
Centre Township
1401 Rumely, City of La Porte
La Porte County, Indiana

Site updated on  May 30th, 2014  by D. West

Explanations of Burials, Maps and Graphs:  
Sharon Snow and Deanna West have been accumulating additional information. Sharon has agreed to be our volunteer historian/liaison for this old beautiful resting place.
We added our first draft of the alphabetical listing as of September 12, 2013. West then read the cards and corrected and added additional information from them and the original listing was greatly expanded. 
Our newest posting of additions was placed on line May of  2014.  Any donated information sent in by viewers will be added as it is received.  The alphabetical listing has expanded from 8,300 graves we already had to over 9,800.
Anyone wishing to donate burial, family or obituary information for this site, please contact  
The newer alphabetical listing coordinates with the graphs and maps that we have added, showing many of the burial areas.  
We are working on getting graphs or layouts of the two newest burial areas of the Brady Section and also the Garden of Gethsemane.

The older Patton Map was drafted in 1950 before the Garden areas were developed.
1972 and forward:  The burial numbers indicated in either the Alphabetical or Burial Area listings for the Gardens,
may not refer to the correct burial number for a particular Garden Area when referring to the old map.  
The older archaic map is great for finding older graves. 

Phase III is commencing; as Sharon Snow continues to go through the sections of the cemetery to accrue more data and photos of the stones.

Patton Cemetery Maps Page

History of  Patton Cemetery
Patton Area Photos - photographed
Sep 8 & Oct 6,  2013 by Sharon Snow

Random Photos taken by Amanda Humphrey
& Posted May 27, 2008

Random Photos taken April 2008 by Teresa O'Riley

Precious Memories Memorial in Brady Section

Alphabetical Listing
Surnames starting with the following letters
(Phase II of III phases complete & placed on line May 30, 2014)

To be used in conjunction with maps and graphs shown on this site.
Main Burial Areas show a number of plot  in the Row/Lot Column 
and a Grave number (when known)
In addition to abbreviations below, also Walker Family with Old Public Area and County Adults  - East of CBI

Updated May 30, 2014
Babyland = Babyland Area
Brady = Brady Area
CBA = Crescent Bluff Adults Area
Cres. Bluff Inf = Crescent Bluff Infants
County Sect A = County Adults A
County Sect B = County Adults B
East Bank = East Bank
LV = Lakeview Area
Maples = The Maples Area
Old Walker = Old Walker Area
Plains = The Plains Area
PTG = Plum Tree Grove Area
South Bank = South Bank Area
SH = Sacred Heart Area
Tiers same as  Tier Burials Area
Walker A = "Walker A  Area
Walker Singles = Walker Singles 
WSR = Wayside Retreat Area
Bl  = Garden of BlessingsDev = Garden of DevotionGS = Garden of Good Shepherd
Get = Garden of GethsemaneMed = Garden of MeditationMem = Garden of Memories
Aa - Am An - Az Ba Be Bi - Bl Bo
Br Bu - By Ca - Ce Ch - Ci Cl Co
Cr - Cz Da De - Dh Di Do Dr - Dy
Ea - Er Es - Ez Fa - Fi Fl - Fo Fr - Fu Ga - Ge
Gh - Gi Gl - Go Gr - Gu Haa - Ham Han - Har Has - Haz
Hea - Hew Hi - Hn Ho  Hu - Hy I Ja
Je Jo - Ju Ka Kc - Ki Kj - Ko Kr - Ky
La Le Li - Ll Lo  Lu - Lz Maa - Map
Mar - Maz Mc Me Mi Mo - My N
O Pa Pe Ph - Pl Po - Pu Q
Ra - Re Rh - Ry Sa Sca - Schm Schn - Schr Schu - Schw
Sco - Sey Sh Si - Sm Sn - Sp Sta - Ste Sti - Sto
Str - Szy Ta - Th Ti - Ts Tu - Tz U & Unknown V
Waa - Wan War - Wea Web - Who Wi Woj - Woz Wra -Wym
X none Y Z - - -
                      Older Partial Listing of Burials & Burial Areas Initiated in 2005
Partial update September 17, 2013
Use this old listing, done several years ago,  in conjunction with our newer alphabetical listing and the graphs from the 1972 maps.  Since the maps were done, a few additional full and partial plots have been added to some of the sections. Assume that these numbered sections would continue next to the closest number on 1972 map.
Burial AreasBurial Areas
Old Walker Section   By McCollum Street Entrance Walker Singles 
Page 1 of Patton Burial Listing  9 thru 41  The Maples/Sacred Heart/Walker "A"Page 7 of Patton Burial Listing  185 to 190 Plum Tree Grove
Page 2 of Patton Burial Listing  47 to 51 &  107 to 109 The  Maples/Sacred HeartPage 8 of Patton Burial Listing - 191 to 205 Plum Tree Grove
 209 to  210 The Plains
Page 3 of Patton Burial Listing  110 to 113 & 126 The Maples
123 to 125 Plum Tree Grove
Page 9 of Patton Burial Listing - 211 to  220 The Plains
Page 4 of Patton Burial Listing - 126 cont. to 134 & 145 to 149   The MaplesPage 10 of Patton Burial Listing - 221 to  232 The Plains
Page 5 of Patton Burial Listing - 150 to 151 The Maples
151 A & 153 to 166 Plum Tree Grove 
Page 11 of Patton Burial Listing - 233 to 237 The Plains 239 Lakeside
& 240 to  249 The Plains
Page 6 of Patton Burial Listing - 167 to 174  & 182 to 184 Plum Tree Grove(Wayside Retreat) Circle Around Monument -Plum Tree Grove Area -South
Page 1 Lakeview Burials  250 through 254 Page 5 Lakeview Burials - 267 through 271
Page 2 Lakeview Burials - 255 through 257 Page 6 Lakeview Burials - 272 through 276
Page 3 Lakeview Burials - 258 through 262 Page 7 Lakeview Burials - 277 through 281
Page 4 Lakeview Burials - 263 through 266 Page 8 Lakeview Burials - 282 through 286
Crescent Bluff Adult Section - Rows A through ZZ1 Crescent Bluff Infant Burials - Rows 1 through 23
South Bank Babyland
Tier Burials County Adult Burials Sections A & B
Donated Burials

Garden Areas (Mostly 1980's & before)Garden Areas (Mostly 1980's & before)
Garden of BlessingsGarden of Devotion
Garden of Gethsemane Garden of Good Shepherd
Garden of MeditationGarden of Memories
             La Porte County Donated Obituaries

               "Tribute to Lisa Adrian  Harris"
                Lisa was born January 28, 1964 and passed on January 3, 2011
                Lisa helped many people seeking information on burial locations in Patton Cemetery and always greeted them with a pleasant and
                cheerful attitude when they called . She was always more than willing to help. Lisa was laid to rest in Pine Lake Cemetery on January 6, 2011.

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Cemetery and Research Association of LaPorte County, Indiana