Warsaw Daily TimesSeptember 2, 1890...Continued
Company B
D Howard, Burkett, Ind
W W Allen, Coesse, Ind
J V Hiler, 1st Serg, Fort Wayne, Ind
W H Jackson, Fort Wayne, Ind
J F McNear, 1st Lieut, Columbia City, Ind
W H Sellers, Hecla, Ind
James Dowell, LaPaz, Ind

Company C
David Shives, Calonna, Iowa
J H Brown, Corp, Monroeville, Ind
M Wagner, Shelden, Ind
Wm Kinerk, Fort Wayne, Ind
J B Richards, Fort Wayne, Ind

Company D
Thos Graham, Benton, Ind
J M Wilson, Albion, Ind
Joseph Chasey, Angola, Ind
W C Shook, Kalamazoo, Mich
David DeLong, Sedan, Ind
Thomas Lippert, Goshen, Ind

Company E
Samuel Bottomfelt, Goshen, Ind
G W Barnhart, Cromwell, Ind
D P Deardorff, 1st Lieut, Chicago, Ills
J D Wagoner, Milford, Ind
J C Lehman, Goshen, Ind
F M Beckner, North Webster, Ind
D S Witmer, Nappanee, Ind
J Hess, Corp, Argos, Ind

Company F
A Silsby, Mentone, Ind
S R Hamlin, Etna Green, Ind
W E Gay, Bourbon, Ind
S B Gay, Corp, Etna Green, Ind
W E Baker, Etna Green, Ind
S J North, Capt, Milford, Ind
A Bell, Etna Green, Ind
Prest Fuller, Milford, Ind
Wm Fisher, Milford, Ind
John Linn, Cromwell, Ind
W W Warrens, Donaldson, Ind
Joseph Hines, Bourbon, Ind
A Calbetzor, Corp, Wallen, Ind
J W Miller, Warsaw, Ind
John Pinkerton, Warsaw, Ind

Company G M Long, Elkhart, Ind
R Lutes, Sergt, Goshen, Ind
D Havourd, Elkhart, Ind
N Parrot, Elkhart, Ind
D Herrington, Wakarusa, Ind
Benj Hughes, Wakarusa, Ind
George Rich, Goshen, Ind
Willard Rich, Elkhart, Ind

Company H
B F Dawson, 2nd Lieut, Angola, Ind
R J Willard, Ontario, Ind
Wm Tasker, Corp, Angola, Ind
Geo Rummel, Sergt, Angola, Ind
J Wolcott, Fremont, Ind

Company I
A Kitson, Corp, Ligonier, Ind
Jesse Truax, Goshen, Ind
Mart Housoner, Nappanee, Ind
Thos Eppert, Syracuse, Ind
Albert Lombard, Indianapolis, Ind
David Hire, Corp, Ligonier, Ind
Company I (cont)

David Gerten, Ligonier, Ind
Geo W Worley, Millersburg, Ind
James Prichard, Millersburg, Ind
Jacob Housoner, Nappanee, Ind
Perry Galloway, Cromwell, Ind
Aust Davis, Sergt, North Webster, Ind
C C Beane, 1st Lieut, Leesburg, Ind
Thos Imel, Leesburg, Ind
C E Thompson, 2nd Lieut, Benton, Ind
Peter Fink, Corp, Elkhart, Ind
Jerry E Stephenson, Warsaw, Ind
Harrison Dillingham, Bourbon, Ind
John Foster, White Pigeon, Mich
Andrew Miller, Ligonier, Ind
I M Girten, Ligonier, Ind

