Groom's Last Name | Groom's First Name | Bride's Last Name | Bride's First Name | Date of Marriage |
Able | George W | Reed | Hester | 1-4-1844 |
Able | Henry H | Mendenhall | Elizabeth | 11-24-1863 |
Adair | George W | Dye | Julia E | 11-12-1865 |
Adair | Samuel | Mote | Rachel | 4-24-1864 |
Adams | David A | Johnson | Harriet J | 1-22-1859 |
Adams | John | Harmon | Margaret C | 11-27-1862 |
Adams | William J | Arbough | Margaret | 9-6-1856 |
Adamson | Elias H | Bond | Catherine Ann | 11-24-1865 |
Adney | William | Kimble | Vesta | 11-19-1863 |
Akin | William | Gorman | Rachel | 3-23-1854 |
Alexander | Alfred | Golden | Lovina | 10-10-1854 |
Allen | Andrew | Alexander | Elizabeth R | 12-20-1864 |
Allen | Fitz | Fitzpatrick | Catherine | 2-2-1854 |
Allen | John | Butler | Lucy Jane | 6-25-1843 |
Allen | Joseph | Langle | Diana | 2-13-1859 |
Anderson | James M | Coons | Sarah | 12-24-1840 |
Anderson | James M | Ginger | Emaline | 7-25-1865 |
Anderson | Randolph C | Avery | Alice | 6-15-1862 |
Anderson | Samuel | Ruch | Carolina | 1-1-1861 |
Antles | Harrison H | Stratton | Rachel | 9-10-1863 |
Antles | Isaac | Arnold | Rebecca J | 11-6-1839 |
Arbaugh | Perry | Bergman | Samantha | 1-8-1860 |
Armentrout | Charles | Boles | Anna | 4-2-1857 |
Armentrout | Daniel | Whitman | Elizabeth | 11-20-1864 |
Armstrong | Jacob | Tinkle | Nancy J | 5-18-1864 |
Ash | Thomas M | LaFollett | Sarah Ann | 2-15-1863 |
Ashley | Jacob | Glassford | Melvina | 2-4-1858 |
Ashley | John W | Pickle | Elizabeth | 3-25-1858 |
Athy | John C | Nixon | Lucretia C | 2-20-1862 |
Atkinson | Daniel | Long | Sarah | 7-22-1854 |
Atkinson | Henry H | Strutton | Euphenia M | 3-9-1861 |
Atkinson | Jackson R | Stoner | Catherine | 11-17-1861 |
Atkinson | Jacob | Theurer | Margarett | 1-1-1865 |
Atkinson | William | Strader | Nancy | 1-6-1842 |
Auston | George W | Haney | Mary Jane | 9-5-1859 |
Axe | Peter | Toyle | Ann Eliza | 7-27-1856 |
Ayers | Nathan | Stilwell | Sarah | 1-5-1855 |
B | | | | |
Babb | John W | Fryback | Harriett Van | 10-15-1863 |
Badden | Moses | Huhn | Mary M | 12-9-1861 |
Badders | James S | Bryan | Catherine A | 5-26-1859 |
Baer | Abraham Jr | Lynch | Pricilla A | 10-27-1857 |
Bailey | James P | Lesley | Mary | 6-15-1859 |
Bailey | Joel | McCloud | Mary Ann | 10-10-1865 |
Bailey | John | Smith | Eliza Jane | 10-11-1863 |
Bailey | William | Coleman | Elizabeth | 8-6-1865 |
Bailey | William | McDaniel | Elisabeth J | 6-18-1857 |
Bair | Martin | Watkins | Sarah | 9-12-1840 |
Bair | William | Grundy | Mary E | 7-3-1860 |
Bair | William | Wagner | Sarah K | 1-10-1864 |
Bair | William H | Bergman | Susanah | 7-2-1854 |
Bair | William H | Chenoweth | Eliza Ann | 5-26-1842 |
Baker | David V | Hawkins | Jane C | 7-17-1859 |
Baker | George | Lord | Louisa A | 3-11-1865 |
Baker | Isaac G | Counkle | Jemima | 6-6-1843 |
