Kosciusko County, Indiana

Index to Deed Books 1 to 10: 1836 - May, 1852

Abb to BanBap toBivBla toBreBrp to Cay
Cha to ComCon to DavDaw to ErwEsh to Fus
Gad to HaiHal to HayHea to JarJef to Kyl
Lac to LytMab to MikMil to MyrNaf to Pit
Pla to RitRoa to ScrSec to SmiSna to Syr
Tab to UndUni to WidWil to Zin

This is an Index to over 6,000 land transactions in Kosciusko County, In that occured between 1836 to May, 1852. Janet Kirkpatrick transcribed this index from the Kosciusko County Deed Books 1 to 10 that are on microfilm. This index notes the two parties involved in the land transaction, the page number of the Deed Book, the specific Deed Book and then a category of transaction. Categories include:
* American Indian
BG Burying ground
CH Church
ORG Organizations
PAT Patent
SCH schools
TR Transportation
Some of the cells in the party columns are blank. This is because there are documents in the Deed Books which are not deeds; such as town plats, election of trustees, or formation of organizations. In some cases there may be the word "bis" found in the page number column. This means that there were two pages with the same number.

Be aware that the names were spelled as they sounded to the recorder. Also, certain letters were hard to distinguish from one another, such as "a" or "o", capital "L" or "S", "m" or "n", capital "M" or "W" and others. A few names were simply hard to decipher. In the party columns, some names are bracketed. This is the meaning of the brackets:
[ ] alternate spelling in text
( ) addition of indexer

The Kosciusko County Genealogy Section is willing to make copies of these deeds for $4.00 each. Please send the name, book and page number along with a SASE to:
Kosciusko Historical Society, Genealogy Section
ATTN: Deeds
PO Box 1071
Warsaw, IN 46581-1071Librarian

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Updated: 10 Mar 2013
Gene Andert / Fort Wayne, IN / gandert@mac.com

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