Henry County, Indiana
Genealogy and History
Jefferson Township is located in the northern part of Henry- county, and is bounded as follows : On the north by Delaware county, on the east by Prairie township, on the south by Henry and Harrison, and on the west by Harrison and Fall Creek, and contains an area of twenty-eight square miles. The surface is undulating, the soil good, and the natural productions of the township a fair average of the county.
The principal water-courses are Bell Creek and Honey Creek. These streams and their tributaries furnish the township with a good supply of stock water.
The present population is a little rising of 1300. The old set- tlers of this township are mostly Virginians. This township is noted for its numerous sulphur springs, from which the only village in the township derives its name. The value of taxable property in the township amounts to about ;^6oo,ooo. Some of the first settlers were James Marsh, Michael Swope, Anthony Sanders, and Samuel Beavers.
Township Trustee, S. B. Hays.
Corporation Trustees, Jacob Holsinger, Secretary ; H. H. Minesinger, Treasurer ; C. C. Bock, President.
Academy building worth ;$3,000
M. E. Church, Sulphur Springs ; pastor, Mr. McKaig ; mem- bership, 28; value of church property, $2,200; superintendent of Union Sabbath School, W. P. Culp ; average attendance, 60.
Union Church, two miles north of Sulphur Springs ; value of church property, $1,000; Sabbath School superintendent, D. F. Hoover; average attendance, 45.
United Brethren Church, Forest Hill ; five miles north-east of Middletown ; J. M. Kabrich, pastor ; membership, 20 ; value of church property, ;$ 1,000.
Sulphur Springs Lodge, No. 348, ยด. and A. M.; Sulphur Springs ; membership, 32.
Sulphur Springs Lodge, No. 249, L O. O. F.; Sulphur Springs; membership, 32; value of Lodge property, $800.
Jefferson Grange, No. 515, Sulphur Springs ; organized Oct. 25th, 1873; membership, 27; D. F. Hoover, Master; W. G. Rader, Secretary.