Source: 1950s Area Obituaries – thanks to Covington Public Library (especially Brenda) p 144 – hand dated June 1954
Mrs. Lulu Coram Wilkerson, 76, a resident of Hillsboro and vicinity for a number of years but has recently been residing near Ladoga died Friday June 18 at Culver Hospital at Crawfordsville where she had been a patient one month after suffering a broken hip. She followed in death by 9 days her husband, William Wilkerson, the circumstances of whose death are still under investigation following an autopsy performed by Dr. Fred Blix, the family physician and also Montgomery County coroner. He suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and severe injuries which could have cause his death. Mr. Wilkerson was born July 2, 1877 in Corryton, Texas and was married to the late William Wilkerson 57 years ago. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church in Georgetown Ill having spent most of her life in that state before moving to Indiana 25 years ago. Her only survivor is a daughter, Mrs. Lola May Shirley who is also a patient in Culver Hospital but resides near Ladoga. Funeral services were held Saturday at 1p.m. from the Cox Funeral Home in Ladoga with Rev. Elbert Smith, pastor of Ladoga with Rev. Elbert Smith pastor of the Ladoga Presbyterian Church officiating. Burial was in Ladoga cemetery. – kbz