Groom's Last Name | Groom's First Name | Bride's Last Name | Bride's First Name | Date of Marriage |
Haber | Christopher | Lauck | Catherine | 10-14-1860 |
Haffner | Henry | Dilley | Amanda | 5-5-1862 |
Haffner | Henry | Long | Elizabeth | 11-27-1863 |
Haffner | John | Pierson | Mary | 3-31-1842 |
Hahn | Isaac | Pyle | Bartary (Mrs.) | 9-2-1858 |
Hahn | Jackson | Swizer | Lydia L | 2-22-1854 |
Haines | Daniel | Johnson | Hannah | 6-6-1857 |
Haines | Isaac G | Gray | Mary E | 10-4-1857 |
Hale | John | Jacobs | Susana | 1-21-1864 |
Hall | Amos | McElway | Elizabeth | 3-24-1860 |
Hall | Henry | Unknown | Louisa Christina | 3-2-1865 |
Hall | Joseph L | Lewis | Lucinda E | 12-31-1854 |
Hall | Lewis D | Lewis | Catherine | 10-19-1858 |
Hall | Samuel E | Burk | Elizabeth | 1-19-1864 |
Hall | Thomas | Sutton | Patience E | 2-10-1856 |
Hamilton | Charles R | Goodson | Mary | 11-16-1843 |
Hammell | James | May | Martha M | 11-25-1855 |
Hammett | George W | Millett | Anna | 5-22-1859 |
Hammitt | Oliver H P | McCoskey | Margaret E | 3-3-1859 |
Hammond | Pleasant | Millian | Millson | 12-12-1859 |
Hammond | William H | Daugherty | Lennetta | 6-27-1863 |
Handschy | John | Mitchell | Sophia | 3-20-1860 |
Hannshe | John W | Buckingham | Ann E | 6-3-1856 |
Hardy | John | Hanna | Eliza | 5-14-1840 |
Harlan | Levi C | Unknown | Sarah Jane | 12-21-1862 |
Harness | John | Deal | Mary O | 9-17-1862 |
Harrick | Aretas | Creamer | Mary J | 5-1-1864 |
Harris | James T | Hickam | Eliza J | 9-1-1860 |
Harris | William H | Ford | Jane F | 5-20-1860 |
Harrison | Jesse | Ridley | Lydia | 11-23-1854 |
Harry | Isaac | Adair | Mahala | 6-1-1859 |
Harter | Andrew | Nixon | Nancy A | 7-6-1860 |
Harter | Cornelius | Summa | Mary Jane | 12-28-1854 |
Harter | Hiram S | Wehrly | Elizabeth | 5-29-1860 |
Hartley | Enock B | Shanks | Lydia Bell | 7-1-1855 |
Hartley | William M | Griffith | Mary | 10-1-1862 |
Hartley | William W | Grisell | Mary Jane | 6-11-1857 |
Hastings | Jasper | Patterson | Elizabeth A | 10-29-1857 |
Hastings | Newton | Scott | Sarah | 12-16-1860 |
Hathaway | John H | Parsons | Rachael | 9-1-1861 |
Havelin | John | Havelin | Mary | 11-13-1854 |
Haviland | Thomas P | Felix | Catherine Ann | 4-2-1862 |
Hawkins | George W | Unknown | Estherine | 3-21-1860 |
Hawkins | Joseph C | Bosworth | Sarah | 11-19-1839 |
Hawkins | Joseph C | Digs | Marcy | 1-1-1860 |
Headington | Elijah | Gaborn | Cornelia | 8-27-1856 |
Headington | Nimrod | Hawkins | Rebecca | 12-14-1856 |
Hearn | Asbery | Michaels | Mary | 12-18-1856 |
Hearn | George | Evilsizer | Ellen | 9-15-1858 |
Hearn | John P | Morehouse | Mary L | 7-4-1859 |
Hearn | Thomas | Curtis | Nancy A | no date |
Hearn | Thomas | Stanton | Catherine A | 4-29-1865 |
Hebick | George | Heniser | Elizabeth | 10-27-1857 |
Hedrick | Simon P | Wahl | Amy | 5-3-1860 |
Heiser | John W | Ricker | Elizabeth A | 8-11-1860 |
Heistan | David | Perry | Hannah P | 1-11-1855 |
Heistand | Jacob | Grattis | Sarah Ann | 11-20-1865 |
