Diary of Private Clifford Tribbett
Service No. 2,006,308
This copy made by Jane Johnson Ruddick in February 1985.
- Had to march about a mile for eats. (word not decipherable) Pulled packs at noon and marched back to where the kitchen was located. Made our beds in an old barn. Had plenty of straw to make a fine bed.
- Aug 4th (Afternoon) Went for a bath and to wash clothes. Hiked about three miles.
- Rained. Rained Sept. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
- Sept 14, Started on a hike at 7:30. Got back to camp at one thirty. Walked about fourteen miles with packs.
- Aug. 15, Sunday, sunshine. Warm all day. Saw several french people going hunting with gun and dogs.
- Sept 17, Went on range for target practice.
- Sept. 27, left camping place and hiked twelve miles to R.R. Station. Rode for one day and night on train and then got off train, had supper, and then hiked all night, on train and then got off train. Went 25 miles to another village. (word not decipherable. Bivouac?) There in a Y.N. in this town can hear and see flashes of shells bursting at night.
- Sept. 30, began drilling again after a good, bright Sunday.
- Oct. 1, 2, Frost
- Oct. 8, Took a kike of several miles, about twelve miles. It just rained to beat the band and sleeted some.
- Oct. 9th, Got horses, First sunshine day, for a long time.
- Oct. 23, Sun shined all day.
- Nov. 9, That night, got orders at ten o'clock and began hike to front. Hiked all night.
- Nov. 10, Stayed in town. Shells flying over us all the time.
- Nov. 11, Firing ceased at eleven o'clock. Left (Thorocourt?)
- Nov. 12, and went back to St. Jean.
- Nov. 28, Thanksgiving. Spent day in camp close to St. Jean. had a good dinner served in two courses. The first course was bread, Potatoes, Mutton, Gravy, Coffee, and rice. The second was apple dumplings, two kinds of cake, english walnuts, almonds, two packs of cigarettes, one cigar and a piece of stick candy.
- Dec. 18, That night, rained and wind blowed. Worst night I saw since I was in France.
- Dec. 19, Rained and sleeted.
- Dec 24, Sun shines. Warm all day but clouded up at about 5 o'clock and began raining again. 8 o'clock, snowing.
- Dec. 25th, snowing hard. Snowed almost all day, but it melted as fast as it fell.
- My Chirstmas dinner was served in two courses. The first course was beef, pork, goose, potatoes, and gravy, rice pudding, bread, butter and beer. The second course was two bars chocolate, five pieces chocolate, one package cigarettes, one can jam, apple, english walnuts, cake, pie, (Word undecipherable), coffee. The Red Cross gave me one package cookies, chewing gum. The K.C. gave cigarettes. The Y.M.C.A. gave one pack of cigarettes, two bars chocolate, and one can of velver smoking tobacco.
- Jan. 1, 1918? (1919?) ...Sunshined most of the day. had a big New Year's dinner. Still at Mt. St. Jean. The dinner was served in two courses.