Thanks to the Covington Public Library for sending their wonderful collection of obituaries to share with you here (especially Brenda) – 1950 A Book p 46 Hand dated April 2, 1952
A.M. Ford, 80 years old retired Yeddo elevator employee died at his home in Kingman at 8:30 Wednesday morning after a heart attack. He had been seriously ill for two weeks. While he lay ill, Mrs. Ford, the former Ethel Holland of Veedersburg suffered a stroke and remains seriously ill in the family home. Mr. Ford is a former school teacher at Pine Village and Steam Corner, and farmed for a number of years. He retired two years ago but took employment at the Yeddo elevator until his recent illness. He was born near Lafayette on July 25, 1871, the son of Henry and Catherine Hunton Ford. He was married first on July 7, 1894 to Carrie Metsker who died on Jan 19, 1940; and to Ethel Holland on March 29, 1949. He was a member of the Kingman Methodist Church, Masonic Lodge, Low 12 Club, Eastern Star, Past Matrons and Patrons Club and the Modern Woodmen. Survivors besides the widow are two daughters, Mrs. Mary Riffle of Otterbein and Mrs. Lois Wilkey of near Kingman; a sister, Mrs. Anna Newlin of Kingman; a brother, Jesse Ford, Washington DC and four stepsons, Gordon Holland, Bloomfield; Dayton Holland, Pontiac, Mich and Howard and Glenwood Holland of Veedersburg and a stepdaughter, Mrs. Russell Kern, Olivet, Ill and six grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. today Friday in the Kingman Methodist Church conducted by Rev. Guy Carpenter assisted by Rev. LL Pickett with burial in the Kingman Cemetery near Kingman.