WAKELAND, John - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Source: 1950s Area Obituaries – thanks to Covington Public Library (especially Brenda) p 142–hand dated 1954

John Wakeland, formerly of Mellott but a resident of Indianapolis for a number of years was found dead in his room in the Earl Hotel in Indianapolis at 4 a.m. Sunday June 27.  He had died following a heart attack.  The funeral service was held at the Crumley Funeral Home in Hillsboro at 2 p.m. Tuesday with the Rev. Kenneth Vetters, pastor of the Hillsboro Methodist Church officiating. The following nephews served as pall bearers: Junior Ehrie; Joe Wakeland; Gordon McCollum; Mike Ehrie; Richard Harshbarger and Home Foxworthy.  Nieces served as flower bearers and burial was in the Rose Hill Cemetery, Hillsboro. Mrs. Wakeland was the son of Grant and Ida Pyett Wakeland and was born near Frankfort, Ind. He was a veteran of World War I. Surviving are three brothers, Harry Wakeland of Florida; Manson Wakeland of Plymouth; Joe Wakeland of Ft. Wayne and one sister, Mrs. Anna Ehrie of Kingman. – kbz

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