

Eventually this listing will be discontinued because all obits will be linked in the individual cemetery listings.
Many thanks to Jim Cox, Jane Edson, Karin King, Sandi Evilsizer Koscak and everyone else who contributed obituaries.
If you have an obituary that you would like to share,
please email it to Jim Cox for inclusion in the cemetery.

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Updated 1/25/2018

  1. Lacy, Martha L (Howell)
  2. LaFollette, Ellen (Zigler)
  3. LaFollette, Eva L
  4. LaFollette, Helen (Baumgartner)
  5. LaFollette, John, Sr
  6. LaFollette, Lucile (Shauver)
  7. LaFollette, Sadie S (Wilson)
  8. LaFollette, William P
  9. Lake, Eva L (Champ)
  10. Lake, Fred Wayne
  11. Lake, Hazel Pearl (Denniston)
  12. Lake, Mark Allen, Sr
  13. Lake, Pearl E (Hutzler)
  14. Lake, Raymond D
  15. Lalley, Arthur E
  16. Lalley, Michael
  17. Lamb, Maxine E
  18. Lambert, Georgette F
  19. Lamburn, Laura Ann (Beebe)
  20. Lancaster, Edward T, Jr
  21. Landauer, Abraham W
  22. Landauer, Albert Carl

  23. Landers, Anna Marie (Simmons)
  24. Landers, Carolyn J (Mason)
  25. Landers, Elmina E (Trobridge)
  26. Landers, Esther Jane (McCurdy)
  27. Landers, Frank
  28. Landers, Henry L
  29. Landers, Imogene A (Miller)
  30. Landers, Isaac Benjamin
  31. Landers, James O
  32. Landers, James Robert
  33. Landers, James Wilbert
  34. Landers, James Wilbert, Jr
  35. Landers, Joseph E
  36. Landers, Junior Wesley
  37. Landers, Lena Mae (Harry)
  38. Landers, Lester E
  39. Landers, Martha Pearl (Chapman)
  40. Landers, Paul Andrew
  41. Landers, Riley
  42. Landers, Ruby J (Morgan)
  43. Landers, Ruth S (Rigby)
  44. Landers, Viola
  45. Landers, Vivian I (Guntle)
  46. Landers, William

  47. Landess, Arthur
  48. Landess, Dorothy E (Lee)
  49. Landess, Harry Darrell
  50. Landess, Patrick Gene
  51. Landess, Thelma J
  52. Landfair, Linda Lou (Vorhees)
  53. Landfair-Leininger, Gladys I (Woods)
  54. Landon, Dianna V
  55. Landon, Elisha
  56. Landon, Ronald L
  57. Landon, Sandra J (Murphy)
  58. Langenkamp, Rita Carolyn (Burnham)
  59. Langenkamp, Robert H
  60. Langenkamp, Walter Lawrence
  61. Lanning, Audrey B (Miller)
  62. Lanning, Cody
  63. Lanning, Eliza
  64. Lanning, Gary
  65. Lanning, Jesse
  66. Lanning, Leon M
  67. Lanning, Mary Ann (Welch)
  68. Lanning, Robert
  69. Lanning-Fultz, Elma L (Smith)
  70. Lansford, Daisy (Payne)
  71. Lanter, Beatrice
  72. Lantz, Rodney K
  73. Lare, George S
  74. Lare, Norman
  75. Larson, Joan (Ledbetter)
  76. Laughlin, Minnie E
  77. Laux, Alvina Catherine (Knoth)
  78. Laux, Charles H
  79. Laux, Connie J (Koon)
  80. Laux, Esther A (Wagner)
  81. Laux, Joseph C
  82. Laux, Joseph Edgar
  83. Laux, Sandra (McLaughlin)
  84. Laux, Virginia (Ura)
  85. Lawburn, John
  86. Lawhorn, Lloyd D
  87. Lawrence, Alyce M (Totten)
  88. Lawrence, Barbara A (Void)
  89. Lawrence, James M
  90. Lawrence, Joseph Dale
  91. Lawrence, Robert L
  92. Lawrence-Johnson, Edna M (Nelson)
  93. Lawson, Albert Troy
  94. Lawson, Herman Lee
  95. Lawson, Thelma Berniece (Platt)
  96. Layman, Emily Melvina (Dillavon)
  97. Layman, Katherine Ann
  98. Layman, Larry L

