave you research to a family member, a society or perhaps a study partner.


Genealogical Will to My Last Will and Testament

To my spouse, children, guardian, administrator and/or executor.

Upon my demise it is requested that you DO NOT dispose of any or all of my genealogical records, both those prepared personally by me and those records prepared by others, which may be in my possession. This includes but not limited to books, files, notebooks or computer programs for a period of two years.

During this time period, please attempt to identify one of more persons who would be willing to take custody of the said materials and the responsibility of maintaining and continuing the family histories.

Name: Address: Phone Number
____________________ __________________________________________ ____________________
____________________ __________________________________________ ____________________
____________________ __________________________________________ ____________________

In the event you do not find anyone to accept these materials, please contact various genealogical organizations that I have been a member of and determine if they will accept some parts or all of my genealogical materials. List of organizations, addresses and phone numbers at bottom; include local chapters, with their addresses, phoned numbers and contact persons if available as well as state or national contact information and addresses.
Please remember that my genealogical endeavors consumed a great deal of time, travel and money. Therefore it is my desire that the products of these endeavors be allowed to continue in a manner that will make them available to others in the future.

Signature:  ___________________________________________

Date: _______________________________

  Witness: ___________________________  
  Witness: ___________________________  

Genealogical Organizations in addition to list above:

