WARD, John S. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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WARD, John S.

Source: Attica-Fountain-Warren Democrat 16 Nov 1922 p 2

John S. Ward, cashier of the Farmers and Merchants Bank of Otterbein died suddenly Sunday afternoon at his home.  He became suddenly ill while returning from services at the St. Charles Catholic Church of which he is a member.  He was taken to his home and rallied for a time but soon became worse again and in a short time passed away. The deceased was the youngest son of Louis and Rosa Ward, pioneer residents of the Otterbein community.  His early life was spent on the farm.  He later engaged in the livery business and then the hardware business in Otterbein.  When the Farmers & Merchants Bank was organized at Otterbein 18 years ago he was chosen as its first cashier which position he continued to hold until his death.  He was 55 years old and besides his wife he is survived by four children (note 5 listed): Marguerite, Genevieve, Nellie, Charles and Gladys.  The funeral was conducted on Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock from St. Charles Catholic Church and burial was made in the St. Mary’s cemetery at Lafayette.  

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