Baker | Jacob W | Konkle | Hannah | 9-12-1843 |
Baldwin | Daniel Christopher | Mulhany | Nancy | 2-21-1859 |
Baldwin | Goldsmith | Jarrett | Mary | 9-10-1837 |
Ball | Samuel W | Macklin | Elisabeth | 8-1-1858 |
Ballard | Freeman E | Hills | Susanah | 9-1-1860 |
Banter | Elijah H | Coby | Lydia | 11-9-1864 |
Barber | Charles W | Duar | Adaline | 1-1-1866 |
Barnell | William | Lake | Rebecca L | 5-12-1864 |
Barnes | Isaac D | Knapp | Hector | 1-14-1864 |
Barnes | Soloman M | Sutton | Elizabeth | 12-30-1858 |
Barr | Insorel D | Jenkins | Philadelphia B | 4-10-1854 |
Barrick | Isaac D | Daugherty | Elvinah | 1-13-1842 |
Bartlet | James L | Tate | Mary Ann | 7-7-1842 |
Bartness | Jacob W | Antles | Amanda | 9-20-1857 |
Bausom | Robert | Jenkins | Emma | 2-22-1855 |
Beach | Amos | Milligan | Susan | 8-24-1843 |
Bean | John | Stephens | Elizabeth | 2-18-1841 |
Beard | John | Brake | Emeline R | 7-18-1843 |
Beard | Paul | Debags | Martha | 10-30-1862 |
Beard | John | Bowman | Lucinda | 11-7-1861 |
Beardsley | David J | Graves | Adline | 10-14-1858 |
Bechdolt | Phillip C | Darby | Mary | 2-9-1864 |
Bechdolt | William | Murford | Elizabeth | 3-31-1862 |
Beckman | Edmond W | Coons | Rachael | 8-30-1855 |
Beckman | Eli | Sexton | Isabel | 3-3-1862 |
Beebe | Lyman | Rathbun | Martha Jane | 5-11-1865 |
Bell | Thoron | Craig | Rebecca S | 8-20-1857 |
Bentworth | George | Teeters | Anna | 9-29-1864 |
Bergdoll | Cyrus | Shields | Hannah I | 11-16-1863 |
Bergman | Andrew | Shelly | July Ann | 5-17-1863 |
Bergman | George D | Kessler | Sarah | 1-10-1864 |
Bergman | Harvey | Axe | Ann | 10-15-1854 |
Bergman | Samuel W | Arbaugh | Ellen | 1-13-1860 |
Berkey | George W | Dury | Asatian C | 4-14-1862 |
Beymer | James H | Page | Rebecca | 3-18-1855 |
Bibler | Noah | Unknown | Catherine | 8-27-1865 |
Bickel | Andrew J | Tharp | Elizabeth | 11-26-1857 |
Bickel | Daniel Christopher | Bresca | Mary E | 4-9-1862 |
Bickel | George | Tharp | Margaret | 3-13-1859 |
Bird | Lewis | Current | Emeline R | 7-5-1855 |
Bishop | Benjamin F | Oliver | Mary I | 5-25-1865 |
Bishop | Joshua | LaFollet | Mary E | 9-13-1857 |
Bishop | Peter L | Grigsby | Mariah J | 12-1-1861 |
Bishop | Peter L | Prillaman | Elizabeth | 9-12-1839 |
Bishop | William P | Poling | Harriett Van | 11-20-1864 |
Bishop | Wilson M | Priest | Hannah | 8-3-1862 |
Black | Shepherd | Pingry | Sarah | 1-11-1844 |
Blackaby | Cyrus | Jones | Nancy | 3-19-1863 |
Blackford | Allen | Whitmore | Lucretia | 8-11-1865 |
Blackledge | John J | Pingery | Orpha | 10-19-1854 |
Blackledge | Joseph | Crespen | Susanah | 3-21-1844 |
Blakely | Jonathan B | Miller | Martha | 6-22-1865 |
Blazer | Samuel | Collins | Prudence | 4-9-1840 |
Bloxom | William | McDonald | Mary | 10-25-1860 |
Boardon | George D | Ginger | Sarah | 6-29-1854 |
Bobb | George W | Robinson | Julia A | 11-8-1855 |
