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Presented here is the 1860 US Census of Kosciusko County, Indiana, transcribed by a team of dedicated Kosciusko County, Indiana researchers:

 Gene AndertCarla BurnsideKathy GavinDave GortonJaira Hill
 Sherry HoltheJ. Elaine MerrickJane MonteithPhil RitterDonna Timmons
 Denise WilsonSue Zellers

From the National Archives Microfilm Publications - Microcopy No. M653, Population schedules of the Eighth Census of the United States 1860 Roll 273, Indiana, Volume 18 (1-446), Kosciusko County.

Everyname Index

A to BaiBak to BecBed to BohBoi to BroBru to Cap
Car to ConCoo to DanDar to DruDuc to FalFan to Fre
Fri to GolGoo to HaiHal to HayHaz to HoaHod to Hus
Hut to JunJur to KitKli to LicLie to MarMas to Mcn
Mcp to MinMir to MyeNas to ParPat to PlePlu to Rho
Ric to RolRom to ScoSea to ShoShr to SniSno to Sto
Str to ThoThr to UttVan to WeaWeb to WinWir to Zin

Township/City/Village Index

Scott TownshipJefferson Township
Van Buren TownshipVillage of Milford, Van Buren Township
Turkey Creek TownshipVillage of Syracuse, Turkey Creek Township
Tippecanoe TownshipVillage of Webster, Tippecanoe Township
Plain TownshipLeesburg, Plain Township
Village of Oswego, Plain TownshipVillage of Monoquet, Plain Township
Prairie TownshipEtna Township
Washington TownshipVillage of Pierceton, Washington Township
Harrison TownshipFranklin Township
Seward TownshipWayne Township
Warsaw, Wayne TownshipClay Township
Monroe TownshipJackson Township

The 1860 Census was enumerated by two Assistant U.S. Marshals - A. D. Callender, who covered the northern half of the County, and Elisha V. Long, who enumerated the southern half of the County - between June 13th, 1860 and October 27th, 1860. You must check every conceivable spelling of the surname you are searching for. Neither of these Marshals were good spellers and oftentimes the handwriting was very difficult to read. Names were often spelled phonetically...such as Abraham Pontius of Tippecanoe Township, his surname was recorded by the U.S. Marshal as PENCHIS. Mistakes were also made by the enumerators, in many cases the wrong gender is noted for a name that is clearly of the opposite gender, i.e. Martha recorded as "M". This presentation of the 1860 census notes each entry as it was recorded by the two census enumerators, Callender and Long. If the transcriber believed an error was made by the enumerator there will be an entry in the last column, called "Remarks."

A clarification of each of the column headings canbe found here. This page offers statistical information on the 1860 Kosciusko County Census.

1860 Mortality Schedule

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Gene Andert / Fort Wayne, IN /

©2000 by Eugene W. Andert