Heller | Hamilton | Piatt | Levina | 10-10-1863 |
Hendrix | Elias | Gibson | Mary S | 1-16-1857 |
Heniser | Christian | Wibel | Susannah | 11-2-1862 |
Henizer | Frederick | Roulas | Wilemina | 9-2-1854 |
Henner | Daniel | Haffner | Julia Ann | 7-23-1865 |
Henson | Monroe | Unknown | Mary Ann | 5-11-1865 |
Hermit | George W | Stockman | Harriet E | 11-6-1864 |
Hesson | Jacob C | Daughterty | Artirilla | 1-28-1865 |
Hester | James | Cook | Emily Ann | 10-25-1837 |
Heston | Amos | Cook | Mary Ann | 2-27-1862 |
Heston | Benjamin | Cockasly | Elizabeth | 5-1-1859 |
Heston | Jason | Hite | Melinda Ann | 2-19-1854 |
Heusher | Elijah | Barter | Esther | 7-13-1854 |
Hhoavilin | Jarret M | Poling | Lydia | 1-1-1860 |
Hiatt | Gilbert | Vore | Lydia J | 12-25-1860 |
Hiatt | Herman | Denney | Barbary | 3-15-1859 |
Hiatt | Jasper N | Spahr | Mary E | 8-11-1862 |
Hiatt | Samuel F | Paxon | Leah | 10-10-1857 |
Hiatt | Sylvester | Howard | Jane A | 12-25-1859 |
Hickman | Joseph | Peterson | Phebe | 3-19-1857 |
Highlander | Tandy | Phillips | Charity | 7-2-1837 |
Hilander | James | Gifford | Mahala | 8-25-1865 |
Hilborn | William H | Ratheron | Julia A | 8-10-1856 |
Hildreth | William M | Whiteman | Samantha | 7-29-1865 |
Hilfiker | Bernherd | Rumy | Mary Jane | 8-3-1865 |
Hill | Daniel | Long | Sarah A | 9-6-1857 |
Hill | Lewis D | Blockledge | Hannah | 9-25-1838 |
Hillas | Elihu | Spayd | Mary E | 4-28-1864 |
Hillis | Elihu | Grey | Matilda | 8-9-1840 |
Hillis | Hugh | Grisell | Martha | 6-28-1843 |
Hilton | Levi P | Wilkinson | Margaret J | 8-27-1857 |
Hilton | William | Brewster | Eliza A | 12-5-1858 |
Hiser | George W | Phillips | Susanah | 11-22-1862 |
Hiser | Henry | Lake | Nancy | 1-8-1857 |
Hiser | William | Phillips | Martha A | 10-30-1859 |
Hite | Jesse | Blotcher | Catherine G | 4-8-1861 |
Hite | John | Wilson | Sarah Ann | 4-2-1840 |
Hizer | Silas | Harter | Lydia A | 11-15-1863 |
Hockett | William R | Dye | Elenor | 3-26-1857 |
Hockinbury | Jay | Howell | Sarah | 7-5-1855 |
Hodge | Elihu | Walker | Amanda | 10-20-1859 |
Hodge | William | Welmar | Elizabeth | 11-18-1858 |
Hoffman | Jacob | Graves | Fidelia | 8-11-1840 |
Hoffner | Nicholas | Parmanter | Eliza A | 3-1-1860 |
Holley | Elnathan | Kinsey | Magdaline | 5-15-1859 |
Holligan | Patrick | Unknown | Artemesia | 12-3-1865 |
Hollingsworth | James M | Higgins | Louisa J | 6-20-1856 |
Holly | William W | Gosseman | Belinda | 9-8-1859 |
Holmes | Andrew J | Jones | Emaline | 6-8-1862 |
Hoover | David | Williams | Hannah Ann | 4-7-1864 |
Hoover | John | Snook | Mary Ellen | 1-20-1864 |
Hoover | John W | Rambleton | Margaret B | 4-27-1861 |
Hoover | John Y | Crow | Phoebe | 4-11-1859 |
Hopkins | Barclay B | Dudley | Mary Ann | 11-17-1861 |
Hopkins | Benjamin C | Griest | Rebecca | 11-7-1857 |
Hoppes | Abram H | Wallace | Thankful A | 12-30-1860 |
Hoppes | Elizah | Phillips | Elizabeth | 1-16-1859 |
Horne | Jacob | Rowland | Almire | 5-8-1856 |
Houck | Jacob | Studabaker | Elizabeth | 12-31-1860 |
