Stillwell High School
LaPorte County, Indiana
1901 to 1930
The Vikings

1904 - listing is incomplete

Keene, Ora

Seniors – 1907
Source: Daily Argus Bulletin May 20, 1907
Erscel Gertrude Wing
Laura Ruth Kincaid


Fahnestock, Gerald
Noakes, Floyd


Barr, Bennett
Brownlee, Creed
Raymier, Elizabeth
Ready, Blanche
Short, Pansy
Wilson, Florence
Wing, Clifford

Following Table is 1913 Laporte County
High School Graduates that received diplomas.
Ref: Michigan City Evening Dispatch 4 June 1913 p. 1 c.7 & p. 4 c.2

Agnes Quinn Frank E Drollinger Mablon Ellsworth Winchell
Norienne Angella Quinn Bernice M Antrim Cole Lawrence E Northam
Golda E Dunfee Myrtle Irene Keithline Arthur Tyler


Dunfee, Joseph
Rauschenbaugh, Willard
Singleton, Marian
Taylor, James Egbert
Travis, Kenneth


Palmer, Roy W.
Short, Susan E.
Travis, Martha M.

Following Table is 1916 Laporte County
High School Graduates that received diplomas. From the
Michigan City Evening Dispatch 3 June 1916 p. 6 c.1

Marguerite L Miller


Brownlee, Bernice S.
O'Neil, Michael K.
Pagel, Bernice
Palmer, Ethel M.
Quinn, Gordon
Quinn, William T.
Rameier, Ruth L.
Taylor, Lauretta G.
Wilson, Walter
Wing, Russell A.


Kempf, Leroy O.
McMahon, Minnie Nerva
Ramier, Arthur Carl
Stoffer, Hellen Edna


Benson, Erma Mary
Davis, Mabel Lowrey
Hunt, J. Paul
Quinn, W. Evart
Taylor, Amastasia C.


Becker, Grace A.
Brady, Edwin A.
Demarah, Clarence L.
Felton, Elsie A.
Harness, Gerald E.
Jones, Ruth F.
Lehker, Harry S.
Matt, Albert R.
Quinn, Bernice A.
Spence, Katherine L.
Taylor, Carolyn E.
Wineholt, Olyn R.


Bartz, Elsie
Bartz, Lloyd
Bealor, Robert
Bracken, Raymond
Draves, Harry
Draves, William
Felton, Fred
Harness, Beatrice
Hassen, Delbert
Hassen, Ruby
Johnson, Alpha
Johnson, Ralph
Long, Georfie
Mann, Harland
Schultz, Victor
Spnce, John
Stoffer, Frank

Seniors – 1928
With Nicknames
Source: “The Portal”, 1928
Contributed by Donna Nelson

STILLWELL Seniors – 1928

Lloyd Baxter

Audrey Matt

La Porte County School
Seniors – 1929
With Nicknames
Source: “The Portal”, 1929
Contributed by Donna Nelson

STILLWELL Seniors – 1929

Ruth Bartz (Toots)

Agnes Brady (Aggie)

Amel Draves (Rudolph)

Madeline Johnson

Lynn Jones (Casey)

Ralph Le Roy (Daggie)

Ivan Schultz (Gus)

Lynn Travis (Chubby)

Marjorie Whitaker (Marj)

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