QUIRK, Grace - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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QUIRK, Grace

Source: Fountain County Star Thursday 17 Feb 1983

Grace Quirk of Newtown, age 91, died Sunday afternoon, February 13, in the Indiana Masonic Home at Franklin. She was born near Newtown, August 20, 1891, the daughter of Frank and Belle McKinney. March 17, 1923, she married Griffith Quirk, who died January 14, 1980. Mrs. Quirk was an elder in the former Newtown Presbyterian Church and a member of the Newtown Community Church.

  She was also a 50-year member and past matron of Newtown Order of the Eastern Star, and a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Research Club, Study Club and United Presbyterian Women. She was a private music teacher in Fountain and Montgomery counties for many years and met her husband on board ship as she was returning from teaching music in an American school at Kuling, China. She graduated from Newtown High School in 1910 and from Northwestern University School of Music in 1914.

  Survivors include a daughter, Pat Rivers of Greenwood; two sons, Hugh G. of Chicago and Robert of Newtown; six grandchildren and five great grandchildren.

  Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at Crumley-Williams Funeral Home in Hillsboro with Rev. Craig Bex officiating. Burial was in Newtown Cemetery.

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