Bock | Nathan | Axe | Sarah | 6-7-1855 |
Bolen | Patric | Rhea | Jane | 12-25-1859 |
Bolin | James | Ashley | Malvina | 8-19-1860 |
Bolster | Daniel Christopher | Dailey | Anna | 8-23-1855 |
Bone | Valentine | Ryley | Margaret F | 10-14-1841 |
Bonnet | Eli | Kelley | Emaline | 11-8-1864 |
Bono | Valentine | Poling | Mary | 9-30-1856 |
Booth | John W | Phillips | Catherine | 10-8-1857 |
Borden | Thomas E | McGill | Sarah A | 4-7-1864 |
Bost | Elias | Rothburn | Angeline | 3-27-1858 |
Bost | Elias | Sanders | Hannah F | 7-3-1858 |
Bosworth | Thomas | Weber | Theresa R | 1-1-1865 |
Bowden | Enock M | Haffner | Susanna | 5-7-1854 |
Bowman | Levi | Stout | Elizabeth | 5-9-1838 |
Boyd | Joseph | Mills | Sarah E | 2-5-1857 |
Boyles | David S | Gorman | Sarah | 8-29-1858 |
Brading | James H | Shaw | Sarah A | 10-17-1858 |
Brake | Abram J | Reed | Mariah | 1-19-1861 |
Brake | George W | Butcher | Augusta E | 12-31-1863 |
Branson | Craner | Crisler | Margretta J | 2-6-1862 |
Bray | Israel L C | Ridgeway | Frances | 1-17-1856 |
Breckinridge | William R | Schennour | Ann M | 6-15-1864 |
Bredington | Elijah H | King | Sarah | 8-30-1857 |
Brenner | Benjamin F | Ackerson | Mariah | 2-27-1854 |
Brenner | Daniel Christopher | Dailey | Margaret | 11-12-1854 |
Brewster | Joseph H | Wilson | Ada | 9-28-1854 |
Bricker | John | Worley | Catherine | 12-13-1857 |
Brickley | John | Adams | Ellen | 5-25-1863 |
Bridgeford | Ira | Whitman | Abigal | 7-1-1863 |
Bridgeport | John G | Watson | Abigal | 1-24-1861 |
Brighton | Aaron | Chapman | Rachel | 8-10-1865 |
Bromojen | Simon | Miller | Mary A | 2-12-1857 |
Brookman | Samuel W | Rhea | Sarah | 12-2-1860 |
Brooks | John | King | Margaret Ann | 2-6-1862 |
Broom | Thomas | Cherry | Mary Jane | 2-12-1865 |
Brown | Andrew | Goff | Elizabeth | 5-13-1841 |
Brown | Benjamin | Nixon | Sally | 11-24-1842 |
Brown | Benjamin | Johnston | Margaret | 10-13-1842 |
Brown | Caleb | Bost | Sarah | 11-14-1839 |
Brown | Charles | Malin | Malissa | 1-26-1843 |
Brown | David | Wilson | Elizabeth | 4-11-1861 |
Brown | Harvey | Reeves | Judah A | 7-27-1854 |
Brown | John | Hunter | Evaline | 4-14-1861 |
Brown | Lemuel | Scott | Mary Jane | 12-2-1864 |
Bryan | Joseph | Denney | Rachael | 3-9-1854 |
Bryan | Peter L | McCuskey | Christina R | 1-7-1864 |
Buchannan | William | Allen | Elenora A | 2-21-1859 |
Buckingham | jackson | Hall | Nancy | 12-20-1855 |
Buckles | William N | Shruck | Margaret M | 8-30-1860 |
Buffington | Isaac D | Felix | Mary | 9-29-1842 |
Bunch | Robert | Garner | Delila | 6-10-1855 |
Bunch | William | Unknown | Edith | 11-22-1856 |
Bunnell | John M | Collins | Susanna | 4-17-1859 |
Burk | Alexander | Parmenter | Hannah Lucy | 12-8-1857 |
Burk | John J | Johnson | Edith | 2-21-1854 |
Burk | William | Hall | Margaret M | 6-23-1861 |
Burket | Othneal | Baldman | Susanah | 8-24-1861 |
