MILLER, Permelia - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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MILLER, Permelia

Source: Attica-Fountain-Warren-Democrat Aug 31, 1922 p7

Mrs. Parmelia J. Miller, wife of Nelson Miller, died about 8 o’clock Wednesday morning of last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Amos Hall, west of Cates in the southern part of the county. She (rest a big blur – sorry)

Not sure if this is the same Permelia J. Miller - odd first name - right year not long after she passed so maybe and Monticello isn't too far away so could be her

Source: Monticello Herald Thursday Oct 12, 1922 p 6

Permelia J. Miller estate - Petition for order to determine the value of the estate without reference to the appraiser filed and set for hearing Nov 20, 1922
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