Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review 21 March 1934 p 6
Waynetown, March 21 -- Relatives and friends in Waynetown have been shocked by the passing of two of the rapidly diminishing Civil War veterans. Tuesday morning, Dr. and Mrs. H.M. Bounnell, the Messrs and Mesdames J.M. Harris; Charles Snall; C.B. Sayres; C.C. Westfall; Mesdames Nettie Fouts and Ella Cruea; Miss Pearl Lidster and George Cruea attended funeral services at the Coffing & Robinson Funeral chapter (sic - chapel?) in Attica for John W. Westfall. Taps were sounded for Mrs. Westfall Saturday night at the home of his sister, Mrs. Mary Faye in Attica. He was a member of General Wilder's Brigade, the first army unit to use repeating rifles in any war. - kz
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Mon 19 March 1934 p 5
Attica, March 18 – John W. Westfall, 90, a Civil War veteran died here at midnight Saturday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Mary Say. He was born near Waynetown July 3, 1843 and in 1862 volunteered in the Union Army, he served in the 72nd infantry. Following his discharge he married Miss Emma Putnam and the couple lived at Rossville, Ill until his wife’s death in 1904, when he came here. He was a member of the ME Church, Order of Eastern Star and was a 32nd degree Mason. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Griffith of Indianapolis and Mrs. Louetta Baldwin of Elmore, Mich and one brother, Dan Westfall of Attica. - The Ladies’ GAR circle will hold funeral rites from Mrs.
Fay’s home Monday evening at 8 o’clock and additional services will be held
from the Coffing & Robinson Funeral Chapel here on Tuesday morning at 11
o’clock with Danville Ill Soldier’s Home Chaplain officiating. The body will
then be transported to Rossville, Ill where the Scottish Rite Masons will hold
services at the grave.