Houck | Johnson | Thompson | Ellendar S A | 1858 |
Houk | Samuel | Klitzeman | Minerva | 8-18-1861 |
House | Mathias | Collins | Mary Elizabeth | 6-13-1864 |
Houtz | Peter | Tullis | Mary Ann | 8-1-1861 |
Hudson | James | Cook | Mary | 9-1-1842 |
Hudson | John J | Kidder | Susan | 4-9-1854 |
Hudson | William C | Milliken | Elma | 3-2-1859 |
Huey | Andrew J | Bryan | Elizabeth | 3-27-1859 |
Huey | Isaac | Brown | Edith | 4-19-1857 |
Huey | John | Headington | Ruth A | 8-29-1860 |
Huey | Jonathan | Kelley | Sarah J | 6-4-1860 |
Huey | Joseph | Wheeler | Elizabeth | 2-26-1854 |
Huey | Simon P | Weaver | Elizabeth | 9-19-1858 |
Hughes | Silas | Kay | Margaret | 1-11-1863 |
Hughes | Stephen M | Smith | Susanna | 5-9-1857 |
Hughs | William McHenry | Miller | Rebecca | 5-11-1843 |
Hummons | William B | Broughman | Mary Jane | 7-2-1861 |
Hunt | Mahlon | Smith | Deborah J | 10-31-1858 |
Hunt | Recovery | Thomas | Mary | 9-17-1854 |
Huston | David | Sprong | Mary | 10-7-1841 |
Hutchens | Alexander J | Bickel | Sarah J | 1-10-1857 |
Hutchens | Andrew | Spillman | Lydia | 10-6-1857 |
Hutchens | John Wesley | Wright | Mary | 11-7-1861 |
Hutsmiller | Sylvanes W | Seamon | Mary | 12-24-1860 |
Hutzler | William M | Duckett | Mahala J | 5-24-1859 |
I | | | | |
Imel | John | Elzey | Amanda | 1-1-1863 |
Imel | Samuel L | Coby | Clarinda | 2-23-1865 |
Ingraham | Joseph S | Richardson | Lucy Ann | 1-12-1843 |
Irey | Alfred | Bair | Margaret A | 11-20-1859 |
Irey | Alfred | Cove | Fluna B | 8-28-1857 |
Irey | Hillis | Grisell | Rachael | 4-5-1854 |
Irey | Hiram | Aldrich | Trybemila | 6-8-1863 |
Irey | Joseph W | Swagart | Elizabeth C | 3-7-1864 |
Irey | Phineas | Walker | Louise | 2-11-1865 |
Irey | Phinehas | Wood | Nancy E | 10-18-1858 |
Isenhart | Burddine | Allen | Nancy | 12-7-1954 |
Isenhart | Frederick | Beard | Catherine | 4-2-1854 |
Isenhart | Henry | Hillery | Evelyn | 10-17-1854 |
Isenhart | John | Cunningham | Margaret E | 3-10-1864 |
Isenhart | Silas | Purce | Lucy Ann | 6-23-1861 |
J | | | | Date of Marriage |
Jackson | Amos | Jackson | Clarissa | 3-15-1857 |
Jackson | William H | Roan | Lavina | 3-29-1857 |
James | Levi E | Lake | Margaret | 5-281864 |
James | Wesley | Tabbs | Lydia | 3-14-1855 |
Jaqua | Allen | Lewis | Lucy A | 6-25-1864 |
Jarrett | Jonas | Twibel | Bashaba | 9-10-1837 |
Jay | Lot B | Buris | Mary E | 12-11-1862 |
Jellison | Ephraim | Malin | Anne | 12-18-1842 |
Jellison | Ephram | Unknown | Sophia | 12-26-1865 |
Jellison | James W | Malin | Elizabeth | 1-4-1842 |
Jellison | Reuben | Bickle | Mariah | 11-2-1854 |
Jenkins | Gordon B | Baird | Eliza Jane | 10-13-1863 |
Jenkins | James M | Gilbert | Gertrude | 6-18-1863 |
Jenkins | Thomas B | Randall | Patience | 4-12-1854 |
Jenkinson | Moses | Spencer | Margaret | 7-20-1842 |
Johnson | Alexander | Barrick | Lucinda | 2-5-1843 |
Johnson | Benjamin | Bennett | Emaline | 3-1-1854 |
Johnson | Elisha | Faller | Vesta | 8-14-1855 |
Johnson | Griffin | Barber | Phebe M | 3-18-1861 |
