WILT, Napier - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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WILT, Napier

Source: Covington Friend Wednesday, December 3, 1975
A former Hillsboro resident who was Professor of English at the University of Chicago, died at his residence in Chicago on November 22.
  Dr. Napier Wilt was born in Hillsboro and was a graduate of the Hillsboro High School. He was also Dean of the Humanitarian Division of the University of Chicago.
  Wilt served in World War I with the Rainbow Division in France and was awarded the Croix de Guerre.
  He received a PHD from the University of Chicago and in 1923 began teaching at the University as an English instructor.
  He became dean of students in 1941. He retired in 1962. During his retirement he served as visiting professor at the University of Turin, University of Hong Kong, UCLA, San Fernando State and the Goodman Memorial Theatre and the School of Drama. He was also chairman of a State Department Committee on Finland.
  He requested that his body be donated to science.
  He was the son of John and Susie Wilt of Hillsboro. There are no immediate survivors.

Source: The obituary is from a collection of newspaper (paper names not recorded) obituaries saved, by Fauniel Hershberger, during the 1950's, 60's, 70's and 80's. She was a life long resident of Fountain County Indiana.  The collection is now housed at Crawfordsville District Public Library.

Napier Wilt, Professor Emeritus of English and former Dean of the Humanitarian Division of the University of Chicago, died November 12, 1975 at his home in Chicago. Mr. Wilt, 79, was born in Hillsboro, the son of John and Suzie Wilt. He was a graduate of Hillsboro High School. In World War I he served with the Rainbow Division in France and was awarded the Croix de Guerre. Professor Wilt received a PHD from the University of Chicago and in 1923 began teaching there as an English instructor. In 1941 he became Dean of Students in the Humanitarian Division, then chairman of the English Department. He served as Dean of the Humanitarian Division from 1951 until his retirement in 1962. He was an authority on American Literature with a special interest in drama. He was the author of two books "Some Nineteenth Century American Humorists" and "The Plays of Bartley Campbell". He held honorary LLD's from Brown University, Indiana University and Augustana. During retirement, Professor Wilt served as visiting Professor at the University of Teerin, University of Hong Kong, U.C.L.A., San Fernando State and the Goodman Memorial Theater and School of Drama. He was chairman of a State Department Committee on Finland. Among universities where he lectured during his retirement were: University of Finland Turcu University (Finland), the Sorhoune, Caen and Aix in France and Bengasi in Libya. He also served on a committee at the Conference at American Studies Research Centre at the University of Hyderbad, India. There are no close surviving relatives. He requested that his body be donated to science.   --typed by Walt W -- Note: Walt, you are soooo appreciated :) kbz

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