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Joseph Welliver Family Cemetery

Submitted by: Kermit R. Welliver - R. R. # 1 Box 224 - Seymour, Ind. 47274 - Date 14 June 1990
Take U. S. 31 North of Reddington, Indiana to Road 1125N -- Make left turn on road 1200E---Go a short distance turn right (east) on road 1175N---Follow black top, turn left (north) on road 1250E for a short distance turn right (east) on road 1175N. Go 2/10 mile. On north side of road in the field you will see tall grass and a small tree on a knoll. This is the Joseph Welliver family cemetery.

Comments from Kermit R. Welliver:
Most of the stones are missing. The only ones there now are Joseph Welliver, his wife Deborah (Goldie) and Susan Welliver, the daughter of Squire Welliver. It is a mystery what happened to the many stones that were there at one time.
I was around 12 years old when a friend told me about the cemetery, (my folks never mentioned it) Gordan Howard, my friend, took me there and I seen several stones. The fence that enclosed the cemetery at one time had been tromped down by stock as this field was at that time a pasture.
I remember several of the stones I seen and as I would like for this cemetery to be listed I will list the ones I remember:


In the Reddington cemetery there is a stone with Joseph and Deborah Welliver names and dates. This was put there by Charles Welliver as a historical marker. Also Hiram and Eleanor Welliver's names appear on the stone of Elizabeth Welliver Gilbert.
Joseph Welliver was a veteran of the war of 1812 in a company in Ohio.