This, That and The Other
La Porte County, Indiana
"Additional Histories"

Submissions welcome - Contact me, La Porte Gen Web County Coordinator, at
   Deanna West   or

Here's a place for all those interesting articles that just don't fit under any particular category
Always remember that - "Proximity is the key to genealogy" - So pay attention to who is buried next to who in a cemetery and .....
what names appear next to your ancestor on a census report, church lists for congregations etc...

County Home    Orphans Home  
Ruth Sabin Home
Built 1889
Early La Porte County Begnnings 
Wolves Against The Moon
Chapter XXVII
Home On The Range
Postal Services Come to La Porte City Railroad comes to LaPorte County
La Porte County Storms of 1908   Indiana Territory Development - Link to Wikipedia
History of International Friendship Gardens 
See our Michigan City Photos for old time photos
and below for a brief history.
Tolton - The Murder that never was
posted on the GenWeb 12/16/2008

1902 Robbery of Westville Bank -
Young Wesley Reynolds slain hero
posted on the GenWeb 12/16/2008
Charles Pahrman Animal Shelter
LaPorte County Humane Society beginnings

Stage Coach
Kingsbury Ordnance Plant (KOP)
Contact Michigan City Library
Michigan City "Old Time" Hotels
Lincoln Township Fire Department
Contributed by: Pat Van Dierendonck
W. B. Manny
Otis - 1831 to 1985
by: Forney Miller

International Friendship Gardens, Michigan City, Indiana -
This beautiful gardens representing all nationalities and religions in the name of peace is the treasure of Indiana. International Friendship Gardens
was established in 1934 at the Century of Progress in Chicago dedicated to world peace, friendship and understanding. The three organizing horticulturists were
brothers Clarence, Virgil and Joe Stauffer of Hammond,IN. Dr. and Mrs. Warren leased the wooded area adjacent to Trail Creek in Pottawattomi Park,
a small community surrounded by Michigan City, Ind.
Many governments sent support including China, Persia, France, Italy, Scotland, England and Greece. England sent a master landscaper to design the English garden.
The Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands sent 200,000 tulip bulbs. The largest display of tulips outside of that country. Gardens were planted in this 100 acre area,
after the forest was cleared by hand and with horses pulling the wagons. In 1988 the last of the brothers, Clarence, died at the young age of 100 years,
having created his own Garden of Eden. The gardens provided entertainment through out the years. Regional art and musical festivals, flower demonstrations.
The Island in a lagoon held world class performances, including operas such as Swan Lake with the swans swimming around the stage.
The Lyric opera of Chicago gave summer programs for many years. Weddings have also taken place in the gardens over the decades. History, recounted by: Jean H.


Belle Gunness - La Porte's "Lady Bluebeard" - Great off site link - La Porte County Historical Society
   Men involved in investigation and trial concerning the Belle Gunness murders
Helgelien Story

Andrew Helgelein - Last Victim of Belle Gunness
Alse Helgelein - brother to Andrew - came looking for his brother.
Sheriff Albert Smutzer - sheriff at time of murder; Dr. William Meyer and Coroner Charles S. Mack
Judge John Charles Richter


Purdue North Central Brief History
Purdue at Barker Center   -  In 1948, Catherine Barker Hickox, daughter of a turn-of-the-century Michigan City industrialist, offered the family mansion as a home for the
LaPorte County extension center and the course offerings were expanded. The center offered Purdue's complete freshman engineering program,
as well as a two-year technical institute. For the next 18 years, students attended classes at the Barker Mansion on Washington Street.
The mansion was used for classes until the fall of 1967 when a new and permanent campus was named Purdue University North Central, located
on 155 acres of farmland a few miles north of Westville on Highway 421. A large Education Building was renamed Schwarz Hall in 1984 after Robert F. Schwarz,
the first dean and director. More buildings and classes have since been added. To find out more about Purdue North Central Campus,
visit them or view their website at


Family Reunions

Past Family Reunion -  If you have a family reunion you would like to tellus about, just let us know.

Main Page
If you have some interesting histories about the county and its townships, please contact me, Deanna West at