Princeton Daily Clarion dated 7/15/1921:


Archer Post and W.R.C. Attend Funeral Service


The funeral of Mrs. Jane Archer Johnson held Thursday afternoon was largely attended by members of the Archer post G.A.R., members of the W.R.C. and friends of the family.


Services were held at the First Methodist cemetery at 3:30 o'clock. Burial was in the Archery cemetery.


The Archer post G.A.R. was named for Mrs. Johnson's first husband. He was the son of John Archer and was married to Miss Racheal Jane King in 1860. August 11, 1862 he eniisted in Co. A., 80th regiment. He was promoted from private to sergeant and to orderly sergeant, May 11, 1864, three days before the battle of Resaca, May 14 in which he was killed, he was commissioned lieutenant."


(Note: The deceased is buried in "Archer" cemetery, not "Archery", as stated in obit.  Her second husband was David Johnson, married 24 Apr 1873.)


GCHS, Georgia McEllhiney