Johnson | Isaac | Unknown | Mary | 12-21-1865 |
Johnson | John S | Skinner | Temperance | 12-20-1860 |
Johnson | Samuel C | McCroskey | Elizabeth C | 6-22-1858 |
Johnston | David | Rhodes | Mary N | 2-2-1865 |
Joice | Washington | Nelson | Elizabeth | 9-19-1858 |
Jones | Garrett R | Woten | Cynthia J | 11-11-1853 |
Jones | James | Cove | Sarah | 10-8-1856 |
Jones | James W | Bell | Margaretta H | 12-29-1864 |
Jones | Lewellen A | Daughterty | Catherine | 1-10-1863 |
Jones | Robert H | Brewster | Nancy | 10-24-1860 |
Jones | William G | Quigg | Deliliah | 8-1-1865 |
Jordan | Abraham | Johnson | Mary Jane | 9-13-1860 |
Jordan | Abraham | Spade | Sarah A | 8-20-1865 |
Jordan | Isaac | Pingry | Olive | 1-27-1856 |
Jordan | James W | Buffington | Deliliah | 2-8-1863 |
Journey | Robert H | Gillet | Emily | 2-10-1856 |
Jurnay | Stephen W | Gillet | Rachael | 10-29-1857 |
K | | | | |
Kanztoiter | Samuel | Frase | Hester Ann | 5-14-1859 |
Kasner | Jermiah | Nichols | Mary | 4-16-1863 |
Keefe | Frederick | Brung | Elizabeth | 11-12-1863 |
Keen | David C | Arnold | Ellen | 4-3-1862 |
Keese | Nathan R | White | Alinda | 11-21-1862 |
Keesear | Isaac | Un | Joannah | 1-2-1862 |
Kelley | Rosumun R | Foster | Margaret | 6-30-1854 |
Kelly | uriah | Franklin | Nancy A | 2-22-1855 |
Kerns | Jacob | Finch | Martha E | 6-4-1840 |
Kerns | Michael | Cox | Harriet | 11-8-1838 |
Kesler | Jacob | Bandle | Prusia | 1-14-1855 |
Kesler | Peter | Pingry | Caletta | 8-30-1862 |
Kessler | William W | Pingry | Mary Ann | 12-31-1865 |
Keyser | G Henry | Heniser | Rachel | 3-28-1865 |
Kinney | Thomas M | Parks | Eliza J | 12-14-1858 |
Kirkendall | Edward B | Miller | Mary J | 6-24-1855 |
Kiser | John J | Prine | Judith H | 8-3-1862 |
Klunipp | Jacob | Stern | Caroline | 8-28-1855 |
Knause | George J | Scott | Isabel | 10-1-1840 |
Knouse | Wsilliam | Bremeyer | Sarah Elizabeth | 6-29-1863 |
Koeser | Samuel | Hoppes | Clarissa | 1855 |
Koile | Levi C | Unknown | Emaline | 6-5-1865 |
Kramer | Wesley | Mason | Hannah | 12-31-1854 |
Kraner | Hiram | May | Elizabeth | 1-30-1862 |
Kunce | David | Akins | Mary E | 2-23-1854 |
Kunce | Jeremiah | Bennett | Barbery | 7-9-1861 |
Kunce | Levi | Harford | Rachael | 10-11-1854 |
Kunce | Noah | Hilton | Sarah A | 9-13-1855 |
Kunce | Thomas M | Stouder | Dora | 9-17-1863 |
Kunce | William W | Stoder | Mary E | 12-25-1862 |
Kunkel | Soloman P | Stump | Mary Ann | 1-22-1863 |
Kuntz | Daniel | Mason | Angeline | 6-25-1854 |
Kutsch | Mathias | Meyers | Mary J | 6-14-1857 |
L | | | | |
LaFollet | Benjamin F | Creamer | Margaret | 9-24-1857 |
LaFollet | James M | Kunce | Mahala | 9-17-1854 |
LaFollett | Thomas J | Peterson | Margaret | 6-16-1861 |
Lahr | Samuel H | Macklin | Elizabeth | 8-1-1858 |
Lake | Washington | Baird | Sarah M | 12-6-1855 |
Landess | Isaac H | McKinley | Margaret J | 2-15-1865 |
Landess | John | Haines | Lydia | 7-4-1856 |
Lanning | Isaac | Price | Anna | 12-22-1842 |
Lare | Charles H | Bair | Eliza J | 7-7-1860 |
Lare | William H | Pyle | Sarah E | 3-1-1860 |
