WINNER, Charles
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 18 Jun 1955 p 4

VEEDERSBURG — Charles A. Winner, 59, a rural mail carrier for the Veedersburg Post Office 32 years, died Saturday morning at St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Danville, Ill., where he had been a patient four hours. He had been in failing health six years with a heart ailment. Born Nov. 17, 1895, at Ridge Farm, Ill., Mr. Winner was the son of George W. and Laura Hambleton Winner. He married Mildred Death Oct. 1, 1929. He was a member of the Veedersburg Methodist Church. A World War I veteran, Mr. Winner was a charter member of the Charles Forrest American Legion Post of Veedersburg. He also was a member of the Veedersburg Masonic Lodge and Order of Eastern Star and the Rural Mail Carriers Assn. Surviving are the widow and a brother, Walter Winner of Kokomo. Funeral services will be held at 4 p.m. Tuesday at the family home, followed by burial at Rockfield Cemetery. Rev. Guy Walters will be the officiating minister. Friends may call at the family home. Masonic and military rites will be held at the graveside. --typed by Walt W
Source: 1950s B Area Obituaries – thanks to Covington Public Library (especially Brenda) p 151 hand dated June 18, 1955
Charles A. Winner, 59, of Veedersburg died at 6 a.m. Saturday June 18, 1955 at St. Elizabeth Hospital, Danville, where he had been admitted four hours earlier after being stricken with a heart attack. Mr. Winner was one of the community’s best liked citizens and was active in many events until his illness started several years ago. He was born Nov 17, 1895 in Ridgefarm Ill the son of George W. and Laura Hambleton Winner. He married Mildred Death on Oct 1, 1929. Survivors include the wife and a brother, Walter E. Winner of Kokomo, Ind. Mr. Winner, a rural mail carrier here for 32 years had been on leave of absence since February when he was taken ill. He was a member of the Methodist Church; Masonic Lodge 491, Letter Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, charter member of Charles Forrest Post, American Legion and Rural Carriers Association. Funeral services under the direction of the Fishero Funeral Home were held at the residence at 4 p.m. Tuesday with Rev. Guy Walters officiating. Burial was in the Rockfield Cemetery. Masonic military rites were held. - kbz