Soldiers Home Circle, Marion, Indiana
Grant County Photo Album
This Photo Album was compiled by Sheila Watson During her tenure as Grant County INGenWeb Coordinator.1998-2005

Two 1920 Fairmount Basketball Players.
Submitted by Jeanette Leach and a reply by Toby Lewis.

Jonesboro Grade School 1908 - Mill Township, Grant County, Ind.
Jonesboro, Indiana
We can thank Dave Jernigan for this image.

Stereoscopic image of the Soldiers' Home dining room - 1898
The image is a scan of the original stereoview card. The card
was made for viewing through a stereoscope to give a 3-D effect.
Some people can get the effect without a stereoscope (the same
technique is used to view those 3-D stereograms that are so popular
now), by crossing their eyes.
We can thank Howard Knight
Actually he sent 3 images of the same card - viewed differently, however I chose the best one for our web page. ...sdw

North Ward School 1st grade
North Ward School of Fairmount - 1922, Dorothy Powers 1st grade. Many names are
listed - can you fill in the blanks? Thank you Barbara Powers Buck.
Candy School - Mill Twp.
Here's the picture of Candy School and was taken shortly before it was demolished. According to Mom, it was located at the corner of Farmington Road and 500E. - Judy Cameron.
Woodside Service Station
This one is a gas station that was owned by my great-uncle, James (Jim) McCrum in the early 40's.
It sat at the corner of SR26 and SR22 between Upland and Matthews (across from Taylor).
Class picture of the Gas City School.
"probably taken about 1928 of the 2nd grade. Judy Cameron's uncle is the 3rd from the left
in the 3rd row up. He died in 1941." The rest of the people are unknown.
Thank you to Judy Cameron for submitting this historical photo.
The Union Chapel Church
"located on 600 E. (old Rangeline Rd.) This photo was taken sometime in the
mid to late 1940's. The church was torn down when it was replaced with the new
one in the 1960's.
Thank you to Judy Cameron for submitting this historical photo.
The Cumberland or Matthews Bridge
"the last covered bridge in Grant County. Cumberland/Matthews Bridge was built
in 1877 and covered in later years. It is located at the SE edge of Matthews on 3rd Street extention in Jefferson Twp. Crossing the Mississinewa River. Thank you to Steve Smelser for submitting this historical photo taken by his father Robert Smelser.
NOTE: These photo's were taken before the 1999 restoration of the bridge. ...sdw
The Cumberland or Matthews Bridge - after restoration in 1999.
The Cumberland bridge has a picturesque location across the Mississinewa in
the quiet city of Matthews. Made both of these photographs during June,
2000, while photographing a number of historic landmarks around central
Indiana. Went there to make some photographs of the bridge the year before
and discovered it was being rebuilt. Returned last year to find it
completed. My compliments to those who restored it; excellent job.
Copyright © 2000, John A. Lind, Kokomo, IN, Used by Permission.
Historic picture of Marion Normal College
Marion, Indiana.

Historic picture of First Methodist Episcopal Church
Marion, Indiana.

Historic picture of Mississinewa River at Matters Park
Marion, Indiana.
Copyright © 2005 Grant County INGenWeb