La Porte County Asylum for the Poor
"County Farm Residents"
1850 to 1880 Census 
Originally located Southeast Quarter of
Section 22 in Center Township

1850 Census
Center Twp Dwelling 90 - Poorhouse - Page 494
Name Age Gender Occupation Place of Birth
Cross, John 60 M P. H. Keeper PA
Cross, Sarah 54 F Wife PA
Cross, Daniel 27 M Carpenter Ohio
Cross, Samuel 22 M Farmer Ohio
Cross, Isaac 19 M Cooper OH
Occupants of PH

Cassiday, John 69 M None PA
Barney Moon 71 M Shoe Maker VT
Kimberly, Jeremiah 28 M None IN
Cooper, William 18 M None NY
Bonnet, John 60 M None Canada
Hale. Aaron 40 M None ME
Johnson, Rebecca 30 F None CT

1860 Census
Census for County Home
Center Twp Page 151

Name AgeSexOccupationBorn
Martin, Orin 55 M P.H. Keeper NY
Martin, Mary L 47 F Wife NY
Martin, Mary Ann 25 F Servant IN
Martin, Sarah J 24 F - IN
Martin, James W 23 M Laborer IN
Martin, Lydia A 19 F - IN
Martin, Olive M 16 F - IN
Martin, Marietta 14 F School IN
Martin, Marian M 12 F School IN
Martin, Alfrietta 7 F School IN
Occupants of P H - - - -
Austin, William 40 M - IN
Horry, Dorothy 25 F - NY
Miller, Louisa 30 F - IN
Pitts, Anna 40 F - MA
Phimury, Harriet 54 F - VA
Cassidy, William C 84 M - NY
McCarthe, John 36 M - Ireland
Havor, Sophia 65 F - Unknown
Parker, Elizabeth 30 F - IN
Redding, Louisa A 25 F - PA
Shaw, George 4 M - PA
Gard, Eliza J 7 M - IN
Mills, James 16 M - IN
Knapp, Eber 50 M - NY
Cheesman, Hannah 70 F - NY
Heaton, William 30 M - OH
Frames, Albert 25 M - Unknown
1870 Census
Center Twp, Page 9
Name Age Sex Occupation Born
Layton, Wm F 54 M Farmer/keeper NY
Layton, Marilla 52 F Keeping House NY
Layton, Frances M 26 M Farm Lab NY
Layton, Ida 16 F At Home NY
Layton, John 13 M At Home WI
Layton, Abraham 8 M At home IN
McClelland, Charles 9 M Pauper IN
McClelland, James 5 M Pauper IN
Ivy, Elizabeth 27 F Pauper IN
Ivy, Samuel M 8 M Pauper IN
Ivy, Ellen 2 F Pauper IN
Hollenbeck, Angeline 20 F Pauper PA
Hollenbeck, William 2 M Pauper IL
Huntley, Fanny 87 F Pauper CT
Huntley, Sophronia 53 F Pauper NY
Austin, Wm 58 M Pauper NY (insane)
Heston, Wm 52 M Pauper NY (insane)
Smith, John 78 M Pauper NY
McCarty, John 48 M Pauper Ireland (blind)
Knapp, Alva 58 M Pauper NY
LaRue, Wm 68 M Pauper Canada
Dresden, Mary 88 F Pauper MA
Billings, Patience 70 F Pauper NY
Norris, Dorothy 40 F Pauper NY (insane)
Doyle, Mary 30 F Pauper Ireland (insane)
Redding, Louisa 31 F Pauper IN
Poland, Catherine 70 F Pauper Prussia
Fi? , Harriet 57 F Pauper VA (insane)
Vader, Ann A 28 F Pauper IL
Betz, Ann 40 F Pauper Prussia (Insane)
Chronister, Eliza 40 F Pauper NY
Unknown 2 F Pauper IN
Hale, Anna 7 F Pauper IN
Drone, Charles 65 M Pauper Mecklenburg
Puzwosky, Anton 24 M Pauper Prussia
Spellman, John 74 M Pauper Ireland
Batterson, Daniel 52 M Pauper PA
Hubbard, Wm 25 M Pauper IN
Robinson, Robt 34 M Pauper Norway
Wolley, Isiah 63 M Pauper England
Grice, David 73 M Pauper PA (blind)
Layman, Geo 60 M Pauper NY
Stevenson, Rosetta 24 F Pauper IN
Stevenson, Laura 1 F Pauper IN
Unknown 10 mo M B Pauper Unknown

1880 Federal Census
Page 17 & 18 Center Twp
Name Relation Race Sex Age Mar.status Place of birth Father Mother Spec. Notes

Bachar, Francis Inmate W F 37 S Poland Poland Poland Idiotic/crippled
Belten, Anna Inmate W F
Bennett, Venona Inmate W F 96 Wd Vermont Vermont Vermont
Betz, Anna Inmate W F 66 Wd Baden Baden Baden Insane
Brown, Sarah Inmate W F 63 S New York New York New York Idiotic
Carchestco, Catholine Inmate W F 70 Wd Poland Poland Poland
Cartashush, Chris Inmate W F 59 Wd Poland Poland Poland
Cotchmark, Jacob Inmate W M 73 Wd Poland Poland Poland crippled
Crowel, Harvey Inmate W M 76 Wd Mass Mass Mass crippled
Doile, Mary Inmate W F 44 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland Insane
Dresdon, Mary Inmate W F 105 Wd Mass Mass Mass
Elly, Philip Inmate W M 53 S Vict. Germany Germany crippled
Finey, Harriett Inmate W F 73 Wd Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Insane
Flinner, Bridget Inmate W F 55 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland Insane
Fogleman, Adam Farm Labor W M 21
Michigan Germany Germany
Frewin, George Inmate W M 40 S Mass Mass Mass Insane
Grizzle Inmate W M 74 Wd New Hampshire New Hampshire New Hampshire
Hander, Julian Mother W F 64

Hoffman, Elizabeth Inmate W F 46 D Ireland Ireland Ireland blind/insane
Horen, Doratha Inmate W F 50 S Indiana Indiana Indiana Insane
Hubbard, William Inmate W M 40 S Connecticut Connecticut Connecticut Idiotic/crippled
Huffman, Emilie w/o Joseph W F 35

Huffman, Hattie s/d of Supt W F 11

Huffman, Joseph Supt. Of Asylum W M 47 M Germany Germany Germany
Huntly, Sophronia Inmate W F 65 S Indiana Indiana Indiana Idiotic
Johnson, Andrew Inmate W M 31 S Sweden Sweden Sweden Insane
McCarty, John Inmate W M 50 S Ireland Ireland Ireland Blind
Moore, Charlie Inmate W M 20 S Indiana Indiana Indiana Idiotic
Osoloskey, Antony Inmate W M 32 S Poland Poland Poland Idiotic/crippled
Quirk, James Inmate W M 40 S Ireland Ireland Ireland Idiotic/Insane
Redding, Louise Inmate W F 42 S Indiana Indiana Indiana Blind/crippled
Rimpler, Matilda Servant W F 21
Indiana Prussia Prussia Servant
Smith, John Inmate W M 90 Wd Canada Canada Canada Blind/crippled
Strosburg,William Inmate W M 42 S Prussia Prussia Prussia crippled
Tozier, Ruben Inmate W M 70 Wd Maine Maine Maine
Veleane, Adolfinewa Inmate W M 37 M Sweden Sweden Sweden Insane

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