On-Line Cemetery
Transcribing Disclaimer
"Cemetery &
Research Association of La Porte County News" disclaimer for cemetery
"This website was developed and is sustained by volunteers who donate
their time and personal resources for the purpose of providing valuable
research information to fellow researchers. We are dedicated to
providing free access to La Porte County cemetery
listings. If you have documentation of a burial which does not appear
on the cemetery list, we are pleased to receive that information from
Please keep in mind that some of the cemetery
listings that are being placed on the WWW were done more than 30 or 40
years ago.
Every cemetery that you view through your genealogical research should
be considered a "Partial" listing for various reasons, such as errors
in spelling occurring at the time of burial., some burial locations
were known only to the cemetery sexton and information was lost when he
moved, resigned or died. And many written logs were destroyed by
accidental fires.
We are not responsible for errors, misspellings or incorrect
information. Every attempt to correct misinformation is entered onto
our listing(s) upon being notified of a burial with source and/or
family history.
1. Readings done by the D.A.R. Ind. Miriam Benedict Chapter of LaPorte
County, Indiana.
2. Older LaPorte County Pioneer Cemetery Readings
3. Current readings
4. Individuals who have donated obituaries, family histories and burial
5. Obituary
6. Church records
7. Cemetery burial records; handwritten, typed or computerized

Sorry, we are no longer taking links to private family and personal
pages that are off site. We are continuing to place family histories on
site, but there has been a reoccurring problem when connecting to
private family pages. For what ever reason, researchers discontinue
their sites and that leaves us with a whole bunch of broken links and
us having to make adjustments to this site. It is very time consuming
when updating the pages to remove the surnames that go to "broken
under reconstuction !!! Watch for future bulletins
Donating Information & Photos
Family & Tombstone Photos
On-going request (Photos and Obits must
pre-date 1950)
We always welcome family
information on the ancestors of La Porte County. Donated
information will always remain free to our viewers.
We are also looking for old school graduating classes before 1950. Can
you help? Have something in the attic?
Among items being collected are: Pre 1950 - burial records, obituaries,
newspaper clippings, cemetery information, ancestor' stories, diaries,
photos, old family bible information, School info & photos
along with early marriages.
Histories & Biographies
Please - No ged coms from family tree maker or any
other genealogy based programs. Please submit family information either
in biographical or story form. I and other volunteers have done quite a
few of the ged com revisions and it really takes a lot of time to alter
and remove the repeated information within.