MENTZER, Anna - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Source: Attica-Fountain-Warren-Democrat-Nov 16, 1922 p 1

Miss Anna Mentzer died at her home on East Jackson Street, this city Friday about 12:15 o’clock.  Miss Mentzer had been in poor health for about two years and had been confined to her bed for several weeks. The deceased was a daughter of the late Samuel Mentzer. She was born in the house which her father built and in which she spent her whole life.  She had been a member of the ME Church for several years and was actively identified with the auxiliary societies of the church.  Anna Mentzer was never married but she filled a life of beautiful service to others.  She is survived by one sister – Mrs. Emma Hoover and one brother – Carl Mentzer both of Attica, Wash Mentzer and Trude Mentzer, her brothers died several years ago. The funeral was conducted Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock from the home on East Jackson Street, Rev. JJ Wilson pastor of the ME Church officiating. Burial was made in Riverside cemetery.

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