George E. Wine's Family

George Elsworth Wine and his sons operated a livery stable in Pierceton for many years. His grand-daughter said of it: "He had this big barn of horses and carriages, and everything in it was his except the hearse. It was on the main street of the town, in Pierceton. His house was next to it, and then he had a store next to that." This family photo was taken in 1898. The three people seated in the middle (left to right) are: George's wife, Isabella MYERS WINE; George's father, Jacob WINE; George himself. Not certain of the names of the children in front. The adults standing in back are: William WINE?, Charles WINE?, 3rd generation family member, Jessie WINE?, Albert WINE?, Anna WINE KISER?, Lyman WINE?, Edith WINE, Ora WINE BARR, John WINE?, 3rd generation family member, 3rd generation family member, Golda WINE.

The photo is provided courtesy of Nila Blackham of Orem, Utah.

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