Lawson | George | Marchant | Sarah | 1-12-1865 |
Lay | Lewis F | Bickel | Harriet | 4-7-1859 |
Lay | Samuel P | Bickel | Sarah A | 10-26-1858 |
Lee | William | Isenhart | Nancy | 8-19-1860 |
Leget | John | Terry | Amanda | 8-11-1839 |
Lehmer | Philip | Harshman | Lena | 7-31-1855 |
Leininger | Hnery | Ayer | Margaret | 11-22-1860 |
Leininger | John O | Brogh | Sarah | 11-30-1864 |
Leonard | Francis | Lake | Caroline | 2-8-1854 |
Lesh | Joseph W | Sullivan | Sarah E | 4-5-1863 |
Letz | William H | Hopkins | Sarah A | 12-23-1860 |
Levally | Lewis F | Bell | Sarah E | 2-15-1855 |
Lewis | Evan J | Durnell | Hester J | 8-27-1865 |
Lewis | George A | Baird | Elizabeth Ann | 8-6-1864 |
Lewis | Ira M | Spade | Sarah J | Unknown |
Lewis | Isaac | Smith | Rebecca | 11-8-1855 |
Lewis | Morgan B | Kenner | Hattie | 9-30-1865 |
Lewis | Reuben W | Crowder | Eliza Ann | 2-17-1860 |
Lewis | Thomas | Burris | Sarah Charlotte | 4-2-1854 |
Lewis | William B | Clough | Nancy | 8-21-1859 |
Lewis | William B | Engle | Roxana | 1-5-1856 |
Lindley | Caleb | Theurer | Margaret | 3-7-1861 |
Lindley | John | McCarty | Jane | 7-5-1855 |
Linhart | John Philip | Thurer | Christena | 11-16-1857 |
Lippe | Eli | Root | Olive | 9-21-1856 |
Listenfeltz | Jacob | Duffer | Lucinda | 7-27-1854 |
Litchiser | James H | Lee | Margaret | 3-16-1862 |
Loafbourow | Vaide | Van Derburgh | Rachel | 4-25-1839 |
Loese | Willis T | Penn | Martha Jane | 10-17-1864 |
Logan | James | Pitt | Francinia | 8-12-1860 |
Long | John S | Unknown | Armania | 11-15-1862 |
Long | Miles | Winegardner | Elizabeth | 5-12-1861 |
Long | Ruben | Saucers | Susannah | 2-15-1855 |
Longnecker | Samuel | Hull | Mary M | 3-29-1857 |
Longrige | George W | Cring | Amanda | 2-16-1865 |
Longstreth | Samuel | Baker | Susannah | 4-16-1857 |
Lonvill | Lewis D | Robbins | Mary E | 10-30-1859 |
Loofborrow | George W | Johnston | Bell A | 4-23-1863 |
Loofborrow | John | Furlow | Elizabeth | 5-25-1864 |
Loofborrow | Preston | Montgomery | Elizabeth A | 3-9-1861 |
Loofborrow | Preston S | Arnett | Sarah N | 12-31-1865 |
Loomis | Charles H | Collins | Elizabeth A | 11-28-1858 |
Loper | Christopher | Unknown | Julia Ann | 2-25-1863 |
Lord | Olies A | Raun | Millie | 1-24-1865 |
Lorrick | Benjamin B | Unknown | Amanda J | 10-22-1863 |
Losch | Charles F | Feister | Malinda | 11-5-1863 |
Lotz | Jacob E | Winters | Kenneth | 2-23-1862 |
Lotz | James G | White | Mary | 9-2-1843 |
Loucke | James A | Claycomb | Margaret J | 12-21-1858 |
Loufborrow | Thomas P | Johnson | Margaret A | 3-25-1855 |
Lovally | Joseph W | Bell | Nancy A | 3-22-1855 |
Lovell | Allen | Shaneyfelt | Malinda | 11-14-1861 |
Low | Jacob | Stoner | Sarah Charlotte | 10-26-1862 |
Lupton | Joseph W | Higgins | Phebe | 7-29-1855 |
Lutes | Thomas M C | Bunning | Ann | 7-4-1858 |
Lutes | Thomas M C | Nixon | Sarah I | 9-13-1855 |
M | | | | |
Mackey | Lewis | Robbins | Minerva J | 12-20-1857 |
Maddox | Elias K | Bowman | Abigal A | 10-6-1859 |
