Michigan City Indiana
8th Grade
Up to and Including 1900
1890 Michigan
City, IN 8th Grade Graduates, The Evening News, Michigan City, IN, Wed. 25 June, 1890; Extracted by Patricia Gruse Harris; August 2006. The grammar school held its second commencement in the high school room this forenoon at 9:30 o'clock. |
Albert Schneider | John E Thompson | |||||
Louis F Feelock | Louis R Krueger | |||||
Ernest W Hakins | James Cole | |||||
Fred Goodman | Harry Bierdsley | |||||
Fred Krentz | GeorgeLambka | |||||
Misses Edith Rose Boothroyd | Inez J Drom | |||||
Ella M Lay | Etta Russell | |||||
Gertrude M Zea | Lolita L Blaisdell | |||||
Ella M Pries | Lydia E Arnt | |||||
Minnie Ackerman | Violet V Rose | |||||
1892 Michigan City, IN 8th Grade Graduates,
Evening News, Michigan City, IN, Wed. 8 June 1892. Extracted by Patricia Gruse Harris August 2006. |
Clarence Agnew | Willie Hutchinson | |||||
Ella Ayers | Alice Kahn | |||||
Ella Berger | Louis E. Kimball | |||||
May Carver | Hattie King | |||||
Grace Chapman | Hattie Krueger | |||||
Jeannette Chubb | Lizzie Lay | |||||
Mamie Corbly | George Leusch | |||||
Emma Darman | Geo. McDonald | |||||
Etta Deming | Frank Mick | |||||
Martha Feallock | Florence Parry | |||||
Etta Finch | Louise Porter | |||||
Ruth Foltz | Laura Robinson | |||||
Belle Gwalter | Emma Tiedt | |||||
Lora Hamrick | Nellie Warkentin | |||||
Arthur Hillman | Rudolph Weiler | |||||
Henry Hunsiker | Edward Zahrndt | |||||
1893 Michigan City, IN 8th Grade Graduates,
Evening News, Michigan City, IN, Thurs., 22 June 1893. Extracted by Patricia Gruse Harris August 2006. |
Estelle May Agnew | Edna May Browning | Louis William Meese | ||||
Mary Arndt | Hamilton | Theron Ferson Miller | ||||
James Madison Ayers | Darrell Fay Hamlett | Anna Charlotte Munson | ||||
Nina Mabel Beadle | Harry F. Harbert | Rudolph Roll | ||||
Raymond Clark Breece | Minnie Lydia Hintz | Mabel Annis Rose | ||||
Louise Cohn | Florence Ceilia Hoben | Bessie Royce | ||||
Alice May Corbin | Scott Stanton Holman | Lizzie Mae Schramm | ||||
Mabel Clair Crosby | Anna Mary Kaefer | Frank Shreve | ||||
Margaret Maria Couden | Martha Joanna Klopsch | Lydia Henrietta Sieb | ||||
Edward Ralph Doran | Louie Kluge | Marguerite Smith | ||||
Daisy Elizabeth Finley | Nina Louisa Krabbe | Marie Irene Snyder | ||||
Mabel Estella Flood | Matilda Kuhs | Harvey Stanton Vail | ||||
Clara Etta Glime | Bertha Gertrude Lay | Otto Warkentine | ||||
Thomas Elay Gould | Adelaide Mae Luce | Harry Burton Wells | ||||
Bertha Julia Griffith | Thomas Charles McNulty | Shelby Leland Yerger | ||||
Louis Albert Zahrn |
1891 Michigan
City, IN 8th Grade Graduates, Evening News, Michigan City, IN, Wed. 10 June 1891; Extracted by Patricia Gruse Harris; August 2006. |
Maude C. Agnew | Edward Krause | |||||
Walter F. Ashton | Edith J. Kull | |||||
Alfred C. Bartholomew | Albert Leusch | |||||
Frank L. Bartholomew | Hattie Leusch | |||||
Henrietta C. Baumgarten | Eva M. London | |||||
Henry W. Clouchek | Florence Meachen | |||||
Joseph C. Cleveland | H. Roy Misener | |||||
Edith F. Doll | Belle L. Morgan | |||||
Minnie E. Gallas | Emma Paxton | |||||
Ferdinand J. Gerber | Marshall G. Peck | |||||
William G. Griffith | Arthur R. T. Roeske | |||||
George H. Haskin | Clara M. Sieb | |||||
Albert Hostetler | Louisa L. Schlicker | |||||
Effie V. Houser | Lillian M. Sholtz | |||||
Samuel A. Johnson | Jessie Swindell | |||||
Daisy B. Jones | William Vought | |||||
William F. Kluge | Agnes Walters | |||||
