The following information was researched and provided by Phil & Martha Earls,

30 Aug 2010.



From the Princeton Clarion, 27 Sep 1899


                                               Three Boys of Buckskin Meet

                                                   Death In The Flames


                                             A MIDNIGHT HOLOCAUST


                                           The Parents Of The Boys Escape In

                                             Their Night Clothes—Origin of

                                              The Fire Unknown—Coroner



Special to the Clarion

BUCKSKIN, Ind., Sept. 27.—This

Community was thrown into a state of

terror at midnight last night when the

Home of Michael Wild, a quarter of a

Mile from the town, was burned.  In

its ashes lie the charred bodies of Mr.

Wild’s three sons, aged 8, 14 and 16


     The house was discovered to be on

fire shortly before midnight.  When

discovered the flames had enveloped the

house and were doing their work

speedily.  Mr. Wild, his wife and

daughter, were sleeping on the first

floor and were awakened by the

cracking of the flames.  They rushed

out of the house, clad in their night


     Then the half suffocated father be-

gan calling to his boys in the second

story.  No answer came.  Neighbors

hurried to the fire and the work of

extinguishing the flames began.  The

rescue of the three boys was upper-

most in the minds of the fire fighters

and after a struggle they saved a sec-

tion of the house, but the boys were


     Near where the bed stood the body

of they youngest was found.  It was

charred almost beyond recognition.

The bodies of the other two were

Found in a crouching position.  It is

evident that they got lost in trying to

grope their way out and finally

reached the corner were they tried

to avoid the flames and smoke.  It is

thought they were suffocated to

death, as their bodies were not badly


     The parents and sister of the dead

boys are almost crazed.  The father

moves around the old house as in a

dream and greets all his old friends

with a groan.  Coroner Hollingsworth

has arrived on the scene and is hold-

ing an inquest.  The origin of the fire

is unknown, but incendiarism is sus-





(Follow-up article from the Princeton Clarion)




 Only One of the Buckskin Fire Vic-

     Tims was a Son of Mr. and Mrs.

          Wildt—A Sad Tragedy.


     Our correspondent at Buckskin

writes that two of the boys who were

burned to death in the fire near that

place Tuesday night were orphans

who had been living with the family.

     The names of the victims were Wil-

liam Greaser, 16; Fred Need, 10; and

Fred Wildt, 9.  They were sleeping

up stairs at the time of the fire and

the flames had destroyed the stairway

before the lads were awakened.  A

charred mass of bones and flesh is all

that is left to indicate the spot where

the boys were.

     The holocaust has cast a gloom over

the neighborhood and there is pro-

found sympathy for the bereaved pa-

rents and guardians.  Hundreds of

people visited the scene of the trag-

edy yesterday.  As yet the cause of

the fire is a complete mystery.








Translated and/or Copied from the Original Register by

Mrs. Leo L. Kruse with very much assistance with the translation

From Mrs. Chester Gleim.


Typed and donated by Mrs. Leo L Kruse.



WILD              Friedrich Johannes Wild, born Nov 28, 1889.

NIED               Johann Fredrich Nied, born January 25, 1891.

GRIESE          Friedrich Wilhelm Michael Griese, Born April 16, 1883.

                            Died from a fire that destroyed the home of Michael Wild at Buckskin, Ind.

                        on September 26, 1899.  Buried Sept., 28, 1899.  Text:  Jer. 28.29.