RATER, Bessie
Source: The obituary is from a collection of newspaper (paper names not recorded) obituaries saved, by Fauniel Hershberger, during the 1950's, 60's, 70's and 80's. She was a life long resident of Fountain County Indiana. The collection is now housed at Crawfordsville District Public Library.
Miss Bessie E. Rater, 47, of Attica Route 3, died Sunday (July 18, 1971) at the home of her mother, Mrs. Lorene Rater. She had been a patient in a hospital for 10 days and had been dismissed only last Monday. She had been ill for five years. Born south of Pine Village, April 3, 1923, she was the daughter of Ray and Ruby Lorene Slifer Rater. Survivors include her mother of Attica and a sister, Mrs. Leon Sanders of Monticello. She was preceded in death by her father Jan. 7, 1956, and a brother, Elmer, Dec. 6, 1942. Services Tuesday at the Maus Funeral Home, will the Rev. Harold Bachert officiating. Burial in Highland Cemetery at Williamsport. --waw