1892 Michigan City, IN 8th Grade Graduates,
Evening News, Michigan City, IN, Wed. 8 June 1892. Extracted by Patricia Gruse Harris August 2006. |
Clarence Agnew | Willie Hutchinson | |||||
Ella Ayers | Alice Kahn | |||||
Ella Berger | Louis E. Kimball | |||||
May Carver | Hattie King | |||||
Grace Chapman | Hattie Krueger | |||||
Jeannette Chubb | Lizzie Lay | |||||
Mamie Corbly | George Leusch | |||||
Emma Darman | Geo. McDonald | |||||
Etta Deming | Frank Mick | |||||
Martha Feallock | Florence Parry | |||||
Etta Finch | Louise Porter | |||||
Ruth Foltz | Laura Robinson | |||||
Belle Gwalter | Emma Tiedt | |||||
Lora Hamrick | Nellie Warkentin | |||||
Arthur Hillman | Rudolph Weiler | |||||
Henry Hunsiker | Edward Zahrndt | |||||
1893 Michigan City, IN 8th Grade Graduates,
Evening News, Michigan City, IN, Thurs., 22 June 1893. Extracted by Patricia Gruse Harris August 2006. |
Estelle May Agnew | Edna May Browning | Louis William Meese | ||||
Mary Arndt | Hamilton | Theron Ferson Miller | ||||
James Madison Ayers | Darrell Fay Hamlett | Anna Charlotte Munson | ||||
Nina Mabel Beadle | Harry F. Harbert | Rudolph Roll | ||||
Raymond Clark Breece | Minnie Lydia Hintz | Mabel Annis Rose | ||||
Louise Cohn | Florence Ceilia Hoben | Bessie Royce | ||||
Alice May Corbin | Scott Stanton Holman | Lizzie Mae Schramm | ||||
Mabel Clair Crosby | Anna Mary Kaefer | Frank Shreve | ||||
Margaret Maria Couden | Martha Joanna Klopsch | Lydia Henrietta Sieb | ||||
Edward Ralph Doran | Louie Kluge | Marguerite Smith | ||||
Daisy Elizabeth Finley | Nina Louisa Krabbe | Marie Irene Snyder | ||||
Mabel Estella Flood | Matilda Kuhs | Harvey Stanton Vail | ||||
Clara Etta Glime | Bertha Gertrude Lay | Otto Warkentine | ||||
Thomas Elay Gould | Adelaide Mae Luce | Harry Burton Wells | ||||
Bertha Julia Griffith | Thomas Charles McNulty | Shelby Leland Yerger | ||||
Louis Albert Zahrn |
Michigan City, IN 8th Grade Graduates,
Evening Dispatch, Michigan City , IN , Thurs. 21 June 1895, p. 1,
Walter R.Adams Essie L. Ephlin Walter A. Palmer
Otto C. Baumgarten Darrel. F. Hamlett George Paxton
Clara M. Broderson Mamie E. Heise James R. Reinhart
Daisy E. Brown Florence C. Hoban Frances W. Sackett
Essie S. Brown Harry L. Hoffman May E. Schrum
Solomon F. Collins Matilda H. Kaefer Laura Sheridan
Harry C. Colborn Richard N. Kendrick Frank Shreve
Julia L. Cook Emma L. Lagaman Alice Smith
Bessie E. Coughlin Alfred J. McKee Maud Venamon
Minnie W. Debre Helen M. Meyer Anna L. Weiler
Robert S. Edick Marie L. Montgomery Lavina C. Zander
Jessie M. Oliver
1895 Michigan City, IN
8th Grade Graduates,
Evening Dispatch,
Michigan City , IN ,
Wed. 19 June 1895 . Extracted by Patricia Gruse Harris August 2006.
Mabel Rose Ashton Louis Guhlstorf George Henry Meese
Bert Franklin Ayers Robert Hazelhurst Herman Charles Mick
Charles C. Bartels Lula May Johnson Nina Eliza Pidge
Louis Brinkman Katie Kimball William C. Richter
Earle Mettert Brown Estella May Kinnil Ralph Edgar Riley
Harriet May Clark Luray Kinnil Oscar Charles Roeske
Harriet I. Cloud Lizzie Edith Krueger Harriet Booth Romel
Florence P. Couden Elizabeth Kuhs Etta Alice Seegert
Ella M. Eggert Edward C. Leusch Otto Fred Siegman
Harry Forrester Bessie M. Lobdell Ida May Stanton
Anna May Griffith Grace R. Marsh George Voss
Louis Fred Grochler Lillian Lulu Mass Lella Abbie Ward
1896 Michigan City, IN
8th Grade Graduates,
Evening Dispatch,
Michigan City , IN , Thurs. 25 June 1896 . Extracted by Patricia Gruse Harris.
