Presented here is the 1840 US Census ofKosciusko County, Indiana. Transcribed by Gene Andert from theNational Archives Microfilm Publications microcopy No. 704, Roll 85 Indiana Volume 6 (1-152),Kosciusko, Knox, Lake and Laporte Counties Population Schedules of the the Sixth Census of the UnitedStates.
This Census challenged the enumerators to collect 75 columns of information on eachhousehold. But ONLY the names of the Heads of Household are cited. For each household, the numberof males and females for various age groups were noted. Also noted were the number os persons withineach household employed in specific professions. This census also sought to capture information on slavesand free colored persons. This transcription for Kosciusko County only includes the columns thatincluded information. No slaves or free colored persons were enumerated in Kosciusko County. I've alsoonly included the professions that Kosciusko County people were employed in, nobody in Kosciusko Countywas involved in Mining or the Navigation of Oceans. This Census did not capture the city, town ortownships the households lived in.
One column has been added to this census to improve the abilityto locate an individual, Line Number. Presented is an Index of Heads of Households that includes a clickablelink to the Census page that person is on. You can also browse each Census page.