  99. Lea, Clarence J
  100. Lea, David A
  101. Lea, Lila Jane
  102. Learned, Etta Lavinia (Payne)
  103. Leavell, Albert Wesley
  104. Leavell, Georgianna (Doyle)
  105. Leavell, John Curtis
  106. Ledbetter, Blanche L (Bell)
  107. Ledbetter, Esther C (McFarland)
  108. Ledbetter, John M "Jack"
  109. Ledbetter, Judith A (Gettinger)
  110. Ledbetter, Mabel L
  111. Lee, Anna (Wilson) Gerhart
  112. Lee, Clara Indiana (Morton)
  113. Lee, Dudley Glen
  114. Lee, Elias Andrew
  115. Lee, Harold E
  116. Lee, Jame H
  117. Lee, Lawrence L "Jim"
  118. Lee, Mildred (Hardymon)
  119. Lee, Pauline Marie (Shawver)
  120. Lee, Roscoe V
  121. Lee, Viola (Rudy)
  122. Lee, William T
  123. LeFavour, J Augustus
  124. LeFevre, Crystal I (May)
  125. Lehman, Erma R (Stanley)
  126. Leighton, Morris D

  127. LeMaster, Alice M (Hickey)
  128. LeMaster, Clara Louise (Burkey)
  129. LeMaster, Clarence H
  130. LeMaster, Garth Luman Sr
  131. LeMaster, John Leland, Jr
  132. LeMaster, John Leland, Sr
  133. LeMaster, Kenneth Paul
  134. LeMaster, Mary Louise (Dalrymple)
  135. LeMaster, Maxine Elizabeth
  136. LeMaster, Ora Lee (Brady)
  137. LeMaster, Patricia Lou
  138. LeMaster, Roger Allen
  139. LeMaster, Wilma Lucille
  140. LeMaster-Morehous, Wanda Kate (Peden)
  141. LeMasters, Floyd
  142. LeMasters, Mabel Agnes (Kantner)
  143. Lenox, Eva Roberta (LeMaster)
  144. Leonard, L Pearl
  145. Leonhard, Harold W
  146. Leonhard, John F
  147. Leonhard, Sarah (Haley)
  148. Lett, Clarkson
  149. Lett, infant of Charles
  150. Lewis, David William
  151. Lewis, Donald Corey
  152. Lewis, Doris T (Child)
  153. Lewis, Elma (Grisell)
  154. Lewis, Frances H (Priest)
  155. Lewis, George Arthur
  156. Lewis, Harley F
  157. Lewis, Herbert H
  158. Lewis, Hervey
  159. Lewis, Kathryn M (Messner)
  160. Lewis, Theresa

  161. Liestenfeltz, Viola
  162. Life, E Duane
  163. Life, Frances C (Turner)
  164. Life, Keith M
  165. Life, Theda E (Sinks)
  166. Liggett, Kim A
  167. Liggett, Mary Irene
  168. Lillard, Myrtle Irene (McCracken)
  169. Lillard, Truman Edward
  170. Limbert, Bob J
  171. Limbert, Jeff A
  172. Limbert, Larry W
  173. Linder, Leona Nadine (Swank)
  174. Linder, William David
  175. Lindley, Alfred Mathias
  176. Lindley, Elizabeth N (Atkinson)
  177. Lindley, Helen Marie (Simpson)
  178. Lindley, Juanita F (Carter)
  179. Lindley, Mabel M (Warnock)
  180. Lindley, Sarah Margaret (Eley)
  181. Lindsey, Buzz
  182. Lines, Irene Michael (Knox)
  183. Lingo, Fred L
  184. Lingo, George W
  185. Lingo, John Frederick
  186. Lingo, Lois V (Orr)
  187. Lingo, Rena Alice Jane (Miller)
  188. Lingo, William Arthur
  189. Lingo, Zorpha I
  190. Link, Dorothy A (May)
  191. Linkhauer, Sarah Jane (Cline)
  192. Listenfeld, John D
  193. Litton, Dillard Lee
  194. Litton, Ruby G (Terry)

  195. Locker, Beverly Ann (McCrory)
  196. Locker, Howard R
  197. Lofton, Michael Ray
  198. Logan, Barbara J (Smith)
  199. Logan, Marion F
  200. Logan, Mildred E
  201. Logsdon, Squire
  202. Long, Armiena (Frickel)
  203. Long, Charles
  204. Long, Charles D
  205. Long, Elizabeth (Winegardner)
  206. Long, Elizabeth E (Hensley)
  207. Long, Helen L (Stoner)
  208. Long, Mary Ann (Bricker)
  209. Long, Nancy (Mays)
  210. Long, Naomi Elizabeth
  211. Long, Olive D (Armstrong)
  212. Long, Sarah A (Miller)
  213. Longenecker, Ada E (Resur)
  214. Longenecker, George F
  215. Longenecker, Helen (Gillett)
  216. Longerbone, Abraham
  217. Longerbone, Benjamin Nelson, Rev
  218. Longwith, Lola (Hoch)
  219. Loofbourrow, Anna Margaret