Burr | Adam | More | Sarah Ellen | 11-19-1857 |
Burris | Abraham | Peden | Esther | 10-11-1860 |
Burris | Simon | Clark | Elizabeth | 1-23-1862 |
Burs | David | Bell | Mary | 10-11-1855 |
Bush | George W | Hunter | Elizabeth C | 12-28-1858 |
Bye | John P | Brown | Emily | 2-16-1861 |
Bye | Samuel G | Fraqua | Malinda J | 3-26-1865 |
Byrd | Andrew G | Lehr | Caroline | 8-3-1865 |
Byrd | Evan | Arnold | Hannah | 4-9-1861 |
C | | | | |
Conwolt | John F | Clinger | Samantha J | 4-2-1854 |
Courkle | Daniel R | Jenkins | Mary Jane | 9-27-1854 |
Cunningham | James A | Rathburn | Anna I | 10-5-1854 |
Crawmer | Basil | Franks | Rachel | 12-30-1854 |
Clear | Henry | Spellman | Delila | 2-4-1855 |
Campbell | James W | Flanagan | Lois A | 3-25-1855 |
Cartwright | Henry | Wadkins | Mary E | 7-26-1855 |
Clark | George | Allen | Eleanor | 7-26-1855 |
Constable | Robert | Woten | Margaret J | 8-19-1855 |
Cox | Elizah | Nixon | Elisabeth | 12-6-1855 |
Chaney | David | Pingry | Lucy | 8-7-1856 |
Chenoweth | Elias | Oler | Margaret | 9-16-1856 |
Clemmins | John C | Linville | Elizabeth | 12-15-1856 |
Cravens | Amos M | Irastel | Leah | 1-25-1857 |
Collins | Martin V | Rathbun | Harriet W | 4-2-1857 |
Cook | Nathan | Unknown | Narcissa | 4-1-1857 |
Crother | William | Michael | Catharine | 5-1-1857 |
Current | William N | Evans | Calesta E | 7-2-1857 |
Carley | Elizah W | Ingle | Rachael | 9-13-1857 |
Coulson | Sterling L | Hood | Mary A | 4-18-1858 |
Cloud | Jonathan | Wheat | Isabella J | 8-29-1858 |
Clawson | Josiah | Haglan | Caroline | 8-29-1859 |
Collett | William | Burta | Catherine | 10-13-1859 |
Creamer | George | Bockowen | Mary S | 11-18-1859 |
Connott | Daniel | Jones | Mary L | 2-15-1860 |
Cunningham | William E | Lemaster | Isabel | 3-13-1860 |
Cartwright | William | Barnes | Wineford | 3-25-1860 |
Clough | William | Hand | Louisa | 4-1-1860 |
Cummings | David | Thrasher | Adline | 5-6-1860 |
Clouse | Simon P | Jenkins | Mary W | 6-7-1860 |
Clouse | Andrew | Taylor | Marietta | 6-23-1860 |
Clouse | J S | Baymar | Caroline | 8-30-1860 |
Cline | John | Myron | Caroline | 1860 |
Callahan | Andrew J | Votaw | Ruth A | 9-16-1860 |
Counkel | Jacob | Bickel | Durcilla | 10-12-1860 |
Croile | Samuel | Delauter | Catherine | 2-3-1861 |
Clauson | George | Seadiker | Hannah Marie | 3-14-1861 |
Cook | Samuel A | Smith | Evaline | 4-28-1861 |
Coldren | Sanford B | Bruce | Hester Ann | 6-1-1861 |
Cline | Jacob | Basar | Margaret Ann | 8-10-1861 |
Calahan | David | Scott | Amanda | 5-8-1861 |
Chenaworth | John | Stultz | Jeminiah | 10-26-1861 |
Coulson | Jaboz | Craig | Sarah M | 6-1-1862 |
Childen | James | Skyhock | Hannah Marie | 9-28-1862 |
Current | John W | Burris | Margaret | 10-8-1862 |
Chalfont | William N | Reed | Sarah | 11-9-1862 |
Corning | Philip | Gibbs | Mary E | 1-1-1863 |
