PALIN, Betsy - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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PALIN, Betsy

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Saturday, 12 May 1894
Word has been received here of the death of Aunt Betsy Palin at the home of her daughter in Potomac, Ill.

Mrs. Palin was 87 years old and had lived in this and Fountain County since 1836. she has been a resident of Indiana since 1814, living in Wayne County before coming here. She was the relict of Exum Palin, who died in 1878. he was one of the first converts to the Republican Party in 1856 and was noted far and wide as an abolitionist.

Mrs. Palin left five living children, thirty one grandchildren, and twenty four great grandchildren. She was a most beautiful Christian woman being reared in the Quaker Church and afterwards joining the Christian or Newlight Church. - thanks to "S"

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