William Arndt Olga Hoffman Julia Porter
Pearl Armstrong Anna Holtz Arthur Reglein
Clara Baumgarten Alice Johnson Martha Roeske
Walter Benford Edward Johnson Nellie Rogers
Minnie Berndt Lydia Karnopp Danforth Royce
Margaret Boothroyd Bernice King Fred Sadenwater
Daisy Boyer Clara Kirschke Arthur Schneider
John Carlson Wm. Krause Mary Seeger
Reynolds Couden Harry Krueger Charles Sengbush
Gertrude DeWolfe Walter Kuhn Sadie Smith
Frances Donnelly George Lamphier Bessie Street
Gertrude Etzeora Roy Lay Beulah Sterzing
Hannah Foltz Jacob Levine George Stoddard
Arthur Freyer Ida Lytle Mabel Throckmorton
Essie Gerrard William Marks Lotta Tuthill
Anna Gielow Fred Martin Ralph Vail
Margaret Hamilton Burton Martz Hattie Warkentine
Margaret Harper William Martz Alfred Westphal
Neva Harper Clara Moore Albert Wheeler
Clara Heermans Edward McNulty Clarissa Wolfe
Alice Paxton Gertrude Yerger
1897 8th Grade Graduates, Garfield & Central Schools, Michigan
City, IN
Evening Dispatch, Michigan City , IN , Wed. 16 June 1897 , p.
1, c. 3
Walter G. Bertz James N. Howe William H. Meese
Caroline F. Biermann John C. Hunerjager Leon L. Near
Alice M. Bouchard Ethel C. Johnson Charles A. Phillips
John H. Blessin James L. Kenefick Lulu E. Schrum
Gertrude B. Cook Charles A. Kuhn Clara L. Seehaver
Alice M. Cook Joseph L. LaGess Martha E. Sengbusch
Millie M. Collins Harriet M Lell Pearl A. Unruh
Charles G. Cothran Flossie C. Looker
Loree O. Hamlett Jennie C. Looker
Central School
Roland R. Angier Herbert G. Edick Charles McDaniel
Laura Bartholomew Anna A. Ephlin Hattie L. Phillips
Charlotte Berwanger Reuben Alfred Ford Frederich D. Ritter
Mary E. Brown Lucinda Green Nettie C. Robinson
Clinton C. Chubb Pearl M. Heise Byron L. Rogers
Ella A. Compton Olive Hixon Nellie M. Rozean
Albert R. Couden Anna F. Hoffman Richard E. Schramns
Hazel A. DeHaven Nina M. Houser Charles H. Seymour
Grover C. Debre Mabel E. Kimball Charles P. Woodson
Frances M. Doll Ruby J. Mason Lousina Venamon
Wynant O. Eddy Philomena McConnell
1898 8th Grade Graduates Central & Garfield Schools, Michigan City, IN
Evening News, Michigan City , IN, Tues. 2 June 1892 , p. 2, c. 4.
Central School Miss Josephine Stephenson, teacher
Mina Ashton Charles Haugh Gertrude Oppermann
Walter Berger Marguerite Highgate Harry Palm
Theodora Braman Alice Johnson Ellmina Phillips
Frank Brittingham Edwin Johnson Chester Procter
Agnes Chubb Augusta Kloepfer Eloise Purdy
Milton Chubb Alice Krueger Lydia Roeske
Ford Colborn Thomas Krueger Gertrude Seegert
Florence Corbitt Clara Lamb Grace Van Deusen
Fred Ebert Helen Mitchell Edward Warkentine
Jessie Ephlin Bessie Monahan Henrietta Weiler
Otto Feallock Mary Monahan Minnie Wheeler
Clara Frehse Genevieve Mott Edna Whipple
Albert Gallas Wilhelmina Munson Frederick Zahrn
Emma Hartke Gertrude Seegert
Garfield School Miss Katheryne Valentine, teacher
Dorothy Armstrong Anna Goodman William Mewes
George Baker Linda Harris Amanda Meyer
August Beckman Emma Kambs Lyman Ohming
Omer Boyd William Krueger Helen Paxton
Winifred Braman Alfred Kull Raymond Robinson
Matilda Carstens Thomas Kull Lillie Schrieber
Alice Dunlap James Lawrence Lillian Staschen
Florence Faulhaber Boyce Lally Charles Ullrich
Margaret Gerrard Olga Lindemann Louis Wheeler
Carrie Gilmore Luria Looker Emphia Will
Jessie McDonald
If you have some interesting histories about the county and its
townships, please contact me, Deanna West at