Crossen | Morton | Howard | Sarah | 2-22-1863 |
Current | Henry O | Bippus | Chrstine J | 8-15-1863 |
Clove | Albert | Bippus | Nancy J | 11-12-1863 |
Cober | Jacob | Smith | Rachel | 11-12-1863 |
Cartwright | Henry | Harmon | Lucinda | 11-21-1863 |
Clark | Curtis H | Hawkins | Nancy Louise | 2-28-1864 |
Collett | John M | Whiteneck | Cynthia Ann | 3-26-1864 |
Chenoweth | William H | Dunkin | Ellen | 3-26-1864 |
Cain | Isaac | Unknown | Lavina | 4-5-1864 |
Clark | George | Brewster | Mary H | 4-11-1864 |
Coulson | Henry | Daupler | Ann E | 10-11-1864 |
Curtz | Abraham | Valentine | Rebecca | 1-5-1865 |
Collins | James H | Rathbun | Augusta M | 7-2-1865 |
Clough | Moses T | Turner | Catherine | 5-25-1865 |
Collett | Nimrod W | Wimms | Eudula Ann | 8-24-1865 |
Crowell | Justice G | Winters | Manda | 9-18-1865 |
Collett | Francis A | Charlton | Nancy Ann | 10-22-1865 |
Cuboison | John C | Sanders | Nancy H | 11-28-1865 |
Carringer | John A | West | Nancy | 12-27-1865 |
Curdy | Henry M | Carpenter | Susan | 6-29-1863 |
Crowell | Eleazar M | Green | Belinda | 2-11-1865 |
Collins | Jesse | Cook | Eliza | 12-11-1837 |
Croser | Lewis | Heston | Lydia Ann | 6-18-1838 |
Cowin | John | Gaunt | Hannah | 6-30-1838 |
Collins | Joseph | Finch | Harriet W | 11-7-1839 |
Canada | David | Whitacre | Jane | 7-5-1840 |
Croft | Frederick | Smith | Sophiah | 2-24-1841 |
Collins | James | Thompson | Nancy | 3-6-1841 |
Cunningham | Isaac | Waggoner | Ann | 12-16-1841 |
Corwin | John | Taylor | Barberry | 1-10-1842 |
Chapman | William | Johnston | Nancy | 2-3-1842 |
Corwin | William | Hudson | Mary | 2-16-1842 |
Cline | Joseph J W | Jones | Rebecca | 9-15-1842 |
Courtney | Henry | McCoy | Sarah Jane | 8-3-1843 |
Claycomb | George | Gaunt | Hannah H | 9-30-1843 |
Coones | Henry | Powers | Mary Jane | 1-24-1844 |
D | | | | |
Dakin | Riley | Coucher | Nancy | 10-26-1856 |
Darby | Silas | Hiser | Elizabeth | 6-11-1863 |
Darby | William | Dye | Emily Jane | 10-27-1861 |
Daugherty | George | Fifer | Isabella | 1-1-1865 |
Daugherty | Jacob | Andrew | Susan C | 1-4-1861 |
Daugherty | William | Unknown | Elizabeth | 9-25-1865 |
Davidson | Mordacai | Finch | Amelia | 8-31-1856 |
Davidson | Robert | Money | Sarah Ann | 4-12-1864 |
Davis | Benjamin | Bellis | Charity | 1-31-1854 |
Davis | Benjamin F | Chandler | Ruth Jane | 10-10-1842 |
Davis | Eli Q | Hiatt | Meru | 5-7-1842 |
Davis | Gedorge W | Stout | Clarian Anne | 1-16-1862 |
Davis | Hezikiah | Hevelan | Jerusha | 4-25-1857 |
Davis | Isaac | Campbell | Mahitable K | 7-31-1855 |
Davis | William | Woten | Mary E | 9-5-1858 |
Day | Lewis | Baker | Clara | 12-23-1855 |
Deardorff | Clinton | Milligan | Hannah P | 1-24-1855 |
Deavon | Benjamin | Prutt | Lavinia E | 8-31-1862 |
DeLong | John | Hosier | Elizabeth | 10-6-1842 |
DeLong | William | Watson | Sarah E | 6-16-1854 |