Company K
Frank Roberts, Syracuse, Ind
Alex G Adams, Pierceton, Ind
Lyman Borton, Mentone, Ind
Wesley Mackrell, Silver Lake, Ind
Henry Baughman, Warsaw, Ind
B F Rerrick, Corp, Altamont, Mo
Henry Keefer, Wooster, Ind
W H Cattell, Mentone, Ind
James S Smith, Warsaw, Ind
John W Hosman, Corp, Indianapolis, Ind
Henry Bodkin, Warsaw, Ind
James P Miller, Warsaw, Ind
E Rankin, Leesburg, Ind
John Miner, Corp, Clunette, Ind
Joseph W Kelly, Warsaw, Ind
Mart R Robinson, Atwood, Ind
Stephen L Smith, Sidney, Ind
John Kirkendall, Leesburg, Ind
David Poor, Corp, Etna Green, Ind
John M Oswalt, Millwood, Ind
John Ames, Bourbon, Ind
Archibald Nice, Palestine, Ind
Abram Erp, Sergt, Pleasantville, Iowa
Benj H Dunnuck, Warsaw, Ind
James H Stephenson, 1st Lieut, Warsaw, Indiana
Geo W Keistler, Corp, Palestine, Ind

During the day an informal meeting was held in the rooms of Henry Post,G.A.R., but the first gathering, as fixed on the program, was at 7 o'clockp.m. at which hour the Veterans met at the Hotel Hays, and, escorted byBass's Juvenile Drum Corps, marched to Lakeside Park, the point fixed forholding the Camp Fire. Arriving the designated place, the gathering wascalled to order by the President, Nicholas P. Cook, prayer being offeredby the Rev. J.Q. hall, of the Presbyterian church, of this city. The quartetteof vocalist, to the deep regret of the managers of the Reunion, for somereason, utterly disappointed them, and as a consequence, the boys had todo their own singing, which, after a break or two, they did very well. ComradeDawson was called to the chair to officiate as manipulator of the program,and after a few remarks of a telling nature, introduced Mayor Royse, whohad bee selected to make the Address of Welcome, and splendidly, eloquentlyand patheticly did he fulfill his part, as he always does. His address wasat times most touching, and in many faces we saw the starting tear, as theMayor, in his deep-toned, impassioned manner, touched upon the "unreturningbraves" whose unknown graves are scattered all over the South.
Following Mayor Royce, Comrade Rich delivered quite an addressin place of the speakers, who at the last moment disappointed the managementalso, and he again was followed by several others, whose names we couldnot get. The Camp Fire broke up at a late hour, all having had a very pleasanttime. At 8 o'clock this morning, under the lead of Bass's Drum Corp, thesurvivors of the Seventy-fourth wended their way to Lakeside Park, wherethey were to attend to the business features of the Reunion, the electionof officers, and fixing upon a place for the next Reunion. This afternoonthey will be the guests of the Beyer Brothers, at Spring Fountain Park,and will be shown the Cyclorama of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge.The boys have apparently has a very pleasant time at their Sixth AnnualReunion, and were loud in their praises of the hospitality extended themby the people of Warsaw.

Reunion Notes.

Jerry Kuder, known to every one, was greeted most cordially by his old comrades.Jerry is among the few Indiana boys who received a Congressional Medal-anemblem which he is now wearing.

At about 4 o'clock all the members of the Regiment present were assembledin front of the Court-house and had their photographs taken. This will bequite a souvenir of the Warsaw meeting in after years.

S. B. Gay, of Etna Green, attended the Reunion of his regiment, of course,and also gave this office a call. While here he ordered a copy of The IndianianRepublican sent to a friend in Ohio - an example that other could followto advantage.

Joseph Kelly made quite an improvement in registering the names of the memberof the regiment, as they arrived, taking down their names in alphabeticalorder and designating a department in his book for each company and forthe field and staff, making it a very convenient arrangement.

Elias Popham, of Minneapolis, Kansas, came back to his old home in thiscounty to attend the reunion of the Seventy-fourth - his old regiment. Mr.Popham was wounded at Chickamauga , and also carried off the field of Jonesboro,Ga., receiving his second wound at that place. He was glad to be once morewith is old comrades.

A large number of the survivors of the Seventy-fourth gave this office acall during their visit to the city. We are always glad to meet any onewho, unlike Daniel W. Voorhees, was true to the country when that countryneeded their services. Dan spouts a good deal now about being a friend tothe soldier, but then it was dangerous for the gentleman to ride on thesame train with soldiers - owing to a difference of opinion on a very importantquestion.

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Created: 24 May 1998
Gene Andert / Fort Wayne, IN / gandert@mac.com