Marriage Record
January 23, 1843
S. Wiltfong and B. Hostetler
Be it remembered that on the 23 day of January AD 1843 upon the affidavit of Elias Wiltfong a marriage license issued out of the Clerk office of the LaPorte Circuit Court in the words and figures following to wit The State of Indiana LaPorte County SS. To any person duly authorized to solemnize marriages in the County aforesaid You are hereby deem powered to join together in the Holy State of Matrimony Samuel Wiltfong and Barbara Hostetler, Ad for so ding this shall be your sufficient voucher. In testimony when of S. William Hawkins Clerk of the Laporte Circuit Court have __ set my name and affixed the seal of said Court at Laporte this 23 day of January AD 1843. M. Hawkins __
And afterwards to wit one the
2nd day of February 1843. Came into the said Clerks office Nathan B
Nichols on acting Justice of the Peace in and foresaid County of Laporte and
fixed his certificate as follows to wit State of Indiana Laporte County _ _ N.
B. Nichols an acting Justice of the Peace of said County do hereby certify that
on the 24th day of January AD 1843 I joined in the Holy State of
Matrimony Saul Wiltfong and Barbary Hollister. Witness my hand and _ _ this
31st day of January 1843. Nathan B. Nichols, J.P.
contributed by: Brenda Horton at BAnnHorton3@aol.com