Denney | Alfred J | Premer | Mary | 12-26-1858 |
Denney | Arvin A | Unknown | Mary E | 1-3-1863 |
Denney | Edward | Loy | Margaret | 7-28-1843 |
Denney | Nathan S | Spillman | Samantha | 10-1-1863 |
Denney | Royal | Haines | Elvira J | 9-12-1859 |
Denny | Ransom | Oakley | Eliza | 12-27-1841 |
Denrey | George W | Peden | Lydia A | 1-9-1856 |
DePew | Samuel | Knapp | Susanah | 6-21-1860 |
Deskin | William W | Fleming | Mary A | 4-2-1862 |
Deyhle | John C | Slagle | Fredericka | 9-3-1865 |
Dick | George | Miller | Rebecca | 12-4-1862 |
Dick | James | Dilly | Margaret | 3-5-1842 |
Dickerson | Andrew | Mitchell | Mary J | 8-21-1863 |
Dickerson | John Wesley | Swallow | Manerva Ann | 8-12-1860 |
Dickson | John | Miller | Mary | 1-3-1855 |
Dideon | Joseph | Fisher | Lecler | 11-28-1865 |
Dilman | James | Schillbaugh | Mary Ann | 8-10-1865 |
Dinsmore | John | Bell | Lydia | 5-6-1855 |
Dixon | Abraham | Baldwin | Caroline | 7-15-1843 |
Doan | James | Crowder | Elizabeth | 1-18-1859 |
Docke | Frederick | Walter | Sarah | 3-6-1854 |
Docke | Philip | Broom | Harriett M | 3-29-1854 |
Doddridge | Loyal | Nixon | Rebecca A | 3-12-1861 |
Dodson | Jonas H | Glee | Elizabeth | 3-22-1864 |
Doll | William W | Heston | Mary Ann | 5-1-1864 |
Donniston | Joseph | McCoy | Ann | 9-23-1858 |
Dotamore | Samuel H | Unknown | Sarah | 7-30-1865 |
Dougherty | Adam | Cumas | Martha J | 9-20-1863 |
Downey | Michael | McDowell | Rebecca Ann | 3-7-1864 |
Drake | Nathan | Armentrout | Hannah | 11-12-1854 |
Duffey | Sealey H | Thmpson | Lena | 9-14-1865 |
Duffey | Sealy H | Thompson | Nancy | 12-29-1865 |
Dugdale | William R | Smith | Elisa | 7-28-1855 |
Durham | David | Bonecuter | Lovania | 10-3-1859 |
Durjens | James | Garretson | Margaret Jane | 1-31-1844 |
Durr | Joseph | Dayton | Ruth A | 10-26-1864 |
E | | | | |
Earnest | William | Watson | Orphelia | 12-29-1857 |
Earsman | John | Beid | Martha | 3-29-1855 |
Eblin | Jesse | White | Rachel | 3-5-1840 |
Edder | James F | Rhodes | Elizabeth J | 1-18-1863 |
Ehrhart | David | McCawley | Nancy Ann | 6-22-1842 |
Ehrhart | James | Kallott | Almira | 9-13-1857 |
Eley | John | Strader | Ruth | 11-8-1842 |
Eley | Michael | Imel | Sarah | 10-8-1857 |
Eley | Philip | Lilley | B | 2-8-1863 |
Eliot | Sam'l M | Thompson | Mary J | 9-21-1860 |
Elliott | Jesse | Stotse | Sarah A | 3-5-1857 |
Elliott | Jonothan | Ackrom | Barbary | 3-23-1858 |
Ellis | Calvin | Unknown | Mary Jane | 11-30-1862 |
Ellis | Robert | Bagaster | Sarah | 1-12-1864 |
Ellis | Robert | Harris | Matilda | 5-23-1839 |
Ellis | Robert | Nixon | Amanda | 7-14-1864 |
Ellsworht | Samuel | Paxson | Sarah Jane | 9-1-1862 |
Ellwood | Jacob E | Irion | Isabelle | 9-22-1864 |
Engle | Lemuel | McDowell | Sarah Jane | 10-20-1864 |
Engle | William | Wilson | Emily | 4-16-1855 |
Erhart | Charles | Eley | Mary | 10-27-1859 |