Maitland | Joshua | Garringer | Eliza | 10-17-1843 |
Malin | John | Beasley | Mary | 10-21-1860 |
Mangas | Emanuel I | Eley | Catherine | 12-20-1855 |
Manger | Henry C | Cline | Jurisia A | 7-21-1854 |
Mann | John | Clark | Jane | 11-16-1841 |
Manor | David | Sheard | Jane | 12-8-1840 |
Manot | Aleanah | Taylor | Sarah H | 1-10-1860 |
Manson | Poindexter | Unknown | Lehenna | 7-18-1854 |
Marten | Nicholas | Volts | Maria | 3-16-1855 |
Martin | John G | Fitzpatrick | Margaret | 8-22-1843 |
Mason | Samuel M | Graves | Jane | 11-23-1838 |
Mason | William H | Livingood | Lydia A | 9-29-1864 |
Matheny | James | Gray | Dorothy | 8-2-1843 |
Maxon | William | Harn | Toeney | 4-21-1859 |
May | George W | Stewart | Charlotte | 4-20-1854 |
May | Phillip | Young | Caroline | 10-30-1860 |
May | William J | Wood | Sarah | 1-3-1860 |
McCartney | Andrew J | Cook | Jeannetta J | 3-15-1841 |
McCartney | Elijah | Garringer | Jana | 8-4-1855 |
McCartney | Thomas J | Ross | Hattie | 1-11-1860 |
McClellan | Joseph R | Peterson | Juliann | 12-12-1861 |
McClelland | Unknown | Wheat | Mary | 1-13-1842 |
McClish | David | Nichols | Lucinda | 12-22-1859 |
McComis | Nathan | Hathaway | Mary Jane | 1-24-1864 |
McCoskrey | Jacob W | Potter | Nancy E | 7-10-1856 |
McCoy | Hiram | Walton | Elisa | 11-17-1863 |
McCoy | John J | Wilson | Susan F | 9-17-1857 |
McCoy | Sylvester | Walton | Elvira | 3-22-1857 |
McCrosky | Joseph H | North | Mahaley | 1-20-1861 |
McCullecke | Henry | Barter | Esther | 7-13-1854 |
McCurdy | William | Coulson | Nancy | 7-23-1865 |
McDaniel | George R | Lotz | Phillissa A | 3-4-1858 |
McDaniel | John J | Jones | Elizabeth | 11-22-1858 |
McDaniel | William | Johnson | Mary Ann | 10-16-1856 |
McDaniel | William | Stone | Sally W | 12-4-1838 |
McDonald | Peter | Buell | Mary | 6-29-1864 |
McDorman | Alvarien | Mitchael | Jane | 12-2-1843 |
McDowell | David | Whitman | Sarah | 6-1-1865 |
McDowell | Jacob | Cecil | Judah | 8-30-1855 |
McFarland | Archibald | Hunter | Susanah | 10-2-1865 |
McFarland | Archibald | Morrical | Harriett L | 1-9-1859 |
McFarland | James M | Richard | Catherine A | 8-25-1859 |
McFarland | John | Langel | Elizabeth | 9-21-1862 |
McFarland | John F | Eagle | Mary Ann | 8-15-1861 |
McFarland | Robert | Porter | Helen F | 8-13-1862 |
McGriff | Valentine | Hearn | Nancy Ann | 3-30-1865 |
McIntosh | Andrew J | Bowen | Elisabeth J | 11-8-1854 |
McKee | Thomas F | Potter | Harriett A | 9-23-1864 |
McKibben | William W | Sea | Parmelia | 4-2-1857 |
McKiney | Permian | May | Rebecca J | 9-1-1858 |
McKinney | George W | Phillips | M | 11-23-1864 |
McKinney | Marion | Miller | Barbary A | 1-13-1860 |
McKintey | James | Whiteman | Dorcas | 8-26-1858 |
McLaughlin | Francis M | Hack | Susanna | 10-14-1863 |
McLaughlin | Hiram | Unknown | Unknown | 10-7-1865 |
McLaughlin | John | Davis | Catherine | 12-4-1859 |
McLaughlin | William | Carter | Catherine | 7-13-1865 |
McLellan | Isaac M | Dayhoef | Lydia A | 9-9-1858 |
McQueary | William A | Farington | Mary B | 7-1-1854 |
