WEAVER, Maude Shade - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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WEAVER, Maude Shade

Source: Lafayette Journal-Courier Sat 14 Dec 1957 p 8

Attica – Mrs. Maude (Shade) Weaver, 79, formerly of Judyville and Attica, died at 2:05 a.m. Saturday in Lake View Hospital, Danville, Ill where she had been a patient since Thursday. She had been ill since September.  She had been living at Danville with her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Kiger. Born in Fountain County, she was married in 1900 to Joseph G. Weaver of Clinton, Tenn (?), who died four years ago. The couple lived on the same farm northwest of Judyville for 40 years before retiring and moving to Attica in 1946.  She was a member of Pence Christian Church and OES Chapter 242 of Hedrick. Surviving with Mrs. Kiger are another daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Compton, Paradise, Calif and a brother, Garfield Shade, Hillsboro. - kbz

Source: "Obituaries - Year - 1950 Volume C" from the Covington Public Library (thanks Brenda) p 194

Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Maude Shade Weaver, 79, were held at the Christian Church in Attica Sunday afternoon with Rev. Gerold Babbs officiating. Burial was in Riverside Cemetery, Attica.  Mrs. Weaver who has been making her home with a foster daughter, Mrs. Ralph Kiger of Attica for more than a year died at the Lake View Hospital in Danville, Illinois. She was born north of Hillsboro July 3, 1878 the daughter of Lafayette and Eliza Wheeler Shade.  She moved to Warren County at age 20 where she lived until 1956.  She was married Aug 26, 1900 to Joseph Grant Weaver of Clinton, Tenn and lived on a farm in Warren County for more than 40 years. She was a member of the Order of Eastern Star of Hedrick and of the Christian Church of Pence. Surviving in addition to Mrs. Kiger is another daughter; a brother Garfield Shade of Hillsboro; 7 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren.  Those attending the funeral service from this area were: Garfield Shade, Miss Mabel Shade; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Shade, Clifford Willett, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Willett, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hamm of Greenwood, Mrs. Kenneth Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross of Crawfordsville.  – kbz

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