Ertel | Jermiah | Rhaney | Mary | 11-3-1855 |
Ertel | Thomas | Jones | Ann Elizabeth | 9-21-1856 |
Ertel | thomas P | Johnson | Margaret C | 9-18-1864 |
Evans | Alexander | Unknown | L | 10-18-1862 |
Evans | George W | Stilwell | Harriet | 3-5-1863 |
Evans | Jacob W | Cherry | Lovina | 12-6-1863 |
Evans | James | Sutton | Christena | 8-6-1857 |
Evilsizer | Leonard | Dye | Frances | 4-5-1839 |
Evilsizer | Minard | Unknown | Mary L | 8-6-1862 |
Ewing | Jacob | Hollenshead | Hester | 1-30-1839 |
F | | | | |
Farber | Lewis S | Clark | Martha | 8-12-1840 |
Farington | Jesse | Lewis | Lydia C | 2-11-1855 |
Farington | Joseph A | Lewis | Lydia E | 12-23-1860 |
Faris | Clinton D | Harry | Ann E | 11-11-1856 |
Faris | John W | Wells | Malissa | Unknown |
Farrington | Elihus | Lewis | Lacy A | 12-22-1860 |
Fawcett | Samuel S | Harland | Hannah S | 1-10-1842 |
Felix | John | Livengood | Manda | 3-29-1863 |
Fiber | John | Tuck | Mary | 11-17-1857 |
Fields | William A | Engle | Sarah | 6-12-1864 |
Fiers | George | Redkey | Mary J | 4-20-1858 |
Fifer | Jacob | Whiteman | Sarah | 2-4-1841 |
Finch | Leander | Bonecutter | Elizabeth | 11-3-1861 |
Findlay | Lewis C | Espy | Sallie J | 8-11-1857 |
Finkbone | Henry | Byrd | Amanda M | 3-6-1859 |
Fish | Nathaniel | Walker | Frances | 12-11-1843 |
Flesher | Granville | Lars | Savilla | 1-23-1859 |
Flesher | Henry | Morical | Sarah | 2-25-1855 |
Flesher | Israel | Rathbun | Ardella A | 12-29-1860 |
Flesher | James | Moricle | Eliza | 7-2-1860 |
Flesher | Zachariah | Badders | Elizabeth | 9-4-1862 |
Flesher | Zachariah | Badders | Elizabeth | 9-4-1862 |
Flesher | Zachariah | Batters | Elizabeth | 12-2-1859 |
Fletcher | James | Cunningham | Mary | 3-17-1864 |
Flooding | Henry | Dayhuff | Lydia | 8-13-1865 |
Foin | Martin | Thompson | Mary | 1-23-1861 |
Ford | Napolien B | Butcher | Rebecca | 4-30-1841 |
Frabol | Joseph B | Snider | Mary E | 1-14-1860 |
Franke | John | Waldron | Sarah | 1-6-1856 |
Franke | Leonard | King | Susan | 3-4-1860 |
Franklin | Jasper E | Hour | Eliza A | 9-3-1857 |
Franks | Charles | Geeseman | Sarah Elizabeth | 5-16-1861 |
Franks | Joseph B | Bennett | Sarah A | 5-31-1854 |
Frasher | William A | Butcher | Mary A | 3-21-1861 |
Frazee | David | Sanburn | Hannah S | 10-20-1859 |
Frazee | Isaac N | Couldrin | Delean C | 9-5-1860 |
Frazee | Isaac N | Cox | Ruth A | 5-19-1864 |
Frazier | Icobad | Unknown | Mary | 10-12-1861 |
Freeman | Benjamin R | Johnson | Margaret M | 12-17-1865 |
Frickel | John | Barrick | Anna | 8-13-1841 |
Fricker | Francis M | Redkey | Mary | 11-1-1862 |
Fritzinger | George | Stults | Margaret | 1-14-1858 |
Fuson | Alpheus | Kite | Hannah S | 5-10-1842 |
G | | | | |
Gagle | William | Unknown | Lucy | 2-26-1865 |
Garinger | Benjamin | McCartney | Sarah C | 5-20-1841 |
Garringer | John J | Bockoven | Harriet E | 5-27-1860 |
