WELSH, Mary Ritchey - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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WELSH, Mary Ritchey

Source: Jasper County Democrat 15 Nov 1916 p 8

Mary E. Ritchey, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Ritchey, was born at Newtown, Fountain county, Indiana, June 16, 1845. In 1852 her father moved tis family to Indianapolis, where they lived for nine years, coming to Jasper county in 1861, where she spent the remainder of her life. October 31, 1865, she was united in marriage to James Welsh, who died August 3, 1907. To this' union was born two children, Carrie, who has always lived with and cared for her mother, and Bert of Larimore, North Dakota. Mrs. Welsh was the second of a family of eight children—three of whom—two brothers and one sister died in infancy, and one sister, Mrs. Amelia Downing, of Little River, Kansas, less than a year ago. Two brothers, Osiander and Wilmot, and one sister, Mrs. Laura Michael, all of Rensselaer, together with her two children, three grandsons and many other relatives and friends, survive her. For thirty-five years she had been an invalid and suffered intensely most of that time. Her last sickness overtook her less than two weeks ago, and she died at her home southeast of Rensselaer at 12:30 p. m. November 10, 1916, aged 71 years, 4 months and 2 4 days. Congestion of the lungs was the direct cause of her death. The funeral was held at the family home at 1:30 Sunday afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. J. Budman Fleming of the Presbyterian church, assisted by Rev. Asa McDaniel of the Christian church. A large number of relatives and friends gathered to pay their final respects to the departed. Burial was made in Egypt cemetery beside the grave of her husband.

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