RHODES. Mary Olive - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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RHODES. Mary Olive

Source: Attica-Fountain-Warren Democrat 20 July 1922 p 1

Mrs. Mary Olive Rhodes, 77, one of the oldest residents of Covington passed away at the home of her son, Edward Rhodes, south of Covington at 4:30 o’clock Sunday afternoon.  She had been ill for more than a year and had been bedfast for the past several months with cancer. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Reed, pioneer residents of Fountain County and had made her home with her children since the death of Elija Rhodes, her husband, several years ago. She leaves two children, a daughter, Mrs. Iva Martin and a son, Edward with whom she was staying at the time of her death.  Funeral services were held at the home of her son Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. Interment was in Mount Hope cemetery at Covington. - kbz

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