Geeseman | Lewis F | Hamilton | Sarah Jane | 8-10-1864 |
Geiger | John H | Perry | Mary J | 7-27-1856 |
Geller | John H | Gaunt | Elizabeth | 3-29-1865 |
Gemmell | Robert | Matock | Sophia | 8-30-1857 |
George | John Henry | Brown | Mary Ann | 2-13-1862 |
Gettes | George W | Immel | Nancy | 11-19-1865 |
Gettys | Samuel | Friend | Harriett | 4-27-1837 |
Geyer | Casper | Clark | Rachel | 4-18-1837 |
Gibson | James | Burnig | Mary Elizabeth | 8-11-1864 |
Gibson | James F | Lupton | Rachael | 3-31-1855 |
Gibson | John W | Adney | Adalina | 11-3-1864 |
Gibson | Samuel W S | Franke | Catherine E | 1-17-1861 |
Gibson | Thomas | Huntwork | Elizabeth | 11-4-1858 |
Gilbert | Alexander M | Flesher | Eliza | 9-28-1862 |
Gilbert | John | Michael | Elizabeth | 6-8-1860 |
Giller | James F | Cline | Mary | 8-9-1861 |
Gillespy | John | Bury | Sarah | 1-19-1865 |
Gillium | Samuel | Breman | Aurla | 5-3-1856 |
Gillum | Andrew | Pingry | Hannah | 5-24-1857 |
Gillum | Peter | Snow | Jane | 2-11-1839 |
Gillum | William R | Ray | Nancy | 3-22-1857 |
Ginger | Jacob | Whitacre | Phebe E | 3-27-1862 |
Glasford | Alexander | Stone | Sinthian | 8-8-1837 |
Glassford | George W | Norricle | Elizabeth | 3-16-1864 |
Glencer | John | Johnson | Ann | 7-24-1863 |
Glencer | Monroe J | Whiteman | Harriet E | 4-6-1862 |
Glenser | Abraham W | Whiteman | Elizabeth | 10-11-1855 |
Glentzer | Madison A | Wheeler | Nancy A | 5-3-1857 |
Gohmon | Henry | McFarland | Mary E | 2-26-1857 |
Goodson | Solomon | Akin | Hester | 5-19-1842 |
Gooseman | William H | Tibbs | Laura | 11-24-1859 |
Gorman | James D G | Unknown | Sarah | 2-6-1863 |
Goucher | Joseph | Yocumb | Fanny | 4-5-1855 |
Graham | William | Senters | Katharine | 3-22-1840 |
Grattis | Joseph S | Drake | Mariah | 2-5-1860 |
Graves | Alfred | Lotz | Phidilla Susan | 12-21-1837 |
Gray | Jesse | Bunch | Sarah | 5-1-1842 |
Gray | Jesse | Swallow | Kizziah | 7-21-1842 |
Gray | Thomas | Mendenhall | Amy E | 11-26-1854 |
Gray | Thomas S | Rigby | Matilda A | 3-20-1859 |
Gray | Tilbourn | Whiteman | Malinda | 9-11-1864 |
Green | Harvey P | Rarick | Mary | 2-2-1863 |
Green | John M | Cook | Fanny M | 10-12-1860 |
Green | Robert S | Lawson | Elizabeth | 10-18-1854 |
Green | William | Bickle | Katharine | 4-24-1841 |
Griffeth | H Cook | Hambleton | Hannah M | 1-17-1858 |
Griffeth | Levi | Frank | Sarah E | 10-29-1865 |
Grimes | John H | Kay | Sarah | 3-1-1855 |
Grimes | Washington | Priest | Mary | 9-21-1854 |
Grisby | James W | Unknown | Frances | 1-2-1862 |
Grisell | Amos | Lupton | Elizabeth | 2-11-1841 |
Grisell | Hiram B | Paxon | Lydia Jane | 2-2-1862 |
Grisell | Hiram L | Grey | Lydia J | 8-15-1865 |
Grisler | Westley | Gaunt | Phebe E | 1-19-1865 |
Gusten | Thomas | Smith | Sarah A | 8-16-1855 |














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