FORD, Audrey Pavey - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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FORD, Audrey Pavey

Thanks to the Covington Public Library for sending their wonderful collection of obituaries to share with you here (especially Brenda) – 1950 B Book p 46 Hand dated 1953

Funeral services for Mrs. Audrey Ethel Ford were held Monday afternoon at the Kingman Methodist Church.  Mrs. Ford 68 died at her Kingman home on Friday Sept 18 following an extended illness. The body was brought to the Fishero Funeral Home in Veedersburg and was removed to the family residence on Sunday before the funeral. She was born April 28, 1885 in Fountain County, the daughter of James W. and Margaret Dodson Pavey.  She was married Jan 4, 1905 to Charles T. Holland and then April 4, 1949 to Mort Ford. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Bethalena Kerr of Olivet; four sons: Gordon D. Holland of Bloomfield; Howard Holland of Veedersburg; Gayton of Pontiac, Mich and Glenwood Holland of Veedersburg and a brother, William Pavey of Danville. Three children preceded her in death.  She was a member of the East Liberty Christian Church. - kbz

Source: Kingman Star - Sept 18, 1953 -

Ethel L. Ford, 68, died Frid ay at 5 p.m. at her home in Kingman after 3 weeks' serious illness.  Born April 28, 1885 near Cates, she was the daughter of James Wesley and Margaret Dotson Pavey.  She was twice married, first to Charles Holland on Jan 4, 1905 and on March 29, 1949 to Mort Ford, who preceded her in death a year ago.  She was a member of the East Liberty Church, the OES at Yeddo and the WSCS of the Methodist Church.  Surviving are a daughter, Mr s. Bethavene Kern, Olivet, Ill; four sons, Gayton Holland of Pontiac, Mich; Gordon Holland of Bloomfield and Glenwood and Howard Holland both of Veedersburg; a brother, William Pavey, Danville, Ill; two stepdaughters, Mrs Myra Riffle, Otterbein and Mrs. Lois WIlkey of Kingman; 17 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.  Three children preceded her in death.  Funeral services will be held Monday at 2:30 p.m from the Kingman Meth odist Church with Rev. Sam Phillips in charge. burial in Kingman Fraternal Cemetery.
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