  220. Loper, Charles M, Sr
  221. Loper, Edward
  222. Loper, Peggy (Orpurt)
  223. Loper, Robert M
  224. Lopez, Alfonso E, Dr
  225. Lord, Charles E
  226. Lord, Walter Edgar
  227. Lorey, John J
  228. Lorton, Charles A
  229. Lorton, Russel Ellis
  230. Lorton, Ruth Adaline

  231. Losch, infant of John
  232. Losch, Joseph G
  233. Lothridge, Richard Travis
  234. Lothridge, Russell Sr
  235. Lott, Amy Beth (Phelps)
  236. Louck, Carl F
  237. Louck, Helen Mae (Ledbetter)
  238. Louck, James A
  239. Louck, Lizzie Emma
  240. Louck, Mary Beatrice (Butcher)
  241. Loucks, Robert Wilson
  242. Lough, Edward LeRoy
  243. Lough, Mildred Maxine (Shaneyfelt)
  244. Lough, Robert Jr
  245. Louks, Betty J (Sewell)
  246. Louks, Joseph L
  247. Love, Wanda J (Myers)
  248. Lovell, Mary S (Hassaniour)
  249. Lowe, Benjamine F
  250. Lowe, Lawrence E
  251. Lowe, Vaughn Ross
  252. Lowry, Anna Lee (Hudson)
  253. Lowry, Forest L
  254. Loy, Beatrice Agatha (Coldren)
  255. Loy, Cledith E
  256. Loy, David
  257. Loy, Ernest L
  258. Loy, Forence Rosetta (Smith)
  259. Loy, George Washington
  260. Loy, infant
  261. Loy, infant of Stephen
  262. Loy, Ira
  263. Loy, Jack B
  264. Loy, Leora Gladys
  265. Loy, Martha (Lare)
  266. Loy, Marvin
  267. Loy, Mary Pauline (Armstrong)
  268. Loy, Nancy (Rines)
  269. Loy, Patsy E (Spade)
  270. Loy, Plina T "Doc"
  271. Loy, Stephen
  272. Loy, William W
  273. Loyd, Bert M
  274. Loyd, George William
  275. Loyd, Gregory A

  276. Lucas, Darrel O
  277. Lucas, George W
  278. Ludy, Bonnie K
  279. Ludy, Charles A
  280. Ludy, John Roger
  281. Ludy, Mary Lavina (Erlet)
  282. Ludy, Max Clark, Sr
  283. Ludy, Mildred (Settle)
  284. Ludy, Mildred A
  285. Ludy, Milo William
  286. Ludy, Rhonda A (Smith)
  287. Ludy, Robert W
  288. Lundquist, Beverly Ann (Minnich)
  289. Lupton, Adelma
  290. Lupton, Phoebe (Engle)
  291. Lupton, Solomon A
  292. Lutes, Cleo Pauline (Abel)
  293. Lutes, DeVonna T (Maitlen)
  294. Lutes, Irene (Brubaker)
  295. Lutes, Julia K (Foreman)
  296. Lutes, Thomas M
  297. Luttman, Jon Bill
  298. Luttman, Michael
  299. Luttman, Rusell L
  300. Lutz, John

  301. Lykins, Alexander Daniel
  302. Lykins, Archie
  303. Lykins, Dorwin James
  304. Lykins, Emma (Lykins)
  305. Lykins, Ethel Irene (Guntle)
  306. Lykins, Fred Alburtis
  307. Lykins, Leona Ruth (Franks)
  308. Lykins, Pauline L (Hammons)
  309. Lykins, Robert
  310. Lykins, Thelma M (Weaver)
  311. Lynch, Norman
  312. Lyons, Charles W
  313. Lyons, Roberta Lucille (Freemyer)
  314. Lyons, Sarah Adaline (Kober)

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The Jay County, Indiana INGenWeb genealogy web site is maintained by Elaine Geyer and Jim Cox.

All material on this site @ 2012 - 2025 by INGenWeb.