DeFOREST RICH - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Source: North Vernon Plain Dealer Thursday Feb 25, 1915 p 2

Lonnie Rich, of Indianapolis and Vester Rich of Lafayette and Mrs. Iva Patrick of near Vernon came here to attend the funeral of Deforest Rich Saturday.  Nan Grinstead of Brewersville is here visiting Mrs. Ida Rich.  DeForest Rich died at his home here Thursday Feb 18, aged 54 years.  Mr. Rich was sick only a short time, but bore his suffering patiently. The greater part of his life was spent here and was a highly respected citizen.  He was a member of the North Vernon Baptist Church and has had a beautiful Christian life. The funeral was preached by Rev. Barnes of the Baptist Church Saturday at the home after which he was laid to rest in the Summerfield cemetery.  Mr. Rich is survived by a wife, two sons, a mother, two brothers and two sisters besides a host of friends to mourn his departure. – kbz

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