McVay | John J | Hill | Martha | 11-1-1857 |
Melon | Eli | Collet | Rebecca A | 4-6-1854 |
Mendenhall | Joseph | Mills | Martha J | 6-16-1859 |
Mercer | Billy | Hiatt | Mirah | 12-3-1864 |
Meredith | Peter I | Grisell | Mariah | 9-7-1843 |
Metheny | Andrew J | Spohn | Cynthia | 4-26-1863 |
Mette | William | Roulas | Caroline | 8-11-1855 |
Metz | Benjamin | Spade | Susan F | 8-12-1860 |
Metz | Peter | Allen | Nancy | 7-20-1856 |
Metzner | John A | Moulton | Clarice | 11-13-1864 |
Meyers | George W | Burk | Sarah Jane | 6-21-1857 |
Meyers | Jacob | Burk | Nancy | 3-8-1863 |
Meyers | John | Myers | Sylvia Ann | 1-23-1862 |
Miller | Armenias | Lanning | Mary M | 1-27-1859 |
Miller | David | Pratt | Jane | 4-23-1854 |
Miller | Emanuel I | Myers | Jane | 8-27-1854 |
Miller | George | Ross | Matilda | 10-21-1860 |
Miller | James | Beasley | Martha | 5-9-1860 |
Miller | John | Didaum | Christena | 2-4-1862 |
Miller | John J | May | Elizabeth | 1-23-1855 |
Miller | John J | Ross | Nancy Jane | 3-20-1857 |
Miller | Joshia | Millett | Elizabeth | 11-8-1857 |
Miller | Lewis A | Griffis | Hannah J | 5-17-1859 |
Miller | Mathias | Ehrhart | Almira | 4-13-1864 |
Miller | Newton | Horn | Eliza | 3-3-1840 |
Miller | William | Current | Nancy E | 7-5-1855 |
Miller | William H | Metz | Sarah Jane | 2-9-1860 |
Millett | George W | Pyle | Martha | 5-2-1854 |
Millett | John J | Jordan | Lovinia | 12-21-1857 |
Milligan | James N | Stanley | Susan F | 10-20-1861 |
Milligan | William B | Morehouse | Harriett L | 10-30-1856 |
Mills | Isaac M | Baird | Elizabeth | 10-1-1865 |
Mills | Pulaski | Bennett | Agnes L | 8-7-1860 |
Mitchael | James J | Davis | Hannah | 2-3-1856 |
Mitchell | Edmond | Price | Phebe | 4-2-1844 |
Mitchell | Samuel M | Winan | Susan | 12-27-1863 |
Mock | Lewis | Laning | Mary | 11-5-1864 |
Moffet | Lewis | Thomas | Mary Ann | 3-26-1854 |
Money | David | Bickel | Mariah | 4-21-1839 |
Montgomery | Marcus W | Votaw | Mary E | 7-20-1859 |
Montgomery | Warren S | Votaw | Elizabeth A | 4-4-1861 |
Montgomery | William G | Adams | Elizabeth A | 12-22-1858 |
Moody | Madison M | Beard | Sarah | 9-20-1865 |
Moore | A J | Campbell | Debra J | 8-17-1860 |
Moore | David J | Criswell | Angeline | 11-4-1860 |
Moore | George L | Sutton | Lydia A | 6-25-1865 |
Moore | William | Vail | Caroline | 4-12-1840 |
Moore | William H | Bisel | Nancy | 9-9-1860 |
More | Samuel M | Griffeth | Elizabeth L | 12-20-1859 |
Morgan | Enoch | Davidson | Rachel | 6-13-1859 |
Morhous | John A | Sturgeon | Martha Ann | 4-20-1865 |
Morris | George S | Watson | Mary | 9-21-1843 |
Morris | Henry | Meyers | Amanda | 3-15-1857 |
Morse | William | Kesler | Margaret | 1-11-1857 |
Murphy | John | Fox | Christiann | 2-11-1865 |
Murphy | John | Pierce | Sarah | 3-9-1865 |
Murphy | John J | Butcher | Sarah J | 10-18-1857 |
Myers | William | Miller | Hannah C | 8-4-1859 |
Myres | Jacob P | Wilson | Sarah | 4-8-1860 |














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