Welcome to the Gibson County INGenWeb Project.

 I am Dan Elliott the County Coordinator.  If you would like to contribute information or have updates or corrections to this page, please let me know by clicking on my name and sending an e-mail message.
(Note:  Best viewed with Google Crome or Mozilla Firefox.)


1820      --
1830      --
1840     --
Partial 1850 census:  Johnson Township only.
Partial 1860 census:  Montgomery Township  and part of White River Township only.
Partial 1870 Census.  VERY limited selection of pages from Montgomery and Wabash Townships.


Complete Federal Census (searchable, free)

1890      No copy of the original census pages for Gibson County is known to have survived.
1900       --
1910  --
1920    Digitized:  Complete 1920 microform images for GIBSON County.  Reel 434:   NOT indexed!
1930     Digitized:  Complete 1930 microform images for GIBSON County.  Part of Reel 588:  GIBSON County starts at page N587 and goes to end of the Reel (page N1209.)  NOT indexed!
Digitzed:  Complete 1940 Federal Census is indexed and online free at several locations.  The link on the right will take you to the National Archives site.  Alternate site is:  the LDS Family Search; and the commerical site:  Ancestry.com