Private First Class Omer Heckman
The TribuneSeymour, Indiana
Monday, July 10, 1944
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Rites Held For Local Soldier
Memorial services for Private First Class Omer Heckman, who was killed in action in Italy on may 28, were conducted Sunday afternoon at St. Paul's Congregational Church, with the Rev. Carl F. Baldwin, pastor, in charge.
Pfc. Heckman's father, George F. Heckman, Seymour R4, first received word that his son was missing in action, followed in but a few days' time by word that he had been killed.
Members of the Man's Brotherhood of St. Paul's Church, of which Pfc. Heckman was a member, sat in a body at the services.
Pfc. Heckman served with the infantry, and had been overseas for about seventeen months at the time of his death.