WHITE, William

Source: Crawfordsville Review , Saturday Feb 12, 1916
Note: See also his biography
The body of William WHITE, 76, who died Wednesday morning at the home of his son, Dr. WJ White in Gary from paralysis arrived in Covington over the Big Four Thursday afternoon. The remains were taken to the old home place across the river in Warren County where the funeral will be held Friday afternoon and burial made in the Wright Cemetery near Grange Corner. Mr. White was a native of Founty County, and born in the Bend neighborhood north of the city. He spent the greater part of his life in Warren County where he owned a farm. A few years ago he sold his farm, invested in Gary real estate and went to that city to live with his son. He was a soldier in the Civil War and participated in a number of hot engagements. In one of these battles he was seriously wounded and was left on the battlefield for dead. A rebel soldier finally came along and carried him to a nearby spring and administered to his wounds. Mr. White often said had it not been for the kindly ministration of the rebel soldier he would have died and been buried on a southern battlefield.
File Created: 6 December 2009