MOUDY, Mary Merryman - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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MOUDY, Mary Merryman

Source: Attica-Fountain-Warren-Democrat-Nov 23, 1922 p 3

19 Nov 1840 – 20 Nov 1922 – buried Mt. Hope, Covington

Mrs. R.P. Moudy, an aged resident of Covington died Sunday night about 12 o’clock from the effects of a stroke of paralysis which she suffered the preceding Wednesday morning, The decedent was born in Maryland Nov 19, 1840 and moved to Indiana with her parents when a small child.  Mrs. Moudy was married three times – first to Oscar Wymans. She is survived by one daughter born to this union – Mrs. Alice Butcher of Rock Island, Ill.  Her second marriage was to John Zeigler in 1868 and she leaves 3 children as a result of this union – Mrs. Minnie Rhode of Potomac, Ill; Thomas Zeigler of Chicago and Ezra Zeigler who resides near Covington.  Following the death of Mr. Zeigler she was married to RP Moudy in Sept 1907 who survives at the age of 86. John Zeigler who resides northeast of Covington is a stepson of the decedent. The funeral was conducted from the ME Church in Covington yesterday afternoon, Rev RB Kern officiating. – kbz

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