Grant County Volunteers


Volunteer / Email Link Reference Material Comments
Kay Fisher 1953 and 1963 Marion City Directories  
Sandy Taylor 1860 Federal Census for Indiana
1870 Federal Census for Grant County, Indiana
Sandy Taylor By Ralph D. Kirkpatrick:
Burial Records of Four Grant County, Indiana, Quaker Cemeteries [includes Mississinewa Friends, Deer Creek Friends, Little Ridge Friends, Oak Ridge Friends]

Back Creek Friends Cemetery Burial Records

Local history & Genealogy Abstracts from Fairmount News Volume 1, 1888 - 1900

I know you have these records on line but Kirkpatrick's book adds some genealogy.

This is just my way of saying thanks to you and the other fine people who share so willing of their time and resources to help other genealogists.

Jackie Penrod Thomas Making of a Township (Fairmount, In.)
1877 Atlas
All the Quaker records
Several of the Cemetery records
1914 Grant-Blackford history books
Would be glad to help if I can.
Sue Smith McLean 1906 Marion High School Cactus Yearbook
Included are lots of pictures, and bios (of teachers). Interestingly, included is a section on alumni, complete with pictures of each discussed and a description of what they are now doing.

An example:
1883 - Mrs. Adaline ESHELMAN-RIGDON acted as assistant kindergarten teacher and as a teacher in private schools until her marriage. Since then she has taught a kindergarten of her own, having two sons.
1883 - Luella B. THOMAS pursued her education no farther than through high school. she was a glove-fitter for some time and is now employed at Hartsook's Studio.

What I think is particularly nice about this book is that it has over a hundred pictures of people from Marion at the turn of the century.

Ms. Marjorie Knopp Grant County Quaker Membership Books: Radley, Oak Ridge, Bethel.
Some information on Jonesboro and Fairmount
Three DAR Patriot Indexes
Baptist Church Records, Marion
  Marion Public Library
Attn: Indiana Room
600 South Washington Street
Marion, Indiana 46953-1992
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The staff at the Marion Public Library - Indiana Room have graciously accepted the position of Look-Ups for the Grant County US Gen Web Project. Please feel free to contact them for your requests, but they do ask that you limit your requests to no more than ten (10) items at a time. There will be a small fee to cover the cost of copying and postage. You may send in your request via snail mail in care of Indiana Room at the address to the left, or via e-mail at Ask The Indiana Room.

Materials available at the Marion Public Library - Indiana Room
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